Beginning at a point on the water measured by azimuth clockwise from True South, 065 degrees for a distance of seven hundred twenty feet from the western tip of Lahaina Breakwater; then 141 degrees for a distance of two thousand four hundred thirty feet; 122 degrees for a distance of one thousand two hundred seventy-five feet; 030 degrees for a distance of one thousand five hundred thirty feet; 304 degrees for a distance of seven hundred eighty feet; 321 degrees for a distance of two thousand five hundred ninety-five feet; then on a straight line to the point of beginning.
Beginning at a point on the water mark measured by azimuth clockwise from True South, 034 degrees for a distance of nine hundred thirty feet from the western tip of Lahaina Harbor Breakwater; then 328 degrees for a distance of five thousand sixty feet; 048 degrees for a distance of one thousand three hundred fifty feet; 148 degrees for a distance of five thousand seven hundred feet; then on a straight line to the point of beginning.
Haw. Code R. § 13-235-67