Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 40-10-2-.16

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through August 29, 2024
Rule 40-10-2-.16 - Entry Into Official Establishments: Reinspection and Preparation of Products
(1) Products and other articles entering official establishments.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in paragraphs (g) and (h) of this section, no product shall be brought into an official establishment unless it has been prepared only in an official establishment and previously inspected and passed by a Program employee, and is identified by an official establishment and previously inspected and passed by a Program employee, and is identified by an official inspection legend as so inspected and passed. Product entering any official establishment shall not be used or prepared thereat until it has been reinspected.
(b) No slaughtered poultry or poultry product shall be brought into an official establishment unless it has been previously inspected and passed and is identified as such in accordance with the requirements of the Poultry Products Inspection Act (21 U.S.C. 451et seq.) and the regulations thereunder, and has not been prepared other than in an establishment inspected under said Act or has been inspected and passed and is identified as such in accordance with the requirements of a state law;
(c) Every article for use as an ingredient in the preparation of meat food products, when entering any official establishment and at all times while it is in such establishment, shall bear a label showing the name of the article, the amount or percentage therein of any substances restricted by this chapter or the Code of Federal Regulations 9 CFR, Chapter 3, Part 381, and a list of ingredients in the article if composed of two or more ingredients. In addition, the label must show the name and address of the manufacturer or distributor.
(d) Containers of preparations which enter any official establishment for use in cooling or retort water shall at all times while they are in such establishment bear labels, showing the chemical names of the chemicals in such preparations. In the case of any preparation containing chemicals which are specifically limited as to amount permitted to be used, the labels on the containers shall also show the percentage of each such chemical in the preparation;
(e) No prohibited dye, chemical, preservative, or other substance shall be brought into or kept in an official establishment for use as an ingredient of human food or animal feed;
(f) All isolated soy protein when entering and while in any official establishment, must be labeled in accordance with, and otherwise meet the requirements of Georgia Meat Inspection Rule 40-10-1-.20 (6)(b) 11;
(g) The official establishment shall furnish such information, as the inspector may deem necessary to determine the origin of any product or other article entering the official establishment. Such information may include, but is not limited to, the name and address, of the seller or supplier, transportation company, agent, or broker involved in the sale or delivery of the product or article in question;
(h) Any product or any poultry or poultry product or other article that is brought into an official establishment contrary to any provision of this section may be required by the Commissioner to be removed immediately from such establishment by the operator thereof, and failure to comply with such requirement shall be deemed a violation of this regulation. If any slaughtered poultry or poultry products or other articles are received at an official establishment and are suspected of being adulterated or misbranded under the Poultry Products Inspection act or the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the appropriate governmental authorities will be notified. Products received in an official establishment during the inspector's absence shall be held separate and apart in the establishment, pending inspection by the inspector.
(2) Reinspection, retention, and disposal of products at official establishments.
(a) All products and all slaughtered poultry and poultry products brought into any official establishment shall be identified and reinspected at the time of receipt, and shall be further subject to reinspection at any official establishment in such manner and at such times as may be deemed necessary by the officer in charge to assure compliance with the regulations in this chapter;
(b) All products, whether fresh, cured, or otherwise prepared, even though previously inspected and passed, shall be reinspected by Program employees as often as may be necessary in order to ascertain that they are not adulterated or misbranded at the time they enter or leave official establishments;
(c) Reinspection may be accomplished through use of statistically sound sampling plans that assure a high level of confidence. The officer in charge shall designate the type of plan and the program employee shall select the specific plan to be used in accordance with instructions issued by the Commissioner;
