Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 505-2-.300

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 24, 2024
Rule 505-2-.300 - Educational Leadership
(1) This rule outlines a certificate structure that includes a Non-Renewable certificate (NPL) for educators hired in a leadership position conditioned upon completion of a GaPSC-approved Performance-Based Educational Leadership Program resulting in Clear Renewable (PL) certification for either building level or school system level leaders. Educators who serve in a leadership role for the purpose of completing residency requirements of a GaPSC-approved Educational Leadership Program are not issued a NPL. Upon completion of the Performance-Based Educational Leadership Program for either building level or school system level leaders, a Clear Renewable Leadership certificate is issued. The companion Educator Preparation rule (see PSC Rule 505-3-.58) describes the structure of Educational Leadership Preparation Programs and should be read to develop an understanding of the certification rule for Educational Leadership.
(2) Definitions of Leadership Position and Leadership Role. A Leadership position as determined by the Georgia Department of Education is one that requires the employee in that position to hold an Educational Leadership certificate and is one in which the employee has specified authority and supervisory responsibilities. In contrast to leadership positions, leadership roles are those job assignments that do not require a leadership certificate and in which the employee does not have specified authority or supervisory responsibilities. In order to complete Educational Leadership certification requirements, educators who are employed in leadership roles but who do not hold a leadership position must be assigned some leadership responsibilities at the school or system level in order to complete the program residency requirements as determined by the provider and employing system. The assignment of any leadership responsibilities to an individual in a leadership role carries with it no promise of a future leadership position and no promise of compensation beyond what the local board of education would normally pay. Assignments that include some leadership responsibilities are made only for the purpose of allowing leadership program candidates to complete residency requirements as outlined in Educator Preparation Rule 505-3-.58 and accompanying Guidelines.
(3) Newly Prepared in a Georgia Performance-Based Educational Leadership Program.
(a) Applicable to educators who hold a Master's Degree in Educational Leadership or a master's degree or higher in any education field, or in other GaPSC-accepted non-education fields. Upon employment in a leadership position, the school system will request the Non-Renewable Performance-Based Educational Leadership (NPL) certificate required for placement into an appropriate leadership position. The NPL certificate is valid for five (5) years. The candidate then will have five (5) years to complete a GaPSC-approved Performance-Based Leadership Program at the Specialist (Level 6) or Doctoral (Level 7) level. GaPSC issues the NPL with an understanding that the Local Education Administration (LEA) and GaPSC-approved Provider have established a partnership for completing program requirements. For educators assigned leadership roles for the purpose of completing residency requirements are not issued a certificate.
1. The Performance-Based Educational Leadership Program is offered at the building-level or school system-level, based on the specific job assignment of the educator.
2. Individuals serving in the position of Superintendent and individuals assigned concurrent job responsibilities at both the building and system level must hold both the building and system-level certificates.
3. Educators who work for state education agencies, regional education agencies, universities, technical colleges or non-profits with an education or human services focus are eligible to earn a system level certificate.
(b) Upon completion of the Performance-Based Educational Leadership Program, the educator is recommended by the GaPSC-approved provider for a Clear Renewable, Performance-Based Leadership (PL) certificate at the building or system level.
(4) The Non-Renewable (NL) Pre-Service Leadership certificate received prior to December 15, 2010. These certificates, based on the previous requirements of completing a master's degree or higher and passing the Leadership GACE, shall continue in effect until their ending validity dates and will not be reinstated. No new Non-Renewable (NL) Pre-Service Leadership certificates will be issued after December 15, 2010.
(a) Upon employment in a leadership position the educator must enroll in a GaPSC Performance-Based Educational Leadership Program and the system must request the Non-Renewable Performance-Based Educational Leadership certificate. PSC issues the NPL with an understanding that the LEA and GaPSC-approved Provider have established a partnership for completing program requirements.
(5) Pre-Existing Georgia Leadership Certificates. Individuals issued a Professional Leadership (L) certificate at Levels 5, 6, or 7 prior to September 30, 2009, will continue to hold that certificate (subject to renewal) and will remain eligible to serve in leadership positions. These educators may choose to add the Performance-Based designator to their leadership certificate by
(a) completing a GaPSC-approved Performance-Based Educational Leadership Program at a higher degree level, or
(b) completing the certificate-only performance-based requirements at Level 6 or 7 as outlined by a GaPSC-approved provider.
(6) Interstate Reciprocity.
(a) Individuals holding out-of-state leadership certificates based on completion of a state-approved leadership program at Level 6 or 7 must apply for initial Georgia certification and satisfy all Special Georgia Requirements (See Rule 505-2-.20). If all requirements are met a Clear Renewable certificate will be issued. At the request of the employing school system, the GaPSC will issue a one-year certificate for individuals lacking Special Georgia Requirements, during which time all Special Georgia Requirements must be completed.
