Current through November, 2024
Section 11-23-13 - Submission of data(a) Each applicant shall provide the following: (1) Facility name and description;(2) Facility location, including street address and zip code;(3) Tax map key (TMK) number and map at the most detailed scale available, showing the location of the proposed injection well or wells on the property, the correct scale and north arrow;(4) USGS topographic quadrangle map or good copy (scale 1:24,000) indicating the location of the proposed injection well or wells, and all other injection and withdrawal wells within one-quarter mile of the facility boundary;(5) Ownership of facility;(6) Name and address of lessor, if applicant is a lessee, and written consent of the property owner;(7) Name and address of legal contact;(8) Name of proposed Operator;(9) Nature and source of injected fluid;(10) Proposed design capacity and operating volume of injected fluid;(11) Number and type of injection wells, including construction materials and procedures;(12) Elevation section for proposed well or wells, as found on the application form;(13) Description of injection System, including emergency standby or monitoring wells, if any, and System blueprints;(14) Details of proposed injection testing, the duration of which shall be for not less than twelve hours, and preferably for twenty-four hours;(15) For injection wells sited mauka of the UIC line, water quality data, including, at a minimum, values for Chloride, total dissolved solids, and coliform, from several of the nearest water supply wells;(16) Number of each type of injection well actually constructed, including emergency standby and monitoring wells, if any;(17) Well log maintained by a geologist, including: (A) Lithology of injection interval or intervals and confining formation or formations;(B) Physical and structural characteristics of the formations encountered;(C) Initial water level, and subsequent water levels as fluctuations occur, especially for artesian conditions; and(D) Tidal fluctuations and efficiency;(18) Elevation section, as found on the application form, showing exact final dimensions for each of the injection wells and materials used in construction;(19) Complete results of injection testing, including maximum capacity;(20) Water quality data, if required;(21) Nature and source of formation water;(22) Description of operating plana, including identification of legal Operator, maximum and average volumes of injected fluids, number of hours per day of use, and degree and type of treatment, if any.(b) When the application is for a proposed injection well, the applicant shall first submit the Information required under subsection (a)(1) to (a)(15) of this section. This submittal shall be prepared and signed by a licensed professional engineer or a geologist. When an application is prepared by an engineer it shall also bear the professional seal of the engineer. No authorization to construct shall be issued until the Information is provided.(c) Upon completion of the proposed injection well(s), the applicant shall submit the Information reguired in subsection (a)(16) to (a)(22) of this section. This submittal shall be signed by the licensed professional engineer and geologist who prepared the documents and bear the professional seal of the engineer. No authorization to operate shall be issued until the Information is provided.(d) Applicants for proposed subclass C or subclass D injection wells shall not be reguired to submit the information reguired in subsection (a)(10), (a)(14), (a)(15), (a)(17), (a)(19), (a)(20), and (a)(21) of this section, unless any or all of these subsections are deemed appropriate and are specifically requested by the director. [Eff. 7/6/84; am and comp NOV 12 1992 ] (Auth: HRS § 340E-2) (Imp: HRS §§ 340E-2 and 340E-9, 40 CFR §§144.25, 144.26 and 144.33 )