n = number of carcinogenic metals
AFR = actual feed rate to the device for metal "i"
FRSL = feed rate screening limit provided by Appendix I for metal "i".
Ha = Actual physical stack height
Hi = Plume rise as determined from appendix VI as a function of stack flow rate and stack gas exhaust temperature.
Tr = Terrain rise within five kilometers of the stack.
K = a parameter accounting for relative influence of stack height and plume rise;
H = physical stack height (meters);
V = stack gas flow rate (mVsecond); and
T = exhaust temperature (°K).
The stack with the lowest value of K is the worst-case stack.
n = number of carcinogenic metals
AER = actual emission rate for metal "i"
ERSL = emission rate screening limit provided by appendix I of this chapter for metal "i".
where: n = number of carcinogenic metals
Haw. Code R. § 11-266-106