Rule 570-34-.02 - Order of Priority In Disposition(a) In the disposition of a vehicle for sale, the Department shall give first priority of sales to political subdivisions within the state. Vehicle(s) for sale thus sold must be for the use of the recipient agency or political subdivision with the title being in such agency, unit or organization.(b) Vehicles shall be listed for sale on the Department's Website periodically as for sale with an initial listing date, mileage, make, model year, vehicle identification number ("VIN"), description of the general condition of the vehicle (such as Fair, Good, or Excellent), sales price, and location for viewing at designated times.(c) The value of model specific equipment (such as push bumpers, sirens, speakers, light-bars, consoles, and cages) shall be incorporated in the sales price.(d) Any Vehicle not sold to a political subdivision within thirty (30) days of listing for sale shall become eligible for Department sale to the general public through the Auction Vendor.(e) No employee of the Department or such employee's immediate family member shall purchase a vehicle sold by fixed price or negotiated sale for the direct or indirect benefit of any such employee or employee's immediate family member.(f) The Headquarters Adjutant may immediately remove for auction or disposal a vehicle damaged in an accident or with a mechanical defect making it inoperable.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 570-34-.02
New Rule entitled "Order of Priority in Disposition" adopted. F. Jun. 1, 2012; eff. Jun. 21, 2012