(b) Individuals holding out-of-state leadership certificates at the Master's level and have less than 3 years of experience in a leadership position or who have completed a state-approved leadership program at the Master's level and apply for initial Georgia certification after December 15, 2010, must complete a GaPSC-approved Performance-Based Educational Leadership Program at Level 6 or 7 and satisfy all Special Georgia requirements for a Georgia Professional certificate.
1. At the request of the employing school system, the GaPSC will issue a Non-Renewable Performance-Based Educational Leadership certificate, during which time an approved GaPSC Performance-Based Educational Leadership Program at Level 6 or 7 and all Special Georgia Requirements must be completed.
(c) Individuals holding out-of-state leadership certificates or who have completed a state-approved leadership program prior to December 15, 2010, must apply for initial certification and satisfy all Special Georgia Requirements for a Georgia Professional certificate.
(d) Individuals holding an out-of-state leadership certificate at the Master's level after December 15, 2010, who have completed at least 3 years of successful experience in a leadership position out of the last five, must apply for initial certification and satisfy all Georgia Special Georgia Requirements for a Georgia Professional certificate.
1. At the request of the employing school system, the GaPSC will issue a one-year NL certificate during which time all Special Georgia Requirements must be completed.
(7) After September 30, 2009, Georgia educators are required to complete a GaPSC-approved Performance-Based Educational Leadership Program and meet all Special Georgia Requirements, to include passing the appropriate Georgia educational leadership assessment, in order to be eligible for a Georgia Performance-Based Educational Leadership certificate. Georgia educators who complete non-GaPSC approved out-of-state leadership programs as specified in 505-2-.02 and 505-2-.41 may apply for a certificate level upgrade of all existing Georgia certificates to the appropriate degree level but will not be eligible for a Georgia Educational Leadership Certificate.
(8) Certificate Requirements.
(a) Clear Renewable Certificate (See Rule 505-2-.03).
1. Performance-Based Educational Leadership (PL) Certificate. The Performance-Based Educational Leadership certificate is earned by:
(i) Completing a GaPSC-approved Performance-Based Educational Leadership Program at the Specialist (Level 6) or Doctoral (Level 7) degree level and passing the state-approved content assessment, or
(ii) Holding a Level 6 or Level 7 degree (as outlined in (3)(a) above) and completing a GaPSC- approved Performance-Based certification only program in Educational Leadership including passing the state-approved content assessment and being recommended by a GaPSC-approved program provider.
2. Leadership (L) Certificate.
(i) Hold a Clear-Renewable "L" certificate prior to September 30, 2009, or
(ii) Out-of-state educators who move to Georgia, apply through the Interstate (Out-of-State) Reciprocity process as outlined in paragraph (6) a, b, c, and d above or under conditions specified in GaPSC Rule 505-2-.10, paragraph (13), or
(iii)Convert a Permit in Leadership to the Clear Renewable Leadership certificate (see (8)(a)(i), above).
(9) Implementation Details.
(a) Upon employment in a leadership position, the school system will request a Non-Renewable Performance-Based Educational Leadership (NPL) certificate for the educator. During the validity period of this certificate, the educator must enroll in, and complete, a GaPSC-approved, Performance-Based Educational Leadership preparation program at the Specialist (Level 6) or Doctoral (Level 7) degree level. If the educator is employed at the building-level, enrollment must be in the building-level preparation program. Employment at the school system-level requires enrollment in the school system-level program. Educators who work for state or regional education agencies, universities, technical colleges, or non-profit agencies with an education or human services focus will be considered, for purposes of this rule, to be in system-level positions and therefore must enroll in the school system-level program. Should the educator be reassigned from building to system or system to building level while a candidate is in the approved program, it is the responsibility of the GaPSC-approved provider to adjust the program to match the existing employment level.
1. If the educator's 5-year Non-Renewable Performance-Based Leadership (NPL) Certificate expires prior to completion of the GaPSC-approved program, the Superintendent may request a Waiver Certificate. If the waiver request is for a Superintendent, the request must be made by the Chair of the Local Board of Education.
2. If the individual already holds a Georgia Leadership (L) certificate with a Level 6 or Level 7 degree in another field at the time of employment, the individual may choose, but is not required, to obtain another Specialist or Doctoral degree in a GaPSC-approved Performance-Based Educational Leadership Program. Or, the GaPSC-approved provider may outline the specific certificate-only requirements necessary to obtain a recommendation for the Georgia Performance-Based Educational Leadership certificate without meeting the full degree requirements (See Rule 505-3-.58).
