Haw. Code R. § 15-22-67

Current through November, 2024
Section 15-22-67 - Off-street parking
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the minimum number of required off-street parking spaces for development lots within any land use zone shall be as specified in the following table:





0.9 per 300 sq. ft. of assembly area or 0.9 per 10 fixed seats, whichever is greater

Churches, funeral services, mortuaries, and theaters

0.9 per every five fixed seats or 50 sq. ft. of general assembly area, whichever is greater


0.9 per dwelling or lodging unit, plus 1 per 444 sq. ft. of office floor area, but no less than 4

Day-care facilities

0.9 per 10 enrollment capacity

Eating and drinking establishments

0.9 per 300 sq. ft. of eating and drinking area, plus 0.9 per 25 sq. ft. of dance floor area, plus 1 per 444 sq. ft. of kitchen or accessory area

Schools: elementary and intermediate

0.9 for each 20 students of design capacity, plus 1 per 444 sq. ft. of office floor area

Schools: high, language, vocational, business, technical and trade, colleges or universities

0.9 for each 10 students of design capacity, plus 1 per 444 sq. ft. of office floor area

Nursing and convalescent homes, and special-care homes for the elderly and people with disabilities

0.9 per four patient beds, dwelling units or lodging units

Multi-family dwellings (including reserved housing units):

600 sq. ft. or less.

0.9 per unit

600 sq. ft. or less More than 600 but less than 800 sq. ft.

1.13 per unit

800 sq. ft. and over

1.35 per unit

Detached dwellings and duplex units

2 per unit, plus 1 per 1,000 sq. ft. of floor area over 2,500 sq. ft.

Industrial uses

1 per 889 sq. ft. of floor area

Commercial and all other uses

1 per 444 sq. ft. of floor area

(b) The following are to be used in determining the required number of off-street parking spaces:
(1) Where a proposed use is applicable to more than one use listed in the table of subsection (a) above, or where there may otherwise be uncertainty as to the off-street parking requirement for a proposed use, the executive director will review the proposed use and determine its equivalent and applicable off-street parking requirement;
(2) When computation of required parking spaces results in a fractional number, the number of spaces required shall be the nearest whole number;
(3) In churches and other places of assembly in which patrons or spectators occupy benches, pews or other similar seating facilities, each twenty-four inches of width shall be counted as a seat for the purpose of determining requirements for off-street parking;
(4) All required parking spaces shall be standard-sized parking spaces except that dwelling units may have up to fifty per cent compact spaces;
(5) When a building or premise includes uses incidental or accessory to a principal use, the total number of spaces required shall be determined on the basis of the parking requirements of the principal use or uses, except that if the accessory use creates a larger parking demand than the principal use, the number of required parking spaces shall be determined on the basis of the parking requirement for each respective use; and
(6) For developments containing multi-family dwelling units, the number of required parking spaces shall be in accordance with Act 111, SLH 1986.
(c) The following are general standards for parking lots or areas:
(1) All parking and drive areas shall be provided and maintained with an all-weather surface, except as otherwise provided in this chapter;
(2) Parking areas, if illuminated, shall be illuminated in such a manner that all light sources are shielded from the direct view of adjacent lots;
(3) Ingress and egress aisles shall be provided to a street and between parking bays, and no driveway leading into a parking area shall be less than twelve feet in width, except that driveways for detached dwellings and duplex units shall be no less than ten feet in width. In addition, minimum aisle widths for parking bays, except mechanical parking areas, shall be provided in accordance with the following table:

Parking Angle (in degrees)

Aisle Width (in feet)













Notwithstanding the foregoing, with a parking angle of ninety degrees, the minimum aisle width may be reduced by one foot for every six inches of additional parking space width above the minimum width of eight feet three inches, to a minimum aisle width of nineteen feet.

