Haw. Code R. § tit. 16, ch. 78, subch. 10, exh. A

Current through November, 2024
Exhibit A - Apprenticeship Manual Beauty Operators


Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs

Stale of Hawaii

P.O. Box 3469

Honolulu, HI 96801


State of Hawaii



I. Definitions .................................................................... 1
II. Standards of Apprenticeship ........................................1
A. Term of Apprenticeship ...............................................1
B. Qualifications of the Apprentice ...................................2
C. Beauty Shop Responsibility .........................................2
1. Shop Owner Responsibility ..........................................2
2. Space and Facilities ......................................................3
3. Instructional Material ....................................................3
4. Supervising Operator ...................................................3
5. Instructional Methods ...................................................3
6. Client Work and Responsibilities ..................................4
7. Curriculum ...................................................................4
8. Credit for previous Experience ......................................4
III. Standards of Apprenticeship Agreement ......................4
Apprentice Progress Report
Completion or Withdrawal from Apprenticeship Training
Apprentice Daily Attendance Report
Practical Evaluation Report
Apprenticeship Curriculum


The Board of Cosmetology recognizing the need of skilled and qualified licensees creates this Apprenticeship Manual that establishes minimum standards for the Cosmetology Apprenticeship Program.


"Apprentice" means a person who is engaged in a beauty shop in training and learning to be a beauty operator and while so doing assists in any of the practices of cosmetology.

"Apprenticeship Agreement" shall mean a signed, written agreement between all concerned parties (it the apprentice is a minor, the parents or guardian). This agreement shall have a statement that all parts of the apprenticeship program is in keeping with State regulations governing the apprenticeship program.

"Board" means the Hawaii board of cosmetology.

"Certification category" shall mean any one of the following beauty operator category: cosmetologist, hairdresser, cosmetician, and manicurist.

"Related client training" shall mean in-shop, one-on-one training and direct supervision in the certification category of services given by the apprentice that have completed at least 10 per cent of the required hours for that service on a mannequin, if appropriate to the certification category.

"Related mannequin training" shall mean in-shop, one-on-one mannequin training which is related to the objectives of that certification category.

"Related theory instruction" shall mean instruction with a book of cosmetology which is related to the objectives of that certification category for which the apprentice is in training. The theory portion of the course may be earned at a licensed beauty school.

"Shop" shall mean a licensed beauty shop offering training under these standards.

"Supervising operator" shall mean a licensed beauty operator with a minimum of one year experience as a licensed beauty operator charged with the overall supervision and training of the apprentice in accordance with these standards. The supervising operator shall be licensed in the appropriate certification category.

1. The term of apprenticeship for the respective certification categories shall be as follows:


3600 hours


2500 hours


1100 hours


700 hours

2. The training shall be not less than 20 hours per week to be completed within 42 months from the date of registration.
3. Each apprentice employed under these standards shall be trained as necessary in the certification category of their choice with minimum level skills and knowledge.
1. The apprentice shall be at least 16 years of age and possessed of an education equivalent to the completion of high school.
2. The apprentice shall be registered with the board upon payment of application and registration fees.
1. The beauty shop is responsible to assure compliance with applicable laws of the State of Hawaii regarding the employment and training of the apprentice. The beauty shop shall be licensed and adequately staffed to handle the apprenticeship program and:
a. Is qualified and prepared to train the apprentice in the appropriate certification category of cosmetology:
b. Is prepared to keep accurate records for at least three (3) years: and agrees to keep on file an additional three (3) years;
c. Agrees that a ratio of licensed beauty operators to apprentices shall not exceed one to one;
d. The program of training and services performed by the apprentice shall follow the board's curriculum;
e. The supervising operator shall have a minimum of one year of experience in the appropriate certification category;
f. The program of training shall be limited to the appropriate certification category;
g. The shop shall provide the apprentice with training of at least 20 hours per week to be completed for the period of time covered by the certification category, but not to exceed 42 months;
h. The shop shall complete monthly training records by the 15th of the following month reflecting the progress and satisfactory attendance of the apprentice. Each apprentice shall receive a copy of their training record;
i. The shop shall provide the apprentice with its written, rules and regulations which shall include orientation during the initial period of training;
j. Upon termination of training, the apprentice shall be presented within five days from date of release with the appropriate training records for the time spent in the shop;
k. The shop shall provide the board with a report every six months on a form developed by the board titled as ''Apprentice Progress Report" (Attachment A);
l. The shop shall provide the apprentice and the board with a "Certificate of Completion" within 10 days of completion on a form developed by the board (Attachment B);
m. The board's apprenticeship registration shall be conspicuously posted in the shop and the apprentice shall be identified with a name tag stating ''Apprentice" and the appropriate beauty operator category;
n. The shop shall provide the apprentice with training and with participation in receptionist and dispensary activities; and
o. The shop shall not deduct earned hours as a penalty or for disciplinary reasons.
2. Space and Facilities
a. The beauty shop shall be adequately equipped and maintained to provide the apprentice with a station/practical work area to include space for personal items and for theory study;
b. The beauty shop shall have sufficient electrical outlets and a first aid kit for emergency use; and
c. The beauty shop shall comply with the sanitation requirements of the Department of Health.
3. Instructional Material

