Rule 570-34-.06 - Valuation of Vehicle for Sale to Public Entity(a) The pricing of all surplus fleet vehicles to political subdivisions will be researched and determined by the Department's Property staff based upon references provided by the Kelley Blue Book Private Values. The Pricing will be based upon mileage of each individual vehicle and its condition (such as Fair, Good, or Excellent) as defined by Kelley Blue Book.(b) The Headquarters Adjutant has the discretion to include in the sales price of vehicles to political subdivisions equipment maintained on the vehicle (such as law enforcement lights, cages, bumpers, etc.) or to remove such equipment for scrap or reuse by the Department as deemed appropriate.(c) With the permission of the Commissioner, the Headquarters Adjutant may uniformly reduce the price of all comparable vehicles to help facilitate disposal of such vehicles.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 570-34-.06
New Rule entitled "Valuation of Vehicles for Sale to Public Entities" adopted. F. Jun. 1, 2012; eff. Jun. 21, 2012.