Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 391-4-10-.09

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 24, 2024
Rule 391-4-10-.09 - Protected Species of Plants and Animals
(1) Mammals:
(a)Corynorhinus rafinesquii: Rafinesque's Big-eared Bat (rare)
(b)Eubalaena glacialis: North Atlantic Right Whale (endangered)
(c)Geomys pinetis: Southeastern Pocket Gopher (threatened)
(d)Megaptera novaeangliae: Humpback Whale (endangered)
(e)Myotis grisescens: Gray Bat (endangered)
(f)Myotis sodalis: Indiana Bat (endangered)
(g)Neofiber alleni: Round-tailed Muskrat (threatened)
(h)Puma concolor coryi: Florida Panther (endangered)
(i)Sylvilagus obscurus: Appalachian Cottontail (rare)
(j)Trichechus manatus: West Indian Manatee (endangered)
(2) Birds:
(a)Aimophila aestivalis: Bachman's Sparrow (rare)
(b)Ammodramus henslowii: Henslow's Sparrow (rare)
(c)Calidris canutus: Red Knot (rare)
(d)Campephilus principalis: Ivory-billed Woodpecker (endangered)
(e)Charadrius melodus: Piping Plover (threatened)
(f)Charadrius wilsonia: Wilson's Plover (threatened)
(g)Corvus corax: Common Raven (rare)
(h)Dendroica cerulea: Cerulean Warbler (rare)
(i)Dendroica kirtlandii: Kirtland's Warbler (endangered)
(j)Elanoides forficatus: Swallow-tailed Kite (rare)
(k)Falco peregrinus: Peregrine Falcon (rare)
(l)Falco sparverius paulus: Southeastern Kestrel (rare)
(m)Haematopus palliatus: American Oystercatcher (rare)
(n)Haliaeetus leucocephalus: Bald Eagle (threatened)
(o)Mycteria americana: Wood Stork (endangered)
(p)Picoides borealis: Red-cockaded Woodpecker (endangered)
(q)Rynchops niger: Black Skimmer (rare)
(r)Sterna antillarum: Least Tern (rare)
(s)Sterna nilotica: Gull-billed Tern (threatened)
(t)Vermivora chrysoptera: Golden-winged Warbler (endangered)
(3) Reptiles:
(a)Caretta caretta: Loggerhead Sea Turtle (endangered)
(b)Chelonia mydas: Green Sea Turtle (threatened)
(c)Clemmys guttata: Spotted Turtle (unusual)
(d)Dermochelys coriacea: Leatherback Sea Turtle (endangered)
(e)Drymarchon couperi: Eastern Indigo Snake (threatened)
(f)Eretmochelys imbricata: Hawksbill Sea Turtle (endangered)
(g)Glyptemys muhlenbergii: Bog Turtle (endangered)
(h)Gopherus polyphemus: Gopher Tortoise (threatened)
(i)Graptemys barbouri: Barbour's Map Turtle (threatened)
(j)Graptemys geographica: Common Map Turtle (rare)
(k)Graptemys pulchra: Alabama Map Turtle (rare)
(l)Heterodon simus: Southern Hognose Snake (threatened)
(m)Lepidochelys kempii: Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle (endangered)
(n)Macrochelys temminckii: Alligator Snapping Turtle (threatened)
(o)Malaclemys terrapin: Diamondback Terrapin (unusual)
(p)Ophisaurus mimicus: Mimic Glass Lizard (rare)
(4) Amphibians:
(a)Ambystoma cingulatum: Flatwoods Salamander (threatened)
(b)Amphiuma pholeter: One-toed Amphiuma (rare)
(c)Aneides aeneus: Green Salamander (rare)
(d)Cryptobranchus alleganiensis: Hellbender (threatened)
(e)Gyrinophilus palleucus: Tennessee Cave Salamander (threatened)
(f)Haideotriton wallacei: Georgia Blind Salamander (threatened)
(g)Notophthalmus perstriatus: Striped Newt (threatened)
(h)Plethodon petraeus: Pigeon Mountain Salamander (rare)
(i)Rana capito: Gopher Frog (rare)
(5) Fishes:
(a)Acipenser brevirostrum: Shortnose Sturgeon (endangered)
(b)Alosa alabamae: Alabama Shad (threatened)
(c)Ameiurus serracanthus: Spotted Bullhead (rare)
(d)Cyprinella caerulea: Blue Shiner (endangered)
(e)Cyprinella callitaenia: Bluestripe Shiner (rare)
(f)Cyprinella xaenura: Altamaha Shiner (threatened)
(g)Elassoma okatie: Bluebarred Pygmy Sunfish (endangered)
(h)Enneacanthus chaetodon: Blackbanded Sunfish (endangered)
(i)Erimystax insignis: Blotched Chub (endangered)
(j)Etheostoma brevirostrum: Holiday Darter (endangered)
