Haw. Code R. § 12-47-48

Current through April, 2024
Section 12-47-48 - Sanctions for contemptuous conduct
(a) Any person whose conduct at any proceeding before the board or before a member is deemed contemptuous by the presiding member, or who has refused to comply with an order of the board, has refused to adhere to reasonable standards of orderly and ethical conduct, has failed to act in good faith, or has engaged in the continued use of dilatory tactics, may be excluded from the proceeding. The board may impose other sanctions, including dismissal of the appeal.
(b) If a witness refuses to answer any question which has been ruled to be proper, the presiding member may strike all testimony previously given by the witness on related matters.

Haw. Code R. § 12-47-48

[Eff ] (Auth: HRS § 371-4) (Imp: HRS § 371-4)