Subject 40-13-6 - AUCTION MARKETS
- Rule 40-13-6-.01 - General
- Rule 40-13-6-.02 - Special Livestock Sales
- Rule 40-13-6-.03 - General Identification Requirements for Animals Moving Through Georgia Livestock Auction Markets
- Rule 40-13-6-.04 - Cattle Movements Through Livestock Auction Markets
- Rule 40-13-6-.05 - Swine Movements Through Livestock Auction Markets
- Rule 40-13-6-.06 - Goats and Sheep Movement Through Auction Markets
- Rule 40-13-6-.07 - Poultry Movement Through Auction Markets
- Rule 40-13-6-.08 - Equine Movement Through Auction Markets
- Rule 40-13-6-.09 - Non-traditional Livestock Movement Through Auction Markets
- Rule 40-13-6-.10 - Veterinary Services
- Rule 40-13-6-.11 - Livestock Inspector
- Rule 40-13-6-.12 - Handling of Livestock
- Rule 40-13-6-.13 - Enforcement