[See Treatment Standards for Hazardous Wastes Table in 40 CFR section 268.40.]
1 The waste descriptions provided in this table do not replace waste descriptions in 40 CFR 261 . Descriptions of Treatment/Regulatory Subcategories are provided, as needed, to distinguish between applicability of different standards.
2 CAS means Chemical Abstract Services. When the waste code and/or regulated constituents are described as a combination of a chemical with its salts and/or esters, the CAS number is given for the parent compound only.
3 Concentration standards for wastewaters are expressed in mg/L and are based on analysis of composite samples.
4 All treatment standards expressed as a Technology Code or combination of Technology Codes are explained in detail in 40 CFR 268.42 Table 1- Technology Codes and Descriptions of Technology-Based Standards.
5 Except for Metals (EP or TCLP) and Cyanides (Total and Amenable) the nonwastewater treatment standards expressed as a concentration were established, in part, based upon incineration in units operated in accordance with the technical requirements of 40 CFR Part 264 Subpart O or Part 265 Subpart O, or based upon combustion in fuel substitution units operating in accordance with applicable technical requirements. A facility may comply with these treatment standards according to provisions in 40 CFR 268.40(d). All concentration standards for nonwastewaters are based on analysis of grab samples.
6 [Reserved]
7 Both Cyanides (Total) and Cyanides (Amenable) for nonwastewaters are to be analyzed using Method 9010C or 9012B, found in "Test Methods' for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods," EPA Publication SW-846, as incorporated by reference in 40 CFR 260.11, with a sample size of 10 grams and a distillation time of one hour and 15 minutes.
8 These wastes, when rendered nonhazardous and then subsequently managed in CWA, or CWA-equivalent systems are not subject to treatment standards. (See § 268.1(c)(3) and (4)).
9 These wastes, when rendered nonhazardous and then subsequently injected in a Class SDWA well, are not subject to treatment standards. (See § 148.1(d)).
10 The treatment standard for this waste may be satisfied by either meeting the constituent concentrations in this table or by treating the waste by the specified technologies: combustion, as defined by the technology code CMBST at § 268.42 Table 1 of this Part, for nonwastewaters; and biodegradation as defined by the technology code BIODG, carbon adsorption as defined by the technology code CARBN, chemical oxidation as defined by the technology code CHOXD, or combustion as defined as technology code CMBST at § 268.42 Table 1 of this Part, for wastewaters.
11 For these wastes, the definition of CMBST is limited to: (1) combustion units operating under 40 CFR 266, (2) combustion units permitted under 40 CFR Part 264, Subpart O, or (3) combustion units operating under 40 CFR 265, Subpart O, which have obtained a determination of equivalent treatment under 268.42(b) [federal].
12 Disposal of K175 wastes that have complied with all applicable 40 CFR 268.40 treatment standards must also be macroencapsulated in accordance with 40 CFR 268.45 Table 1 unless the waste is placed in:
(1) A Subtitle C monofill containing only K175 wastes that meet all applicable 40 CFR 268.40 treatment standards; or
(2) A dedicated Subtitle C landfill cell in which all other wastes being co-disposed are at pH[LESS THAN EQUAL TO]6.0.
Haw. Code R. §§ 11-268.40