Section 20-4-7 - Evidence of residenceThe determination of residence for tuition purposes requires that the adult student or in the case of a minor student, the student's parent or guardian, has been a bona fide resident of this state for at least twelve consecutive months immediately prior to the residency determination date. The following may be accepted as evidence of bona fide residence:
(1) Filing of the Hawaii resident personal income tax return by the: (A) Adult student who is not claimed as a dependent for tax purposes; or(B) Minor student who is declared an emancipated minor; or(C) Parent or guardian of the student if the student is declared as a dependent;(2) A Hawaii State driver's license or Hawaii State identification card issued at least twelve months preceding the residency determination date;(3) Voting, or voter registration, in Hawaii at least twelve months preceding the residency determination date;(4) Ownership or continuous rental in Hawaii of the principal residence beginning at least twelve months immediately preceding the residency determination date;(5) Carrying on of a business or the holding of an employment position in Hawaii for at least twelve consecutive months immediately preceding the residency determination date; or(6) Any other clear and compelling evidence of bona fide residence for at least twelve consecutive months immediately preceding the residency determination date, as determined by the residency officer.[Eff 6/22/ 81; am 3/12/84; am and comp JUL 15 2006] (Auth: HRS § 304-4) (Imp: HRS § 304-4)[Am and comp 10/13/2022] (Auth: HRS § 304A-402) (Imp: HRS § 304A-402)