Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 24, 2024
Rule 591-2-1-.04 - Team Nutrition Training Grant (TN)(1)General Scope and Purpose: To provide training, technical assistance, and sub-grant funding to support the implementation of wellness policies in child care centers and day care homes through a program called Caregivers Promoting Healthy Habits (CPHH). Bright from the Start contends that by adopting a wellness policy and related activities, child care providers will improve early childhood environments by providing nutritious meals and education on healthy eating patterns and physical activity. A Farm to Preschool component was also included for child care centers to participate in. This program will focus on healthy eating through activities such as edible gardens, taste tests, and local food procurement. Bright from the Start will support this program through training, technical assistance, and sub-grant funding. A 2013 USDA Team Nutrition grant was awarded to cover the time period of October 1, 2013- September 30, 2015.(2)General Terms and Conditions: A maximum of $1,000 sub-grant is awarded for the day care homes, and a maximum of $3,000 sub-grant is awarded for the child care centers funded by the USDA 2014 grant Caregivers Promoting Healthy Habits program. Sub-grants are awarded to enable day care homes and child care centers to implement needed nutrition and physical activity programs and/or activities. A maximum of $2000 sub-grant is awarded to child care centers to participate in the Farm to Preschool program. Sub-grant funds are awarded to enable child care centers to implement their Farm to Preschool activities. Sub-grant funding must support one or more of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Team Nutrition strategies and deliver USDA Team Nutrition messages of healthy eating and physical activity. Sub-grant funds are intended to target the birth through five population.(3)Eligible Recipients: Eligible Caregivers Promoting Healthy Habits recipients must be state licensed or federally approved child care centers or day care homes, and a Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) participant. For the 2014-2015 Caregivers Promoting Health Habits funding cycle, eligibility is limited to Appling, Brantley, Bryan, Bulloch, Camden, Chatham, Effingham, Evans, Glynn, Jeff Davis, Liberty, Long, McIntosh, Montgomery, Tattnall, Toombs, and Wayne counties. Farm to Preschool recipients must be state licensed or federally approved child care learning centers, a Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) participant, and located in Barrow, Clarke, Clayton, Cobb, DeKalb, Fulton, Gwinnet, Jackson, Newton, Rockdale, or Walton county.(4)Application Process: Caregivers Promoting Healthy Habits applicants must complete a request for applications, including an application cover page, self-assessment checklist, wellness policy checklist, project narrative, budget description chart and budget narrative. Farm to Preschool applicants must complete a request for applications, including an application cover page, project narrative, budget description chart, and budget narrative.(5)Approximate Time to Apply: Applications for Caregivers Promoting Healthy Habits will be released in December 2013 and due January 31, 2014 by 5:00pm EST. Applications for the Farm to Preschool program will be released in July 2014 and due September 10, 2014.(6)Criteria for Grant Awards: Program applications for both Caregivers Promoting Healthy Habits and Farm to Preschool are reviewed by neutral, qualified, professionals. The review panel is tasked with reading and scoring each application, and making recommendations for awards. The final decision on awards rests solely with Bright from the Start based on scores from the evaluation criteria, and in accordance with USDA Federal Guidelines.(7)Calculation of Payments: Program participants submit finance reports on a monthly basis to Bright from the Start to report costs incurred for activities related to their approved wellness policy or Farm to Preschool programs. Participants in Caregivers Promoting Healthy Habits are reimbursed for allowable costs, not to exceed $1,000 or $3,000 for day care homes and child care centers, respectively, incurred within the program timeframe, in addition to mileage to and from required quarterly training. Participants in Farm to Preschool are reimbursed for allowable costs, not to exceed $2000, in addition to mileage to and from required training, incurred within the program timeframe.(8)Length of Award: Program participation in Caregivers Promoting Healthy Habits is for one year, unless otherwise terminated. For the 2014-2015 funding cycle, awardees will participate from March 1, 2014-February 28, 2015. Program participation in Farm to Preschool is for nine months, unless otherwise terminated. For the 2014-2015 funding cycle, awardees will participate from October 1, 2014- June 30, 2015.(9)Authority: The awardee must comply with applicable state and federal rules and regulations, (i.e. Rules and Regulations for Child Care Learning Centers 591-1-1, Rules and Regulations from Group Day Care Homes 290-2-1, Rules and Regulations from Family Day Care Homes 290-2-3, 7 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 226, Child and Adult Care Food Program, federal administrative requirements, and cost principles (CFR 225 and OMB Circulars A-87 and A-122) and Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 591-2-1-.04
O.C.G.A. Secs. 20-1A-1, 20-1A-4, 28-5-122, 50-27-2, 50-27-3.
Original grant description entitled "Standards of Care (SOC)" submitted May 5, 1999.Submitted: Dec. 28, 2000.Submitted: Dec. 20, 2001.Submitted: Dec. 17, 2002.Submitted: Nov. 18, 2003.Submitted: Dec. 16, 2004.Submitted: Dec. 16, 2005.Submitted: Dec. 15, 2006.Submitted: Dec. 12, 2007.Submitted: Grant description entitled "Team Nutrition Training Grant (TN)" submitted Dec. 17, 2010.Submitted: Dec. 21, 2011.Submitted: Dec. 27, 2012.Submitted: Dec. 20, 2013.Submitted: Dec. 23, 2014.