Haw. Code R. § 19-170-113

Current through August, 2024
Section 19-170-113 - Yards
(a) The minimum front yard requirements shall be as follows:
(1) A front yard of ten feet in depth measured perpendicularly from the street boundary line shall be provided for each development parcel.
(2) Every yard bounded by a public street shall be a front yard.
(b) There shall be no minimum side and rear yard requirements.
(c) Permitted uses within all front yards include:
(1) Buildings, or portions thereof, provided there is a minimum of 15 feet of public sidewalk between the structure and the curb of the adjacent street;
(2) Outdoor dining areas which are covered with umbrellas, awnings or trellises but remain open on the sides during business hours;
(3) Porte cocheres;
(4) Customary yard accessories;
(5) Dispensers for newspaper sales and distribution;
(6) Fences and retaining walls as provided in subsection (d) below;
(7) Public utility facilities not exceeding six feet in height from existing grade and screened with landscaping;
(8) Bus stop shelters;
(9) Upper-level pedestrian-ways approved by the corporation; and
(10) Other structures under thirty inches.
(d) Retaining walls within required front yards shall not exceed a height of thirty inches. A safety railing or fence may be erected on top of the retaining wall. The safety railing shall not be capable of retaining earth or exceed forty-two inches above the finish grade of the fill on the inside of the retaining wall.
(e) Except as specifically provided otherwise, roof overhangs, eaves, sunshades, sills, frames, beam ends, projecting courses, planters, awnings, and other architectural embellishments or appendages with less than a thirty-inch vertical thickness may project no more than four feet into the required distance of a yard or setback. Exterior balconies, lanais, arcades, or covered passageways are not permitted within required front yards.
(f) Parking and loading including any related maneuvering area or aisle shall not be allowed in any front yard or area except for short-term parking and loading in conjunction with porte activities.

Haw. Code R. § 19-170-113

[Eff MAY 5 2013] (Auth: HRS §§ 206J-5, 206J-7) (Imp: HRS §§ 206J-1, 206J-5, 206J-6)