Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 40-10-2-.06

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through August 29, 2024
Rule 40-10-2-.06 - Facilities Requiring Inspection
(1) Establishments requiring inspection:
(a) Inspection under the regulation in this chapter is required at:
1. Every establishment, except as provided in 9 CFR Chapter 381.10(a)(1)and (5), in which any domesticated poultry are slaughtered for transportation or sale as articles of commerce, or in which any products of, or derived from, carcasses of poultry are, wholly or in part, prepared for transportation of sale as articles of commerce which are intended for use as human food; and
2. Every establishment designated by the Commissioner pursuant to paragraph 40-10-2-.06(b) and/or (c) of this Chapter as one producing adulterated products, which would clearly endanger the public health.
(b) The Commissioner may extend the inspection requirements to any establishment in the State at which products are prepared for distribution solely within the State, if he determines in accordance with the provisions of the Act that it is producing adulterated products, which would clearly endanger the public health.
(c) Whenever any complaint is received by the Commissioner from any person alleging that any retail store claiming exemption under this paragraph (a) has been operated in violation of the conditions prescribed in this section for retail exemption, and the Commissioner, upon investigation of the complaint, has reason to believe that any such violation has occurred he shall so notify the operator of the retail store and afford him reasonable opportunity to present his views informally with respect to the matter. Thereafter, if the Commissioner still has reason to believe that such a violation has occurred, and that a requirement that the operator keep records concerning the operations of the retail store would effectuate the purposes of the Act, the Commissioner shall order the operator to maintain complete, accurate, and legible records of total monthly purchases and of total monthly sales of poultry, poultry byproducts, and poultry food products, in terms of dollar values of the products involved. Such records shall separately show total sales to household consumers and total sales to other consumers and shall be maintained for the period prescribed in 40-10-1-.22(3) of the Georgia Meat Inspection Rules. If the operator maintains copies of bills of lading, receiving and shipping invoices, warehouse receipts, or similar documents, which give the information required herein, additional records are not required by this paragraph.
(2) Poultry and products entering official establishments. All poultry and all products entering any official establishment and all products prepared, in whole or in part, therein, shall be inspected, handled, stored, prepared, packaged, marked, and labeled as required by the regulations in this chapter.
(3) Establishments that qualify for a low volume exemption from inspection as prescribed in Rule 40-10-02-.04(1) must register with the Department as a Small Poultry Processor and pay any applicable registration fees.
(4) Establishments that qualify for a low volume exemption from inspection as prescribed in Rule 40-10-02-.04(1) must comply with all other applicable statutory and regulatory requirements including, but not limited to, the following:
(a) requirements relating to the prevention and control of diseases in livestock;
(b) requirements relating to the disposal of dead animals;
(c) requirements contained in Subject 40-13-10 entitled "Poultry";
(d) requirements contained in Rule 40-13-2-.15 relating to interstate movement health requirements for poultry; and
(f) requirements contained in the Department's "Small Poultry/Pasture Poultry Guidelines".

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 40-10-2-.06

O.C.G.A. §§ 26-2-208, 26-2-214.

Original Rule entitled "Maintenance of Sanitary Conditions and Precautions Against Contamination of Products" F. and eff. June 30, 1965.
Repealed: New Rule entitled "Facilities Requiring Inspection" adopted. F. Jan. 17, 2003; eff. Feb. 6, 2003.
Amended: F. July 8, 2021; eff. July 28, 2021.