Haw. Code R. § 15-22-204

Current through November, 2024
Section 15-22-204 - Application requirements
(a) Any landowner may file an application for master plan approval with the authority.
(b) An application for master plan approval shall include sufficient information to clearly indicate the pattern and implications of development within the master planned area. The application shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) A plan drawn to scale showing:
(A) Boundaries of the master planned area with property lines, dimensions and area;
(B) Proposed locations and uses of all structures and open areas, the maximum density or intensity of uses, the bulk and height of all structures and their relationship to each other and to adjacent areas, the maximum gross floor areas of buildings by types of uses, the maximum ground coverage of all buildings, the maximum FAR by blocks; and the relationship of buildings to required yard and view corridor setbacks;
(C) The proposed location and maximum number of residential units including reserved housing units;
(D) Traffic circulation, including existing roads proposed for closure and proposed changes to roadway alignments, if any;
(E) Pedestrian circulation system, at grade and grade separated, including proposed arcades, through-block arcades, and plazas, if any;
(F) The locations of proposed parking areas, with estimates of the number of parking spaces;
(G) The location and amount of land proposed to be dedicated for public facilities, or the arrangements for cash in lieu thereof;
(H) The location or type of land and facilities in private ownership which are proposed for quasi-public use; and
(I) The location and minimum amount of proposed open space and recreation areas.
(2) A three-dimensional study model of the master plan to show how the area would look if it is fully redeveloped as proposed;
(3) A report describing:
(A) Master plan purpose, objectives, strategies, and major concepts;
(B) Conditions adjacent to master plan boundaries, including current and projected uses, facilities, structures, and other conditions pertinent to contextual site analysis or concept development;
(C) The uses proposed to be located within the master planned area by blocks, the maximum total floor area and ground coverage of proposed buildings, maximum building heights and density, and the maximum amount of reserved housing units proposed;
(D) The projected benefits, both public and private, to be derived from implementation of the master plan;
(E) The manner in which development under the master plan conforms to the mauka area plan and the purposes and standards of this chapter;
(F) The areas for which variances or amendments to the mauka area plan may be necessary;
(G) The manner in which the public facility dedication requirements of this chapter will be fulfilled during the effective period of the master plan approval;
(H) Any exception of the applicable rules of this chapter as provided under § 15-22-203(b) of this subchapter that will remain applicable to developments during the effective period of the master plan approval;
(I) The public benefits to be provided by the landowner or developer in return for the vesting of development requirements for a specific period, and the terms for delivery of such public benefits;
(J) The manner in which the master plan will be implemented, including the responsibilities of the authority and the landowner, and the proposed phasing of development;
(K) Urban design guidelines or controls;
(L) Proposed instruments to ensure appropriate development character, quality, or usage. Such instruments may include restrictive covenants, lease conditions, or other devices; and
(4) Any other information or commitments consistent with this chapter that the authority deems necessary to make a decision on the application.
(c) The completed application shall be filed with the authority.

Haw. Code R. § 15-22-204

[Eff 9/8/86, comp 1/28/88, am and comp 2/24/90, am 12/15/94, am 3/27/97] (Auth: HRS §§ 206E-4, 206E-5, 206E-7) (Imp: HRS §§ 206E-7, 206E-33)