Beginning at the intersection of the edge of the inner reef and the mean low water mark on the south side of the boat channel, then clockwise along the outer edge of the inner reef to the intersection of the edge of the reef and a straight line drawn between a marker pole on the shoreline and the exposed rock on the southern tip of the outer reef, then along this line to the exposed rock, then along a line drawn at a ninety degree angle to the outer edge of the reef, then clockwise along the outer edge of the reef to the point where it becomes tangent to the Haena ocean waters boundary line, then clockwise along the boundary line to the mean low water mark to the point of beginning.
Beginning at the intersection of the western boundary of Haena ocean waters and the mean low water mark, then along the western boundary of Haena ocean waters for a distance of two hundred feet, then clockwise along a line drawn parallel to the low water mark at a distance of two hundred feet to the outer edge of the inner reef, then along the outer edge of the inner reef to the mean low water mark, then along the mean low water mark to the point beginning.
Haw. Code R. § 13-256-40