Haw. Code R. § 11-15-43

Current through November, 2024
Section 11-15-43 - Sanitation requirements for Grade "A" raw milk for pasteurization, ultra-pasteurization or aseptic processing
(a) Cows which show evidence of secretion of abnormal milk in one or more quarters, based upon bacteriological, chemical, or physical examination, shall be milked last or with separate equipment, and the milk shall be discarded. Cows treated with, or cows which have consumed chemical, medicinal or radioactive agents which are capable of being secreted in the milk and which, in the judgment of the director, may be deleterious to human health, shall be milked last or with separate equipment and the milk disposed of as the director may direct.
(b) A milking barn, stable, or parlor shall be provided on all dairy farms in which the milking herd shah be housed during milking operations. The areas used for milking purposes shall:
(1) Have floors constructed of concrete or of equally impervious material;
(2) Have walls and ceilings which are smooth, painted or finished in an approved manner, in good repair, and ceiling dust-tight;
(3) Have separate stalls or pens for horses, calves, and bulls;
(4) Be provided with natural or artificial light, well distributed for day or night milking;
(5) Provide sufficient air space and air circulation to prevent condensation and excessive odors;
(6) Not be over-crowded; and
(7) Have dust-tight covered boxes or bins, or separate storage facilities for ground, chopped, or concentrated feed.
(c) The interior of the milking barn, stable, or parlor shall be kept clean. Floors, walls, windows, pipelines, and equipment shall be free of filth or litter, and shall be clean. Swine and fowl shall be kept out of the milking barn.
(d) The cowyard shall be graded and drained and shall have no standing pools of water or accumulations of organic wastes; provided that in loafing or cattle-housing areas, cow droppings and soiled bedding shall be removed, or clean bedding added, at sufficiently-frequent intervals to prevent the soiling of the cow's udder and flanks. Waste feed shall not be allowed to accumulate. Manure packs shall be properly drained and shall provide a reasonably firm footing. Swine shall be kept out of the cowyard.
(e) A milkhouse or room of sufficient size shall be provided, in which the cooling, handling, and storing of milk and the washing, sanitizing, and storing of milk containers and utensils shall be conducted, except as provided in section 11-15-43(1). In addition:
(1) The milkhouse shall be provided with a smooth floor constructed of concrete or equally impervious material graded to drain and maintained in good repair. Liquid waste shall be disposed of in a sanitary manner; all floor drains shall be accessible and shall be trapped if connected to a sanitary sewer system;
(2) The walls and ceilings shall be constructed of smooth material, in good repair, well painted, or finished in an equally suitable manner;
(3) The milkhouse shall have adequate natural or artificial light and be well ventilated;
(4) The milkhouse shall be used for no other purpose than milkhouse operations. There shall be no direct opening into any barn, stable, or into a room used for domestic purposes; provided that a direct opening between the milkhouse and milking barn, stable, or parlor is permitted when a tight-fitting self-closing solid door hinged to be single or double acting is provided;
(5) Potable water under pressure shall be piped into the milkhouse;
(6) The milkhouse shall be equipped with a two-compartment wash vat and adequate hot water heating facilities;
(7) When a transportation tank is used for the cooling and/or storage of milk on the dairy-farm, such tank shall be provided with a suitable shelter for the receipt of milk. Such shelter shall be adjacent to, but not a part of, the milkroom and shall comply with the requirements of the milkroom with respect to construction, light, drainage, insect and rodent control, and general maintenance; and
(8) Electrical switches which are used to control the milking and agitating operations in farm bulk tanks shall be properly identified.
(f) The floors, walls, ceilings, windows, tables, shelves, cabinets, wash vats, non-product contact surfaces of milk containers, utensils, and equipment, and other milk room equipment shall be clean. Only articles directly related to milkroom activities shall be permitted in the milkroom. The milkroom shall be free of trash, animals, fowl, and vermin.
(g) Every dairy farm shall be provided with one or more toilets, conveniently located and properly constructed, operated, and maintained in a sanitary manner. The waste shall be inaccessible to flies and shall not pollute the soil surface or contaminate any water supply.