The beauty shop shall have an adequate supply of authoritative and instructional materials and training aids to train in each certification category offered. The beauty shop shall provide the apprentice with a list of equipment and supplies (similar to a beauty kit) necessary for the desired certification category at reasonable cost but shall not exceed the wages earned by the apprentice, which shall include but not limited to the following:

a. Chapter 78, Rules of the Board of Cosmetology and Chapter 439, Hawaii Revised Statutes;
b. A textbook (i.e Milady Standard Textbook of Cosmetology, or the Van Dean Manual or similar text);
c. Necessary professional and personal electrical equipment which shall be in good working order;
d. Beauty shop supplies which shall be of a professional nature and necessary to that certification category; and
e. The apprentice shall have a mannequin and a holder of good quality, if appropriate to that certification category.
4. Supervising Operator

Part of the designated supervising operator's responsibility shall include assurance of the apprentice's training through instruction, demonstration, direction, counseling, and disciplining.

The supervising operator shall be responsible for the accuracy of the apprentice's training records which will contain:

a. Daily attendance and running monthly total of accumulated hours titled "Apprentice Daily Attendance Report" (see Attachment C, Sample Form);
b. Theory instruction and mannequin work;
c. Practical experience verification; and
d. Completion verification of each task, subject, or work process.
5. Instructional Methods

The beauty shop shall be responsible to assure the apprentice has the necessary training to meet the minimum competency level training requirement.

a. The supervising operator shall explain to the apprentice the conditions of the apprenticeship program;
b. Provide an explanation of the criteria by which the apprentice will be evaluated as well as the minimum acceptable levels of performance as developed by the beauty shop;
c. Ten per cent of the hours for each appropriate service shall be done on a mannequin before working on paying clients;
d. The apprentice shall have sufficient opportunities to practice the necessary skills in the appropriate certification category;
e. Special emphasis shall be placed on safety and sanitation;
f. Apprentice training shall follow a planned sequence of events normally starting with the lowest level of difficulty and progressing to the more difficult services; and
g. The apprentice progress and achievements are evaluated on a regular basis.
6. Client Work and Responsibilities

To assure successful training of the apprentice, toe beauty shop shall provide the apprentice with clients, and all work shall be done under direct supervision of the supervising operator.

a. A record of the services performed on clients by apprentices will be maintained (see Attachment D, Practical Evaluation Report. Sample Form); and
b. Servicing clients shall occur only after appropraite theory (textbook) training and mannequin work, if appropriate, in that subject area/service.
7. Curriculum
a. The board's curriculum sets the minimum standards necessary to train an apprentice. The curriculum provides an outline of the subjects and the hours necessary to train for each certification category. The beauty shop shall comply and provide the training in accordance with the board's curriculum (see Exhibit B, Apprentice Curriculum).
8.. Credit for Previous Experience
a. An apprentice including an apprentice from another jurisdiction, may be allowed credit for hours earned during apprenticeship provided the training is equivalent to Hawaii's standards and the training is not more than three (3) years old.
b. An apprentice transferring from a beauty school to an apprenticeship program or vice versa, the applicant shall be allowed credit for training based on two hours of apprenticeship equals one hour of beauty school training.

The purpose for an apprenticeship agreement is to clearly provide in writing the duties and responsibilities of all concerned parties (beauty shop, supervising operator, and apprentice) in toe apprentice training program. The agreement should be in writing and signed with all concerned parties receiving a copy.

The standards tor the agreement should include but not be limited to the following provisions:

1. Identification of all parties, name and address, title/position, and signatures;
2. Identification and statement of the type of training;
3. Attestment of the apprenticeship meeting the apprenticeship requirements;
4. Provision for reasonable cost of supplies and equipment borne by the apprentice;
5. By reference incorporating the provisions of Apprenticeship Manual and cosmetology regulations; and
6. Provision for equal opportunity and affirmative action standards.

Click Here To View Attachment A

Click Here To View Attachment B

Click Here To View Attachment C (Image 1)

Click Here To View Attachment C (Image 2)

Click Here To View Attachment D (Image 1)

Click Here To View Attachment D (Image 2)

Haw. Code R. tit. 16, ch. 78, subch. 10, exh. A