Example:An individual filed the 2001 return reflecting taxable income, and did not pay the $400 tax shown on the return. The taxpayer then filed the 2003 return reflecting a net operating loss of $2000, and then filed a timely claim for refund carrying the loss to 2001. The unpaid tax balance after deduction of the operating loss carry-back is $280.00. Interest and penalty would be computed as follows, presuming the date of payment of the liability to be August 15, 2004:
Interest and penalty on $400 Additional Tax from
April 15, 2002 to December 31, 2003 126
Additional Tax Due After Net Operating
Loss Carry-back Deduction 280
Interest and penalty on $280 from
January 1, 2004 to August 15, 2004 29
Net Deficiency at August 15, 2004 $435
Note: This regulation applies to all taxpayers. An individual taxpayer was used for illustration purposes only.
Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 560-7-8-.15
O.C.G.A. Secs. 48-2-12, 48-2-40, 48-2-42, 48-7-81, 48-7-126.