(k)Etheostoma chlorobranchium: Greenfin Darter (threatened)
(l)Etheostoma chuckwachatte: Lipstick Darter (endangered)
(m)Etheostoma ditrema: Coldwater Darter (endangered)
(n)Etheostoma duryi: Black Darter (rare)
(o)Etheostoma etowahae: Etowah Darter (endangered)
(p)Etheostoma parvipinne: Goldstripe Darter (rare)
(q)Etheostoma rupestre: Rock Darter (rare)
(r)Etheostoma scotti: Cherokee Darter (threatened)
(s)Etheostoma tallapoosae: Tallapoosa Darter (rare)
(t)Etheostoma trisella: Trispot Darter (endangered)
(u)Etheostoma vulneratum: Wounded Darter (endangered)
(v)Fundulus bifax: Stippled Studfish (endangered)
(w)Fundulus catenatus: Northern Studfish (rare)
(x)Hemitremia flammea: Flame Chub (endangered)
(y)Hybopsis lineapunctata: Lined Chub (rare)
(z)Ichthyomyzon bdellium: Ohio Lamprey (rare)
(aa)Lucania goodei: Bluefin Killifish (rare)
(bb)Macrhybopsis sp.: Coosa Chub (endangered)
(cc)Micropterus notius: Suwannee Bass (rare)
(dd)Moxostoma carinatum: River Redhorse (rare)
(ee)Moxostoma robustum: Robust Redhorse (endangered)
(ff)Moxostoma sp.: Sicklefin Redhorse (endangered)
(gg)Notropis ariommus: Popeye Shiner (endangered)
(hh)Notropis asperifrons: Burrhead Shiner (threatened)
(ii)Notropis hypsilepis: Highscale Shiner (rare)
(jj)Notropis photogenis: Silver Shiner (endangered)
(kk)Notropis scepticus: Sandbar Shiner (rare)
(ll)Noturus eleutherus: Mountain Madtom (endangered)
(mm)Noturus munitus: Frecklebelly Madtom (endangered)
(nn)Percina antesella: Amber Darter (endangered)
(oo)Percina aurantiaca: Tangerine Darter (endangered)
(pp)Percina aurolineata: Goldline Darter (endangered)
(qq)Percina jenkinsi: Conasauga Logperch (endangered)
(rr)Percina lenticula: Freckled Darter (endangered)
(ss)Percina sciera: Dusky Darter (rare)
(tt)Percina shumardi: River Darter (endangered)
(uu)Percina sp.: Halloween Darter (threatened)
(vv)Percina sp.: Muscadine Darter (rare)
(ww)Percina sp.: Upland Bridled Darter (endangered)
(xx)Percina squamata: Olive Darter (endangered)
(yy)Percina tanasi: Snail Darter (endangered)
(zz)Phenacobius crassilabrum: Fatlips Minnow (endangered)
(aaa)Phenacobius uranops: Stargazing Minnow (threatened)
(bbb)Phoxinus tennesseensis: Tennessee Dace (endangered)
(ccc)Pteronotropis euryzonus: Broadstripe Shiner (rare)
(ddd)Pteronotropis welaka: Bluenose Shiner (threatened)
(eee)Typhlichthys subterraneus: Southern Cavefish (endangered)
(6) Invertebrates:
(a)Alasmidonta arcula: Altamaha Arcmussel (threatened)
(b)Alasmidonta triangulata: Southern Elktoe (endangered)
(c)Amblema neislerii: Fat Threeridge (endangered)
(d)Anodonta heardi: Apalachicola Floater (rare)
(e)Anodontoides radiatus: Rayed Creekshell (threatened)
(f)Cambarus coosawattae: Coosawattee Crayfish (endangered)
(g)Cambarus cryptodytes: Dougherty Plain Cave Crayfish (threatened)
(h)Cambarus cymatilis: Conasauga Blue Burrower (endangered)
(i)Cambarus doughertyensis: Dougherty Burrowing Crayfish (endangered)
(j)Cambarus englishi: Tallapoosa Crayfish (rare)
(k)Cambarus extraneus: Chickamauga Crayfish (threatened)
(l)Cambarus fasciatus: Etowah Crayfish (threatened)
(m)Cambarus georgiae: Little Tennessee Crayfish (endangered)
(n)Cambarus harti: Piedmont Blue Burrower (endangered)
(o)Cambarus howardi: Chattahoochee Crayfish (threatened)
(p)Cambarus parrishi: Hiwassee Headwaters Crayfish (endangered)
(q)Cambarus scotti: Chattooga River Crayfish (threatened)
(r)Cambarus speciosus: Beautiful Crayfish (endangered)
(s)Cambarus strigosus: Lean Crayfish (threatened)
(t)Cambarus truncatus: Oconee Burrowing Crayfish (threatened)
(u)Cambarus unestami: Blackbarred Crayfish (threatened)
(v)Cordulegaster sayi: Say's Spiketail (threatened)
(w)Distocambarus devexus: Broad River Burrowing Crayfish (threatened)
(x)Elliptio arca: Alabama Spike (endangered)