(h) Potable water for milkhouse and milking operations shall be from an approved supply properly located, protected, and operated, and shall be easily accessible, adequate, and of a safe, sanitary quality.
(i) All multiuse containers, equipment, and utensils used in the handling, storing, or transporting of milk shall be made of smooth, non-absorbent, corrosion-resistant, non-toxic materials, and shall be so constructed as to be easily cleaned. All containers, utensils, and equipment shall be in good repair. All milk pails used for hand milking and stripping shall be seamless and of the hooded type. Multiple-use woven material shall not be used for straining milk. All single-service articles shall have been manufactured, packaged, transported, stored, and handled in a sanitary manner and shall comply with the applicable requirements of section 11-15-44(m). Articles intended for single-service use shall not be reused. Farm holding/cooling tanks, welded sanitary piping, and transportation tanks shall comply with the applicable requirements of sections 11-15-44(1) and (m).
(j) The product-contact surfaces of all multiuse containers, equipment, and utensils used in the handling, storage, or transportation of milk shall be cleaned after each usage.
(k) The product-contact surfaces of all multiuse containers, equipment, and utensils used in the handling, storage transportation of milk shall be sanitized before each usage.
(l) All containers, utensils, and equipment used in the handling, storage, or transportation of milk, unless stored in sanitizing solutions, shall be stored to assure complete drainage, and shall be protected from contamination prior milking equipment, such as milker claws, inflations, weigh jars, meters, milk hoses, milk receivers, tubular coolers, and milk pumps, which are designed for mechanical cleaning, may be stored in the milking barn or parlor provided this equipment is designed, installed, and operated to protect the product and solution contact surfaces from contamination at all times.
(m) After sanitization, all containers, utensils, and equipment shall be handled in such a manner so as to prevent contamination of any product-contact surface.
(n) Milking shall be done in the milking barn, stable, or parlor. The flanks, udders, bellies, and tails of all milking cows shall be free from visible dirt. All brushing shall be completed prior to milking. The udders and teats of all milking cows shall be cleaned and treated with a sanitizing solution just prior to the time of milking, and shall be relatively dry before milking. Wet hand milking is prohibited.
(o) Surcingles, milk stools, and antikickers shall be kept clean and stored above the floor.
(p) Milking and milkhouse operations, equipment, and facilities shall be located and conducted to prevent any contamination of the milk, equipment, containers, and utensils. No milk shall be strained, poured, transferred, or stored unless it is properly-protected from contamination.
(q) Adequate handwashing facilities shall be provided, including a lavatory fixture with potable running water, soap or detergent, and individual sanitary towels, in or convenient to the milkhouse, milking barn, stable, parlor, or flush toilet.
(r) Hands shall be washed clean and dried with an individual sanitary towel immediately before milking, before performing any milkhouse function, and immediately after the interruption of any of these activities. Milkers and milk haulers shall wear clean outer garments while milking or handling milk, milk containers, utensils, or equipment.
(s) Raw milk for pasteurization shall be cooled to 45°F(7°C) or less within two hours after milking provided that the blend temperature after the first milking and subsequent milkings does not exceed 50°F(10°C).
(t) Vehicles used to transport milk in cans from the dairy farm to the milk plant or receiving station shall be constructed and operated to protect their contents from sun and contamination. Such vehicles shall be kept clean, inside and out; and no substance capable of contaminating milk shall be transported with milk.
(u) Effective measures shall be taken to prevent the contamination of milk containers, equipment, and utensils by insects and rodents, and by the chemicals used to control such vermin. Milkrooms shall be free of insects and rodents. Surroundings shall be kept neat, clean, and free of conditions which might harbor or be conducive to the breeding of insects and rodents.

Haw. Code R. § 11-15-43

[Eff. AUG 14 1989] (Auth: HRS §§ 321-11, 328-8) (Imp: HRS §§ 321-11, 328-8)