(d) A Georgia Retained Tag shall be placed by a Program employee at the time of reinspection at any official establishment on all products which are suspected on such reinspection of being adulterated or misbranded, and such products shall be held for further inspection. Such tags shall be removed only by authorized Program employees. When further inspection is made, if the product is found to be adulterated, all official inspection legends or other official marks for which the product is found to be eligible under the regulations in this chapter, shall be removed or defaced and the product shall be condemned and disposed of in accordance with this chapter, except that a determination regarding adulteration may be deferred if a product has become soiled or unclean by falling on the floor or in any other accidental way or if the product is affected with any other condition which the inspector deems capable of correction, in which case the product shall be cleaned (including trimming if necessary) or otherwise handled in a manner approved by the inspector to assure that it will not be adulterated and shall then be presented for reinspection and disposal in accordance with this section. If upon final inspection the product is found to be neither adulterated or misbranded, the inspector shall remove the Ga. Retained tag. If a product is found upon reinspection to be misbranded, but not adulterated, it shall be held under a Ga. Retained tag, or a Ga. Detention tag, pending correction of the misbranding or issuance of an order to withold from use the labeling or container of the product, or the institution of a judicial seizure action. The inspector shall make a complete record of each transaction under this paragraph and shall report his action to the officer in charge.
(3) Designation of places of receipt of product and other articles for reinspection. Every official establishment shall designate, with the approval of the officer in charge, a dock or place at which products and other articles subject to reinspection shall be received, and such products and articles shall be received only at such dock or place.
(4) Preparation of products to be officially supervised; responsibilities of official establishments:
(a) All processes used in curing, pickling, rendering, canning, or otherwise preparing any product in official establishments shall be supervised by Program employees. No fixtures or appliances, such as tables, trucks, trays, tanks, vats, machines, implements, cans, or containers of any kind, shall be used unless they are of such material and construction as will not contaminate or otherwise adulterate the product and are clean and sanitary. All steps in the process of manufacture shall be conducted carefully and with strict cleanliness in rooms or compartments separate from those used for inedible products;
(b) It shall be the responsibility of the operator of every official establishment to comply with the Act and the regulations in this chapter. In order to effectively carry out this responsibility, the operator of the establishment shall institute appropriate control programs, approved by the Georgia Meat Inspection Division and commensurate with the type of activities conducted at the establishment and the preparation, marking, labeling, and packaging of its products strictly in accordance with the sanitary and other requirements of this chapter. When such control programs involve the maintenance of records, such records shall be made available for review by inspectors.
(5) Requirements concerning procedures:
(a) Care shall be taken to insure that product is not adulterated when placed in freezers. If there is doubt as to the soundness of any frozen product, the inspector will require the defrosting and reinspection of a sufficient quantity thereof to determine its actual condition.
(b) Frozen product may be defrosted in water or pickle in a manner and with the use of facilities, which are acceptable to the inspector. Before such product is defrosted, a careful examination shall be made to determine its condition. If necessary, this examination shall include defrosting of representative samples by means other than in water or pickle.
(c) Cooked poultry or poultry shall be so handled to assure that the product is not contaminated by direct contact with raw product. To prevent direct contamination of the cooked product, establishments shall:
1. Physically separated areas where raw product is handled from areas where exposed cooked product is handled, used a solid impervious floor to ceiling wall; or
2. Handle raw and exposed cooked product at different times, with a cleaning of the entire area after the raw material handling is completed and prior to the handling of cooked product in that area; or prior to the handling of cooked product in that area; or
3. Submit a written procedure for approval through the inspector in charge to the District Supervisor detailing the steps to be taken which would avoid recontamination of cooked product by raw product during processing.
(d) Cooked poultry or poultry shall be so handled to assure that the product is not recontaminated by indirect contact with raw product. To prevent indirect contamination of the cooked product, establishments shall:
1. Any work surface, machine, or tool which contacts raw product shall be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized with a solution germicidally equivalent to 55 ppm chlorine before it contacts cooked product;
2. Employees shall wash their hands and sanitize them with a solution germicidally equivalent to 50 ppm chlorine whenever they enter the heat processed product area or before preparing to handle cooked product, and as frequently as necessary during operations to avoid product contamination; and
3. Outer garments, including aprons, smocks, and gloves shall be especially identified as restricted for use in cooked product areas only, changed at least daily, and hung in a designated location when the employee leaves the area.
(e) Cooked product shall not be stored in the same room as raw product unless it is first packaged in a sealed, watertight container or is otherwise protected by a covering that has been approved, upon written request, by the District Supervisor.

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 40-10-2-.16

O.C.G.A. Secs. 26-2-203, 26-2-208.

Original Rule entitled "Entry Into Official Establishments: Reinspection and Preparation of Products" adopted. F. Jan. 17, 2003; eff. Feb. 6, 2003.