At least ten (10) days prior to the start of any new construction [as defined in Commission Utility Rule 515-9-3-.02(f)] of (A) any transmission or distribution gas mainline or (B) any gas service line where the actual, planned or proposed replacement, relocation, construction, expansion or extension of such service line would be within 2,000 feet of the gas main or service lines of another gas operator, as shown on maps provided by that operator to the gas system operator proposing to engage in new construction or as otherwise known to such proposing gas system operator,-- a Report on GPSC Form GC-1 (developed by the Commission and an example of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A) shall be filed electronically with the Commission under Docket Number 24033-U and shall be sent electronically or via certified mail to each local distribution company, municipality, or other gas operators having distribution lines in the same county or counties where such construction is proposed. The electronic or certified mail notice shall be sent to each such other gas operator at the last address or addresses provided to the Commission by such operator; and it shall be the responsibility of each gas operator to keep such addresses current for the purpose of receiving notifications under this Rule. Prior notification would not be necessary in case of an emergency condition. An emergency condition is classified as the immediate reconstruction of a pipeline due to a hazardous condition or the immediate construction of a pipeline necessary to maintain gas service; and notification within 10 days after such emergency construction or repair would be sufficient. For good cause, the Commission's Facilities Protection Unit Director or such Director's designee may authorize construction to commence less than ten (10) days after the electronic filing required by this Rule. Once adopted by the Commission with this amendment to this Rule, such new GC-1 Form may be modified from time to time by order of the Commission. The terms "new construction" and "service line" as used in this Rule shall have the same meaning as prescribed in Commission Utility Rule 515-9-3-.02. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Rule, the replacement of a service line for the sake of integrity is maintenance (that is, attempting to maintain existing service) and does not require the filing and service of a GC-1 Form; provided, however, that the looping of lines for the purpose of increasing throughput will be considered new construction and requires the filing and service of a GC-1 Form, provided, further, that any GC-1 filing with the Commission shall expire if construction on the facilities covered thereby is not commenced within 45 days after the date of such filing, and any subsequent construction on such premises shall require the filing and service of a GC-1 Form. A sample GC-1 Form is attached hereto as Exhibit A.
DOCKET NO. 24033-U
Operator: _____________________________ Date _______________
Authorized Representative:
Home County:
Certificate number (if construction is outside Home County): _________________________________
Construction Route:
From Street/Mile Post #:_________________ County: ______________
To Street/Mile Post #:___________________ County: _______________
New Construction: ____________ Reconstruction: _____________
Estimated Dates: Start of Construction:
Completion of Construction:
Length of Pipeline(s):________________________________________
Size of Pipeline(s):___________________________________________
Type and/or Grade of Pipeline(s):____________________________
Operating Pressure: _________________________________________
Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 515-9-1-.04
O.C.G.A. Secs. 46-2-20, 46-2-30.
File electronically with Commission's Pipeline Safety Unit 10 days prior to construction under a subject line of "GC-1, GPSC Docket No. 24033-U" and electronically or via certified mail to every gas operator (LDC, municipality, or other gas supplier) in the county or counties where construction is proposed.