Haw. Code R. § 15-22-110

Current through November, 2024
Section 15-22-110 - Statement of purpose
(a) The rules set forth in this subchapter are designed to deal with problems of large-scale developments and to promote and facilitate better site planning and community planning through modified application of the zone rules in those developments.
(b) For large-scale developments, the orthodox lot-by-lot zone rules as set forth in subchapter 3 may impose unnecessary rigidities and thereby prevent achievement of the best possible site plan within the overall density and bulk controls. For such developments, the rules of this subchapter are designed to allow greater flexibility for the purpose of securing better planning for such development. This subchapter provides incentives to achieve more efficient use of increasingly scarce land within the framework of the overall bulk controls, and to enable the limited land area in a development to be arranged in a way that the needs of the residents and employees of the development are best served.
(c) A further purpose of this subchapter is to develop an incentive zoning system in which the community will receive public amenities that would otherwise be unavailable, such as a variety of housing costs and types, including reserved housing units, increased open spaces, and improved pedestrian and vehicular circulation. In return, the developer is permitted to build at higher densities and at greater building heights.
(d) A further purpose of this subchapter is to provide a method whereby land in any of the three mixed-use zones may be designed and developed as an integrated, multi-decked structure for mixed-use purposes. This planned development permit method will provide more open space, light, air, pedestrian facilities, parking, and more efficient use of land for mixed-use purposes. To ensure that the housing objectives of the plan are met, the authority shall, to the extent possible, require that housing units be provided for families of varying incomes, ages or groups.
(e) This planned development permit method will encourage the vertical mixture of land uses by providing industrial, commercial and residential uses on different floors within a development. The platform deck, approximately forty-five feet above grade, shall contain landscaped open space, recreation space, and community service uses for residents and employees. Furthermore, decks may contain retail shops and restaurants if properly sited and integrated with the surrounding open spaces. Towers conforming to the urban design requirements of this chapter may be sited upon decks or to the side of platforms.
(f) A further purpose of this subchapter is to encourage the creation of a distinctive visual character and identity for each development. It is intended that projects developed pursuant to this subchapter produce a balanced and coordinated mixture of residential and convenience commercial uses, as well as other commercial and industrial uses, and related public and private facilities.

Haw. Code R. § 15-22-110

[Eff 9/8/86, comp 1/28/88, comp 2/24/90] (Auth: HRS §§ 206E-4, 206E-5, 206E-7) (Imp: HRS §§ 206E-4, 206E-5, 206E-7)
15-22-110 is based substantially upon § 15-17-90. [Eff 2/27/82; R 9/8/86]