3. At the completion of the Performance-Based Program the GaPSC-approved provider will recommend the educator to the GaPSC for either the Performance-Based Educational Leadership Building-Level Certificate or the Performance-Based Educational Leadership System-Level certificate at the appropriate degree level, i.e. PL-6 (Building or System) or PL-7 (Building or System level).
4. If an individual holding a Professional Performance-Based Educational Leadership (Building-Level) certificate is reassigned to a system-level position, the employing system must request a 3-year Non-Renewable Performance-Based Educational Leadership (System-Level) certificate. During the validity period of this certificate the educator must complete all requirements and be recommended by a GaPSC-approved provider for the PL (System-Level) certificate. The same procedures apply to individuals holding only the PL (System-Level) certificate who are reassigned to a building-level position.
5. Educators holding a Georgia Performance-Based Educational Leadership certificate assigned to the position of Superintendent must hold both the Building-Level and System-Level Educational Leadership certificates. If the educator does not hold both at the time of employment as Superintendent, the employing system must request a 3-year Non-Renewable Performance-Based Educational Leadership certificate for the certificate not held. During the validity period of the certificate the educator must complete all requirements and be recommended by a GaPSC-approved provider for the additional Educational Leadership certificate.
6. Intern Certificate (See Rule 505-2-.05). Not issued for this field.
7. International Exchange Certificate (See Rule 505-2-.08). Not issued for this field.
8. Permit (See Rule 505-2-.10).
(i) Permits may be issued to individuals who serve in the leadership positions of Superintendent or Building Principal.
(b) Interstate (Out-of-State) Reciprocity (See Rule 505-2-.15).
1. Those educators working in Georgia schools who choose to complete non-GaPSC approved Educational Leadership programs will not be processed under full reciprocity procedures. These individuals will receive upgrades of all existing Georgia certificates to the appropriate degree level based on GaPSC rules 505-2-.02 and 505-2-.41. They will not, however, be eligible for Georgia Professional Leadership certificates as described in paragraph (7).
2. Implementation Details.
(i) Educators holding out-of-state leadership certificates who apply for initial Georgia certification will continue to be processed under the GaPSC reciprocity procedures as outlined in paragraph (6). Educational Leadership content assessments taken and passed in other states as part of state certification requirements will be accepted by the GaPSC. These educators must satisfy all Special Georgia Requirements (See PSC Rule 505-2-.20).
(ii) Educators employed by a Georgia school system who complete a non-GaPSC approved out-of-state Educational Leadership program are not eligible for Georgia Educational Leadership certification. These individuals will be eligible for an upgrade of all existing Georgia certificates to the appropriate degree level pursuant to GaPSC certificate level upgrade rules in place at the time of program completion. (See Rule 505-2-.02).
(10) To Add the Field (See Rule 505-2-.25).
(a) To add a Clear Renewable Performance-Based Educational Leadership Certificate to any Georgia Professional certificate, the applicant must complete a GaPSC-approved Performance-Based Educational Leadership program, be recommended by the approved provider and pass the appropriate Georgia content assessment(s).
(11) Renewal Requirements (See Rule 505-2-.24).
(a) If the school system elects to renew leadership certificates based on the local Professional Development Plan (PDP), as outlined in Rule 505-2-.24, paragraph (4)(b), the superintendent may authorize renewal of leadership certificates based on satisfactory progress described in that paragraph. If the system elects to use this renewal method for the Superintendent, the Chair of the Local Board of Education must make the renewal recommendation.
(12) In-Field Statement (Rule 505-2-.26). Educators holding a valid "L" Leadership certificate are in-field to serve as a building or system level education leader in positions described in paragraph (2), above. Educators holding a valid Performance-Based Educational Leadership (Building Level) certificate may serve in the described positions at the building level, and those holding the Performance-Based Educational Leadership (System Level) certificate may serve in the described positions at the system level. Individuals holding the Performance-Based Educational Leadership certificates and serving as Superintendent and those assigned concurrent job responsibilities at both the building and system levels must hold the Performance-Based Educational Leadership certificates for both the Building and System levels.

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 505-2-.300

O.C.G.A. Sec. 20-2-200.

Original Rule entitled "Educational Leadership" adopted. F. Oct. 22, 2004; eff. Nov. 15, 2004, as specified by the Agency.
Amended: F. Dec. 14, 2007; eff. Jan. 15, 2008, as specified by the Agency.
Amended: F. Mar. 17, 2008; eff. Apr. 15, 2008, as specified by the Agency.
Repealed: New rule with same title adopted. F. Dec. 20, 2011; eff. Jan. 9, 2012.