Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 24, 2024
Rule 511-5-4-.03 - Provisions(1) Unless the patient declines screening, every pregnant woman shall have a blood specimen taken as prescribed herein for a standard serologic test for syphilis, a standard serologic test for HIV, a standard serologic test for hepatitis B and a standard serologic test for hepatitis C.(2) Every health care provider in this state providing prenatal care to a pregnant woman, or delivering or attending a woman just delivered, shall take or cause to be taken a venous blood specimen for submission to a clinical laboratory for a standard serologic test for syphilis, a standard serologic test for HIV, a standard serologic test for hepatitis B and a standard serologic test for hepatitis C, as follows: (a) At the initial visit to the health care provider for prenatal care, a standard serologic test for: (b) In the third trimester in the following circumstances:1. A standard serologic test for syphilis, as required in O.C.G.A. Section 31-17-4.2. The specimen shall be taken early during the third trimester, ideally at 28-32 weeks of gestation;2. A standard serologic test for HIV, as required in O.C.G.A. Section 31-17-4.2; and3. A standard serologic test for hepatitis C if the woman has known or potential exposures to hepatitis C.(c) As soon as possible upon admission to the hospital or birth facility for delivery: 1. A standard serologic test for syphilis, for women not tested prenatally, who deliver a stillborn infant, are at high risk for syphilis, or as long as Georgia is classified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a state with high syphilis morbidity. In accordance with O.C.G.A. Section 31-17-4.2, if a syphilis test was conducted in the third trimester, and the woman does not disclose activities posing a risk for syphilis infection more recently, this test is not required;2. A standard serologic test for HIV, for women not tested prenatally and for women at increased risk for HIV infection who were not tested in the third trimester. In accordance with O.C.G.A. Section 31-17-4.2, if an HIV test was conducted in the third trimester, and the woman does not disclose activities posing a risk for HIV infection more recently, this test is not required;3. A standard serologic test for Hepatitis B, for women not tested prenatally, with signs or symptoms of hepatitis, or at high risk for hepatitis B; and4. A standard serologic test for Hepatitis C, for women not tested prenatally.(3) Patients shall be notified of all tests to be conducted and shall have the opportunity to refuse the test.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 511-5-4-.03
O.C.G.A. §§ 31-2A-6, 31-12-3, 31-17-4.
Original Rule entitled "Provisions" adopted. F. Sep. 20, 2013; eff. Oct. 10, 2013.Amended: F. Aug. 1, 2022; eff. Aug. 31, 2022, as specified by the Agency.