Company License | $100.00 |
Research Fee per Company License | $70.00 |
Operator Certification | $100.00 |
Employee Registration | $10.00 |
Duplicate Registration Card | $10.00 |
Duplicate License (Sub Office) | $10.00 |
If an application and fee for renewal of any license, certification or employee registration is not received by the Secretary on or before its expiration date, the above fees shall double and shall be paid before a renewal is issued. No Company License shall be issued or renewed for any license period until the research fee has been paid, and the research fee shall not be subject to any late penalty. In no case shall a certification or license be renewed after more than ninety (90) days from the June 30 expiration date without reexamination or reapplication, nor shall any license be renewed or reissued within the two (2) year license period without payment of the double fee. When the research fees collected for any two year license period amount to $90,000, the Secretary shall forward such amount to the Chairman of the Entomology Division of the University of Georgia, covering $45,000 for each of the two fiscal years within that license period.
Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 620-3-.01
O.C.G.A. Secs. 43-45-8, 43-45-9, 43-45-10.