(4) Where four or more parking spaces are required, other than for detached dwellings and duplex units, all parking areas shall be designed or arranged in a manner that no maneuvering into any street, alley or walkway is necessary in order for a vehicle to enter or leave the parking space, and which allows all vehicles to enter the street in a forward manner;
(5) All planned developments shall provide parking areas located within a structure. Parking structures shall contain a roof and walls on at least three sides. Said walls shall be at least forty-two inches high and shall screen parked vehicles. Parking located on a roof shall be subject to the zoning adjustment provision set forth in section 15-22-21; and
(6) Base zone developments may have open or uncovered parking at grade. Base zone developments which provide parking in a structure shall be subject to the enclosed parking requirements set forth in subsection (c)(5) above. The following requirements shall also apply to base zone developments:
(A) Grade level open or uncovered parking areas with more than ten spaces shall provide at least eight per cent of the gross parking and driveway area as interior parking area landscaping. Interior parking area landscaping is defined as landscaped areas not counted as open space or required yard setbacks situated between parking stalls. The interior parking area landscaping shall consist of planter areas, each containing one tree of at least two-inch caliper with ground cover or shrubs at the base dispersed within the parking area. Trees within the planter area shall be limited to shade or flowering trees such as monkeypod, rainbow shower, poinciana, wiliwili or autographs; and
(B) For new base zone developments or enlargement of nonconforming structures, parking may be open or uncovered at grade but shall be buffered or screened from any right-of-way by a hedge of at least forty-two inches in height, provided said hedge shall not be required for vehicular sales or rental establishments. The hedge may be located in required yards or open space. Cars shall not be parked so as to protrude into required yards or open space except as provided by section 15-22-63.2(d).
(d) The following are general standards for parking spaces:
(1) All spaces shall be individually marked if more than four spaces are required. Compact spaces shall be labeled "compact only";
(2) All spaces shall be unobstructed, provided a building column may extend a maximum total of six inches into the sides of the parking space. A wall is not considered a building column;
(3) Standard-sized parking spaces shall be at least eighteen feet in length and eight feet and three inches in width with parallel spaces at least twenty-two feet in length;
(4) Compact spaces shall be sixteen feet in length and seven and one-half feet in width with parallel spaces at least nineteen feet in length;
(5) All spaces shall be so arranged that any automobile may be moved without moving another, except that tandem parking shall be permissible in instances where two parking spaces are assigned to a single dwelling unit, the parking spaces are used for employee parking, where all parking is performed by an attendant at all times, or for public assembly facilities and temporary events, including church services and activities where user arrivals and departures are simultaneous and parking is attendant-directed. Tandem parking for employee parking shall be limited to a configuration of two stacked parking stalls and at no time shall the number of parking spaces allocated for employees exceed twenty-five per cent of the total number of required spaces.
(e) Mechanical means of providing parking spaces or access thereto, is permitted provided the following conditions are met:
(1) Adequate waiting and maneuvering spaces are provided on the lot in order to minimize on-street traffic congestion, subject to the approval of the executive director;
(2) All mechanical equipment shall be visually screened by architectural or landscape treatments.
(f) Parking for the physically disabled shall comply with applicable Federal, State, and County standards, rules, and regulations for the physically disabled. Public projects shall comply with section 103-50, HRS.
(g) A conditional use permit for joint use or off-site parking facilities described in subsection (h) may be granted by the executive director. A developer, owner or lessee holding a recorded lease for the property, the unexpired term of which is more than five years from the date of filing of the application may qualify for a conditional use permit. Applications shall be accompanied by:
(1) A plan drawn to scale, showing the actual dimensions and shape of the lot, the sizes and locations on the lot of existing and proposed structures, if any, and the existing and proposed uses of structures, parking and open areas;
(2) A plan describing the method and manner in which the proposed use or tenant will fulfill the requirements of subsection (h); and
(3) Any additional information requested by the executive director relating to topography, access, surrounding land uses, written agreements and other matters as may reasonably be required in the circumstances of the case.
(h) In the event a conditional use is granted for the number of off-street parking spaces required by this chapter, said required parking spaces shall be provided on site as joint use of parking facilities or in off-site parking facilities.
(1) Joint use of parking facilities: Joint use of off-street parking facilities may be allowed, provided that:
(A) The distance from the entrance of the parking facility to the nearest principal entrance of the establishment or establishments involved in such joint use shall not exceed 400 feet by normal pedestrian routes;
(B) Parking spaces involved in joint use shall not be set aside exclusively for compact cars, valet parking, or particular user groups or individuals;
(C) The amount of off-street parking which may be credited against the requirements for the use or uses involved shall not exceed the number of spaces reasonably anticipated to be available during differing periods of peak demand; and
(D) A written agreement assuring continued availability of the number of spaces for the uses involved at the periods indicated shall be drawn and executed by the parties involved, and a certified copy shall be filed with the authority. No change in use or new construction shall be permitted which increases the requirements for off-street parking space unless such additional space is provided.
(E) The joint use arrangement is logical and practical and will not adversely affect adjacent developments or uses or result in impacts other than which could be reasonably anticipated if standard off-street parking provisions were applied.
(2) Off-site parking facilities: Off-site parking facilities may be allowed, provided that:
(A) The distance from the entrance to the parking facility to the nearest principal entrance of the establishment or establishments involved shall not exceed 400 feet by normal pedestrian routes; and
(B) A written agreement assuring continued availability of the number of spaces indicated shall be drawn and executed, and a certified copy shall be filed with the authority. Said agreement shall generally provide that if the amount of parking spaces is not maintained, or space acceptable to the executive director substituted, the use, or such portion of the use as is deficient in number of parking spaces, shall be discontinued. No change in use or new construction shall be permitted which increases the requirements for off-street parking unless such additional space is provided.
(C) The off-site parking arrangement is logical and practical and will not adversely affect adjacent developments or uses or result in impacts other than which could be reasonably anticipated if standard off-street parking provisions were applied.
(i) Changes in use that would otherwise require the addition of no more than three parking spaces may be approved subject to the zoning adjustment provision set forth in § 15-22-21 and the following conditions:
(1) There are no reasonable means of providing the additional parking spaces which would otherwise be required, including but not limited to joint use of parking facilities and off-site parking facilities; and
(2) There was no previous grant of an adjustment from parking requirements on the lot pursuant to this subsection.

Haw. Code R. § 15-22-67

[Eff 9/8/86, comp 1/28/88, comp 2/24/90, am 12/15/94, am 1/13/00] (Auth: HRS §§ 206E-4, 206E-5, 206E-7) (Imp: HRS §§ 206E-4, 206E-5, 206E-7)
15-22-67 is based substantially upon §§ 15-17-37, 15-17-57, 15-17-77, and 15-17-152. [Eff 2/27/82; am 1/21/83; am 5/31/84; R 9/8/86]