Beginning at a point on the water measured by azimuth clockwise from True South, 206 degrees for a distance of one thousand seven hundred fifty-five feet from the northern tip of the Heeia Kea Small Boat Harbor Pier; then 180 degrees for a distance of eight hundred twenty-five feet; 090 degrees to the coral head, then along the thirty-foot depth line in a south westerly direction around the coral head; then a direct line to the reef following along the thirty-foot depth line along the reef to a point on the reef 150 degrees for a distance of two hundred ten feet from daybeacon R"2" of the Heeia Kea Small Boat Harbor channel; then on a straight line to the point of beginning.
Beginning at a point on the water measured by azimuth clockwise from True South, 267 degrees for a distance of one thousand five hundred feet from the northern tip of the Heeia Kea Small Boat Harbor Pier; then 270 degrees for a distance of nine hundred feet; 360 degrees for a distance of one thousand five hundred seventy-five feet; 090 degrees for a distance of nine hundred feet; then on a straight line to the point of beginning.
Beginning at a point at the "marker" measured by azimuth clockwise from True South, 078 degrees for a distance of one thousand four hundred seventy feet from the northwestern end of the Kaneohe Yacht Club Pier; then 040 degrees to a "marker" at the five-foot depth line on the reef; then following the five-foot depth line in a southeasterly direction around to the point of beginning.
Beginning at a point on the water measured by azimuth clockwise from True South, 145 degrees for a distance of three hundred seventy feet from the northwestern end of the Kaneohe Yacht Club Pier; then 174 degrees to a "marker" at the five-foot depth line on the reef; then following the five-foot depth line in a southwesterly direction around to the point of beginning.
Haw. Code R. § 13-235-35