The purpose of this subchapter is to implement laws prohibiting discrimination in real property transactions toward the goal of eliminating such discrimination and to implement changes made by Act 171, Session Laws of Hawaii 1992, to conform state law to Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended by the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988. Chapter 515, HRS, prohibits discriminatory practices by an owner, any person engaging in a real property or real estate transaction, or a real estate broker or salesperson against another person because of a protected basis. The examples are used to provide guidance to the public and only illustrate the particular point or principle to which they relate in the rules. They should not be taken out of context as statements of policy that would apply in different situations. To the greatest extent possible, the commission will interpret the rules consistent with the examples, however, the commission shall review each case on an individual basis in an effort to seek an equitable application of this subchapter.
Haw. Code R. § 12-46-301