Rule 410-9-.06 - Curriculum(1) Curriculum refers to a total written plan of theoretical and clinical learning activities which shall result in the attainment of the nursing education program's objectives by graduates of the program. (a) The curriculum shall be developed and presented on a post-secondary educational level.(b) It shall be developed and presented by the faculty utilizing sound educational concepts and methods of teaching. These shall include the appropriate sequencing, correlating of theoretical and clinical experiences, and integrating of learning throughout the entire program.(c) It shall prepare the students to safely perform the activities and to function in the situations described in the program's objectives.(d) A Master Curriculum Plan shall be developed pursuant to Rule 410-9-02(1)(g).1.A copy shall be retained for each class record;2.A copy shall be made available to all students enrolled in the program;3.A copy shall be provided to the Board in the program's annual report and the Practical Nursing Program's Self-Study Report and at any time that there shall be a proposed revision. (e) A Clinical Rotation Plan shall be developed pursuant to Rule 410-9-.02(l)(e). 1.A copy shall be retained for each class' record;2.A copy shall be made available to all students enrolled in the program;3.A copy shall be made available to all appropriate affiliating clinical facilities;4.A copy shall be provided to the Board in the program's annual report and the Practical Nursing Program Self-Study Report and at any time that there shall be a revision of the one on file in the Board office. (2) The curriculum emphasis should be on the utilization of the nursing process in the provision of care by practical nurses to patient/clients and their families throughout the life cycle in a variety of health care settings for: (a) The promotion of health;(b) The prevention of illness and injury; and(c) The restoration and maintenance of physical and mental health.(3) Length of the Curriculum. The program of study shall be consistent with the program's learning objectives and methods of instruction, except that:(a) A full time program shall NOT be conducted longer than eighteen (18) months; and(b) A part time program shall NOT be conducted longer than thirty-six (36) months.(4) Curriculum Objectives. There shall be written statements of specific, measurable, theoretical and clinical outcomes and competencies for each course in the curriculum which shall be achieved by students enrolled in the program. The curriculum objectives shall be in accordance with the nursing education program objectives.(5) Minimum Curriculum Content. An approved program of instruction or its equivalent shall contain no less than six hundred eighty-five (685) clock hours of theoretical nursing and general education content, and no less than four hundred eighty-five (485) clock hours of planned clinical practice for each student. Said program shall include the following subjects:(a) Theoretical Content: 1.Required Content - The curriculum must include, but is not limited to, the following theoretical content areas and must contain a total of no less than six hundred eighty-five (685) clock hours. (i) Anatomy and Physiology(iii) Medical Terminology(vi) Medication Administration(vii) Principles of IV Therapy(viii) Legal and Ethical Healthcare Issues(ix) Professional and Customer Relationships(x) The Nursing Process and Critical Thinking Skills(xi) Physical Assessment Techniques(xii) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation(xiii) Principles and Skills of Nursing Practice(xiv) Basic Emergency Care(xv) Geriatric Nursing Care(xvi) End of Life Nursing Care(xvii) Medical Surgical Nursing Care(xviii) Obstetrical Nursing Care(xix) Pediatric Nursing Care(xx) Mental Health and Illness Nursing Care(xxi) Community Health Nursing Care and Health Care Delivery Systems(xxii) Leadership and Management Skills(xxviii) Computer Literacy(xxix) National Practical Nursing Licensure Examination Preparation(b) Required Clinical Experience: All of the following clinical experience areas must be provided in the curriculum: 2.Professional and Customer Relations3.Physical Assessment Techniques for All Body Systems4.Skills and Principles of Nursing Practice5.Medication Administration6.Intravenous Therapy Techniques7.Health Maintenance and Prevention of Illness and Injury8.Documentation of Nursing Care9.Nursing Care of Aging Clients10.Nursing Care of the Terminally Ill11.Medical Surgical Nursing Care12.Obstetrical Nursing Care13.Pediatric Nursing Care14.Mental Health and Illness Nursing Care15.Community Health Nursing Care16.Nursing Leadership and Management.(6) The curriculum's effectiveness shall be evaluated at the specific intervals indicated by the Board to determine and verify in writing the attainment of the program's objectives. (a) The course/teacher/clinical experience evaluations shall be conducted each quarter / semester pursuant to board rules.(b) The individual student theoretical and clinical learning and progress evaluations shall be conducted for each course pursuant to board rules.(c) The graduate evaluations shall be conducted for each graduate pursuant to board rules.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 410-9-.06
O.C.G.A. §§ 43-1-25, 43-26-2, 43-26-5(a)(4) -(6) and 43-26-32.
Original Rule entitled "Curriculum" adopted. F. Aug. 24, 2015; eff. Sept. 13, 2015.