Current through November, 2024
Section 16-78-43 - Price list(a) No beauty shop shall perform any work upon the public unless there is displayed in a conspicuous place, both reception room and work room, one or more signs which shall read as follows: "PRICE LIST AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST"
This sign shall be printed in letters of not less than three-fourths inch in size.
(b) Every shop, shall have a price list available. The price of each and every service offered and the price of each and every product to be used in connection with the services, shall be plainly set forth on a price list.[Eff 12/27/66; am and ren § 16-78-43, 7/2/81; am and comp 12/21/89; comp 2/22/05] (Auth: HRS § 439-7) (Imp: HRS § 439-7)[Comp 3/17/2022] (Auth: HRS § 438-5) (Imp: HRS § 438-5)