Haw. Code R. § 19-170-125

Current through August, 2024
Section 19-170-125 - Determination by the corporation

In reaching its determination on an application for a development permit, the corporation shall consider the following:

(1) Conformance of the proposed development with the Aloha Tower project area plan and in particular, the proposed use, density, height, arrangement and design of structures;
(2) Whether the maritime facilities meet the requirements and specifications established by the corporation;
(3) Whether the setbacks, yards, pedestrian ways, and related open spaces are so located and of sufficient dimensions to provide for adequate light, air and audio/visual separation;
(4) Whether the vehicular circulation system, including access and off-street parking and loading, is so designed as to provide an efficient, safe, and convenient transportation system;
(5) Whether the pedestrian circulation system:
(A) Is so located, designed and of sufficient size as to conveniently handle pedestrian traffic efficiently and without congestion;
(B) Is separated, if necessary, from vehicular roadways so as to be safe, pleasing and efficient for movement of pedestrians; and
(C) Provides efficient, convenient and adequate linkages between the water's edge and public activity, on-site residential areas, commercial and employment areas, and adjacent downtown developments at all hours of the day and night;
(6) The adequacy of landscaping and screening of parking, loading and service areas as well as lighting and signs in relation to adjacent uses and public byways;
(7) The staging program and schedule of development;
(8) Relationship of new structures to the historically significant structures remaining within the project area;
(9) Surface treatments and overall quality of materials;
(10) Design continuity and overall appearance of the development from the street, the water and adjacent developments;
(11) Whether structures have an appropriate orientation to take advantage of winds, reduce direct sun exposure, and minimize shadow effect on adjacent buildings;
(12) Preservation of internal and adjacent view corridors;
(13) Whether the facades of buildings are properly articulated, colored, and, where appropriate, landscaped;
(14) Any other matter relating to the development or its impact on affected properties or public facilities.

Haw. Code R. § 19-170-125

[Eff MAY 5 2013] (Auth: HRS §§ 206J-5, 206J-7) (Imp: HRS § 206J-5)