Haw. Code R. § tit. 13, subtit. 5, pt. 2, ch. 123, exh. 3

Current through November, 2024
Exhibit 3 - Game mammals to be taken, means of take, daily bag limits, hunting periods, hunting days, and special conditions for hunting on the island of Oahu

Hunting UnitGameMammalsTo be TakenMeans of TakeBag LimitsOpen Hunting PeriodsOpen Hunting DaysSpecial Conditions and Restrictions
A Feral pigs and feral goats Rifles, shotguns, handguns, spears, archery. Dogs permitted only during Aug. through Oct. season. One pig and one goat of either sex per hunter per day. No season limit. Feb. through April - archery only May through July - firearms Aug. through Oct. - Use of dogs allowed. Daily Mammal hunting closed during bird season (Nov-Feb) Kuaokala GMA--Daily Access through Air Force Station (subject to military activities).* Kuaokala GMA, Mokuleia FR
B Feral pigs and feral goats Rifles, shotguns, handguns, archery. Dogs not permitted. Two pigs and two goats of either sex per hunter per day. No season limit. Feb. through July - archery. Aug. through Oct. - firearms. Daily during archery season. Saturday, Sunday and State Holidays during firearm season. Daily during archery season. Saturday, Sunday and State Holidays during firearm season. Makua Keaau FR
C Feral pigs and feral goats Rifles, shotguns, handguns, knives, spears, archery. Dogs permitted.** Two pigs and two goats of either sex per hunter per day. No season limit. Year-round Daily Daily Waianae Kai FR, Kaipapau FR, Hauula FR, Ewa FR (Waimano)
D Feral pigs and feral goats Rifles, shotguns, handguns, knives, spears, archery. Dogs permitted.** Two pigs and two goats of either sex per hunter per day. No season limit. Year-round Saturday, Sunday, and State Holidays Saturday, Sunday, and State Holidays Pupukea-Paumalu FR, Kuliouou FR, Honolulu Watershed FR (Wailupe/Kuliouou)
E Feral pigs and feral goats Archery only. Dogs not permitted. Two pigs and two goats of either sex per hunter per day. No season limit. Year-round Daily Area Adjacent to Pali Highway, no firearms for safety reasons Honolulu Watershed FR (Nuuanu)
F Feral pigs and feral goats Rifles, shotguns, handguns, knives, spears, archery. Dogs permitted.** Two pigs and two goats of either sex per hunter per day. No season limit. Year-round Contact Division of State Parks for info: (808) 587-0300 Area is a State Park. Contact Division of State Parks for access. Hunting days, methods, subject to change per Division of State Parks conditions.
G Feral pigs and feral goats Rifles, shotguns, handguns, knives, spears, archery. Dogs permitted** Two pigs and two goats of either sex per hunter per day. No season limit. Year-round Contact DOFAW Oahu Branch for info. Access by permit only. Contact DOFAW Oahu Branch Office Ewa FR (Poamoho)

*Hunters should consult with Division of Forestry and Wildlife district office for current open access and public use conditions prior to the start of each season.

**Dogs shall be kept under physical restraint and control at all times, except when actively pursuing game.

Haw. Code R. tit. 13, subtit. 5, pt. 2, ch. 123, exh. 3