Haw. Code R. § 19-170-162

Current through August, 2024
Section 19-170-162 - Preliminary map; requirements
(a) A preliminary map filed with the executive officer shall be prepared by or under the supervision of an engineer or surveyor.
(b) The preliminary map shall be of one of the following sizes, in inches: 10 x 15, 15 x 21, 21 x 32, 30 x 36, 36 x 42, or 42 inches wide without restriction as to length. The map shall be prepared and drawn according to one of the following scales: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, or 5000 feet to an inch. When more than one sheet is required, an index sheet of the same size as the other sheets shall be filed showing the entire subdivision on one sheet with block and lot numbers.
(c) The preliminary map shall include the requirements set forth below and shall clearly show all or as much of the following information as the executive officer may require:
(1) Name, address, and signature of owner or owners of the land to be subdivided, the subdivider, and signature and stamp of the engineer or surveyor. If the preliminary map is not signed by the owner or owners, the preliminary map shall be accompanied by a certificate or letter from the owner stating that the subdivider is an authorized agent of the owner of the land.
(2) Date, north arrow, scale, tax map key, geographic locations, and subdivision description. The proposed name of the subdivision shall not duplicate nor resemble the name of another subdivision in the City. The subdivision name shall be subject to approval by the executive officer.
(A) Where a subdivision is otherwise difficult to locate by tax map key or existing streets, the location of the subdivision shall be shown in relation to the entire tract and the surrounding area and the names and locations of subdivisions immediately adjacent to it.
(B) In an area which is subdivided in increments, the preliminary map shall be accompanied by an overall development plan of the total area showing general data of future streets and topography.
(C) In a subdivision which may reasonably be expected to be resubdivided in whole or in part at some future time, there shall be shown in dotted lines on the preliminary map a plan of any possible future subdivision and street extensions.
(D) If the preliminary map covers a larger tract or parcel of land than shown on the final map, the preliminary map shall constitute only that portion in conformity with the final map approved by the executive officer. Each portion of a preliminary map shall constitute a separate and distinct map in conformity with each and every final map submitted for approval to the executive officer and each final map so submitted shall be considered a new application.
(3) Lot layout and approximate dimensions, lot width, lot number of each lot, area of each lot, total number of lots, and total area of the proposed subdivision.
(4) The features of the development plan, the ATDC Land Use Zone designation, as defined in subchapter 7, and the existing zoning designation, in accordance with the LUO, on and adjacent to the subdivision.
(5) Locations, names, dimensions, approximate gradients, and radius of curves of existing and proposed streets within and adjacent to the subdivision; approximate location, area, dimensions of existing and proposed easements; existing drainage facilities; method of sewage disposal; and source of water supply.
(6) Approximate location of areas subject to inundation or storm water overflow, and of all areas covered by waterways, including ditches, streams, and drainage courses within or abutting the subdivision and dangerous areas or features likely to be harmful to the proposed subdivision or the surrounding area, and possible Flood Area designation in accordance with the LUO.
(A) Existing contours at vertical intervals of one foot, and the finished condition to be achieved by the proposed grading to be shown by contours, cross sections, spot elevations or other means. Elevations shall be marked on such contours based on city and county datum.
(B) Approximate location and general description of any historical, or significant landmarks or other natural features, and trees with a trunk diameter of six inches or more at five feet above ground, and an indication as to the proposed retention or disposition of such features.
(7) Existing improvements including buildings and their locations in relation to existing and proposed street and lot lines, the dimensions to street and lot lines, and the uses and height of existing buildings or structures, if they are to be retained. Indicate if the buildings or structures are to be demolished.
(8) Proposed use of the lots whether for parks, open spaces, multi-family dwellings, hotel, commercial, maritime or other purposes, and existing parks, and other public places or spaces within adjoining properties.
(9) Location, with notations, and the sizes of all parcels of land, including streets, improvements, facilities, and easements proposed to be dedicated to the City or State, or whether the streets, improvements, facilities, and easements are to remain private.
(10) Other information such as existing and proposed sewers, water, drainage facilities, street trees, street lights, gas, electric, and telephone conduits or lines and other utilities within and adjacent to the subdivision to be dedicated to the City or State, together with invert elevations based on City datum, or reports such as a soils report, traffic report, or drainage study, as may be required by the executive officer or upon recommendation of the chief engineer, traffic engineer, wastewater management director or manager, shall be furnished. Information not practical to be shown on maps shall be furnished in a written statement accompanying the maps.

Haw. Code R. § 19-170-162

[Eff MAY 5 2013] (Auth: HRS §§ 206J-5(5), 206J-7) (Imp: HRS § 206J-7)