Haw. Code R. § 16-97-5

Current through November, 2024
Section 16-97-5 - Renewal of license

Renewal fees paid by mail shall be considered as paid when due if the envelope bears a postmark of June 30 or earlier of each even-numbered year. In addition to the renewal fees, each licensee shall submit, on a form prepared by the board, information relative to conviction of the licensee in any jurisdiction, of a crime which reflects unfavorably on the fitness of the licensee to engage in the profession; any psychiatric or psychological treatment the licensee has or is undergoing, and whether any psychiatric or psychological treatment has been recommended to the licensee.

Haw. Code R. § 16-97-5

[Eff 3/9/64; am and ren § 16-97-5, 7/30/81; am and comp 2/18/86; comp 8/25/88; comp 10/23/00; comp 3/14/11] (Auth: HRS § 463-3) (Imp: HRS § 463-10)