: The following words when used in Chapter 672-2 shall have the following meanings:
(a) Non-divisible load or vehicle: Non-divisible loads or vehicles will have the same meaning, unless otherwise exempted, as listed in the current edition of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 23, Part 658.5 titled definitions or Georgia Code 32-6-28. No load or vehicle shall be issued a permit whose weight, width, length or height can be readily dismantled or separated.(b) Continuous Movement: Allows a permitted load or vehicle of legal overall dimensions with a gross weight of less than 125,000 pounds to travel twenty four (24) hours per day, seven days per week. However, no oversize or overweight load movement is allowed during inclement weather and holidays as defined in Department. Rule 672-2-.03(c).(c) Containerized Freight: A sealed container with an origin or destination being a port used for international trading. The driver must be prepared to show an international bill of lading. A 40' box container is allowed a gross vehicle weight of 100,000 pounds on a five (5) axle tractor/trailer combination. A 20' box container is allowed 80,000 pounds with a tandem weight of 44,000 pounds. A 20' box container transported on a 40' center mount or center-mount triaxle trailer is allowed a vehicle gross weight of 100,000 pounds on a five (5) or more axle tractor/trailer.(d) Emergency Towing: When a tractor/trailer combination becomes disabled, an authorized permitted wrecker may transport the disabled tractor/trailerto a repair facility or a safe location to dismantle the tractor/trailer. If the closest location is a weigh station or rest area, transporters are authorized to leave dismantled tractor-trailers, at that location however, they must be moved within a twenty-four (24) hour period or be moved at the owners expense. No State Agency shall be responsible for any damages to tractor-trailers left on State property.(d)(1) Incident Management: for companies certified and registered under the Towing and Recovery Incentive Program (TRIP) to reduce the impact of major incidents in Metro Atlanta by clearing vehicle incidents in 90 minutes or less, if the dimensions and weights of towing vehicles exceed legal limits, they will be required to obtain a permit for specialized equipment but may exceed axle or gross weight while participating in clearing major incidents in the Metro area.(e) House: A residential dwelling or building in excess of sixteen (16) feet wide designed to be built as one unit. Said unit also must be designed and constructed in such a way that it is not easily disassemble ( 23 CFR 658.5) nor intended for transport on its own chassis.(f) Manufactured Home: A residential dwelling or building transportable in one or more sections which in the traveling mode has a box width of eight (8) feet or more and a box length of forty (40) feet or more with the total box width of all section(s) being no more than sixteen (16) feet and is designed to be transported on its own chassis.(g) Modular Unit: A residential or commercial dwelling or building transportable in one or more sections, which in the traveling mode has a box width of eight (8) feet or more and a box length of forty (40) feet or more with all sections being no more than sixteen (16) feet in width. On-frame modular units are designed to be transported on its own chassis. Off-frame modular units are designed to be transported on a commercial trailer and off loaded with a crane and placed on a foundation. When hauling more than one section as defined in O.C.G.A. 32-6-28(1)(B) the overall length cannot exceed 80 feet including the hitch.(h) Modular Unit Transporter: must meet all Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and State safety requirements, rules, regulations and include proper vehicle registration and the proper vehicle tag; at a minimum it must be constructed of 12" I-beams doubled & fabricated together; all axles must have brakes; wood floor joist of each modular section must be securely attached to the beam with lag bolts & washers or lag bolts, washers and cable winches; overall length shall not exceed 80' including the hitch.(i) Single Trip Permit: A single trip permit may only be used once for movement during the times specified by such permit and must provide: a description of the load being transported, name of the transporter, point of origin and final destination.(j) Multi-trip permit: As defined in O.C.G.A. 32-6-28(b)(4), the commissioner may issue a multitrip permit to any vehicle or load allowed by federal law. A multitrip permit authorizes the permitted load to return to its original destination on the same permit, if done so within ten (10) days, with the same vehicle configuration, and following the same route, unless otherwise specified by the Department. A multitrip permit authorizes unlimited permitted loads on the same permit, if done so within the allowable ten days, with the same vehicle configuration, and following the same route.(k) Superload: A non-divisible load exceeding a width or height of 16' and/or a gross vehicle weight exceeding 150,001 pounds up to a gross vehicle weight of 180,000 pounds. Axle weights and spacing are not required for superloads with dimensions only. However, once the gross vehicle weight exceeds 150,000 pounds, axle weights and spacings are required.(l) Superload Plus: A non-divisible load exceeding a gross vehicle weight of 180,000 pounds; requires axle weights and spacings for a complete bridge analysis. Axle weights shall not exceed those axle weight limitations specified on the permit. In addition, all axle spacings must be accurate or longer than the axle spacings specified on the permit. Axle spacings which are less than those specified on the permit shall cause the permit to become void. Should this permit become void the overweight citation shall be based on all excess weight greater than 150,000 GVW, not the legal weight of 80,000 GVW.(m) Annual Permit: Standard Annual permits are for specific types of loads with a maximum width of 12', height up to 14'6", length of 100 feet, and GVW of 100,000 pounds on a five (5) axle tractor-trailer combination. Annual Plus Permits are for specific types of loads but the width may be a maximum of fourteen (14) feet wide from the base of the load to a point ten (10) feet above the pavement and a width of fourteen feet and eight inches (14'8") for the upper portion of the load, a height of 14'6" a length of 100 feet and a GVW of 100,000 pounds, on a five (5) axle tractor-trailer combination and can only be moved on the interstate and limited access routes.(n) Annual Commercial Wrecker Emergency Tow Permit: Annual Commercial Wrecker Emergency Tow Permits are for towing disabled, damaged, or wrecked commercial vehicles with a maximum width of 12', height up to 14'6", length of 125', and GVW of 100,000 pounds, even though such wrecker or its load exceeds the maximum limits specified in Code Section 32-6-28(b), O.C.G.A. An annual commercial wrecker emergency tow permit shall not authorize the operation of a vehicle: (A) Whose single axle weight exceeds 21,000 pounds;(B) Whose load on any tandem axle exceeds 40,000 pounds; or(C) Whose total length exceeds 125 feet. o) Transport Vehicle: A term used to define a vehicle which is designed specifically for the purpose of transporting manufactured homes, sectional houses, or portable buildings. (p) Amber warning light: A flashing or revolving light at least eight (8) inches in diameter, with a minimum candlepower of 35,000 lumens or equivalent, four (4) inch strobe light and shall flash so as to be visible from a distance of not less than one quarter mile. In lieu of the amber warning light also acceptable is a light-emitting diode (LED) light equipped with a multidirectional type lens, and shall flash at a rate of at least 60 flashes per minute and shall be plainly visible from a distance of at least 500 feet from the rear and sides at a radius of 180 degrees any time day or night.(q) Certified Pilot/Escort Vehicle Driver: A certified pilot/escort vehicle driver shall be appropriately certified as required in Code Section 32-6-28(a)(8), O.C.G.A, and in Rule 672-2-.06 when operating in the state of Georgia.(r) Police Escort: A police escort vehicle shall be an automobile with markings identifying its law enforcement jurisdiction and shall be equipped with a flashing or revolving blue light as defined in Code Sections 40-8-91 and 40-8-92, O.C.G.A. Carrier is responsible for providing two-way communication, in good working order, so that the driver of the permitted load, the civilian escorts (when required) and the police escorts will all have constant contact while escorting the oversized load.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 672-2-.01
O.C.G.A. Secs. 32-2-2, 32-6-28, 32-6-90, 50-13-4.
Original Rule entitled "Definitions" adopted. F. Aug. 9, 1973; eff. Aug. 29, 1973.Amended: ER. 672-2-0.1-.01 adopted. F. and eff. May 18, 1977, the date of adoption.Amended: ER. 672-2-0.2-.01 adopted. F. and eff. July 1, 1977, the date of adoption.Amended: Permanent Rule adopted superseding ERs. 672-2-0.1-.01 and 675-2-0.2-.01. F. Aug. 10, 1977; eff. Aug. 30, 1977.Amended: F. Sept. 6, 1978; eff. Sept. 26, 1978.Amended: ER. 672-2-0.8-.01 adopted. F. June 22, 1979; eff. June 21, 1979, the date of adoption.Amended: Permanent Rule adopted. F. Sept. 20, 1979; eff. Oct. 10, 1979.Amended: F. Aug. 11, 1986; eff. Aug. 31, 1986.Amended: F. May 24, 1994; eff. June 13, 1994.Amended: F. July 23, 1996; eff. August 12, 1996.Amended: F. June 2, 1998; eff. June 22, 1998.Amended: F. Aug. 23, 1999; eff. Sept. 12, 1999.Amended: F. Oct. 23, 2001; eff. Nov. 12, 2001.Amended: F. Oct. 19, 2011; eff. Nov. 8, 2011.Amended: F. Sep. 26, 2012; eff. Oct. 16, 2012.