(y)Elliptio arctata: Delicate Spike (endangered)
(z)Elliptio purpurella: Inflated Spike (threatened)
(aa)Elliptio spinosa: Altamaha Spinymussel (endangered)
(bb) Elliptoideus sloatianus: Purple Bankclimber (threatened)
(cc)Epioblasma metastriata: Upland Combshell (endangered)
(dd)Epioblasma othcaloogensis: Southern Acornshell (endangered)
(ee)Fusconaia masoni: Atlantic Pigtoe (endangered)
(ff)Gomphus consanguis: Cherokee Clubtail (threatened)
(gg)Hamiota altilis: Fine - lined Pocketbook (threatened)
(hh)Hamiota subangulata: Shinyrayed Pocketbook (endangered)
(ii)Leptoxis foremani: Interrupted Rocksnail (endangered)
(jj)Medionidus acutissimus: Alabama Moccasinshell (threatened)
(kk)Medionidus parvulus: Coosa Moccasinshell (endangered)
(ll)Medionidus penicillatus: Gulf Moccasinshell (endangered)
(mm)Medionidus simpsonianus: Ochlockonee Moccasinshell (endangered)
(nn)Ophiogomphus edmundo: Edmund's Snaketail (endangered)
(oo)Pleurobema decisum: Southern Clubshell (endangered)
(pp)Pleurobema georgianum: Southern Pigtoe (endangered)
(qq)Pleurobema hanleyianum: Georgia Pigtoe (endangered)
(rr)Pleurobema pyriforme: Oval Pigtoe (endangered)
(ss)Procambarus gibbus: Muckalee Crayfish (threatened)
(tt)Procambarus verrucosus: Grainy Crayfish (rare)
(uu)Procambarus versutus: Sly Crayfish (rare)
(vv)Ptychobranchus greenii: Triangular Kidneyshell (endangered)
(ww)Strophitus connasaugaensis: Alabama Creekmussel (endangered)
(xx)Strophitus subvexus: Southern Creekmussel (endangered)
(yy)Toxolasma pullus: Savannah Lilliput (threatened)
(7) Plants:
(a)Allium speculae: Flatrock Onion (threatened)
(b)Alnus maritima subsp. georgiensis: Georgia Alder (threatened)
(c)Amorpha georgiana: Georgia Indigo-bush (endangered)
(d)Amphianthus pusillus: Pool Sprite (threatened)
(e)Arabis georgiana: Georgia Rockcress (threatened)
(f) Arnoglossum diversifolium: Variable-leaf Indian-plantain (threatened)
(g)Asclepias purpurascens: Purple Milkweed (rare)
(h)Asplenium heteroresiliens: MarlSpleenwort (threatened)
(i)Astragalus michauxii: Sandhill Milk-vetch (threatened)
(j)Aureolaria patula: Spreading Yellow Foxglove (threatened)
(k)Balduina atropurpurea: Purple Honeycomb Head (rare)
(l)Baptisia arachnifera: Hairy Rattleweed (endangered)
(m)Berberis canadensis: American Barberry (endangered)
(n)Brickellia cordifolia: Heartleaf Brickellia (threatened)
(o)Calamagrostis porteri: Porter's Reed-grass (rare)
(p)Calamintha ashei: Ohoopee Wild Basil (threatened)
(q)Carex baltzellii: Baltzell's Sedge (endangered)
(r)Carex biltmoreana: Granite Dome Sedge (threatened)
(s)Carex dasycarpa: Velvet Sedge (rare)
(t)Carex misera: Wretched Sedge (threatened)
(u)Carex radfordii: Radford's Sedge (threatened)
(v)Carya myristiciformis: Nutmeg Hickory (rare)
(w)Ceratiola ericoides: Sandhill Rosemary (threatened)
(x)Chamaecyparis thyoides: Atlantic White-cedar (rare)
(y)Chelone cuthbertii: Cuthbert's Turtlehead (threatened)
(z)Clematis fremontii: Fremont's Leatherflower (endangered)
(aa)Clematis socialis: Alabama Leatherflower (endangered)
(bb)Convallaria majuscula: American Lily-of-the-valley (rare)
(cc)Coreopsis integrifolia: Floodplain Tickseed (threatened)
(dd)Coreopsis latifolia: Broadleaf Tickseed (rare)
(ee)Crataegus triflora: Three-flowered Hawthorn (threatened)
(ff)Croomia pauciflora: Croomia (threatened)
(gg)Cuscuta harperi: Harper's Dodder (endangered)
(hh)Cymophyllus fraserianus: Fraser's Sedge (threatened)
(ii)Cypripedium acaule: Pink Ladyslipper (unusual)
(jj)Cypripedium kentuckiense: Kentucky Ladyslipper (endangered)
(kk)Cypripedium parviflorum: Yellow Ladyslipper (rare)
(ll)Desmodium ochroleucum: Cream-flowered Tick-trefoil (threatened)
(mm)Dicanthelium hirstii: Hirst's Witch Grass (endangered)
(nn)Dicerandra radfordiana: Radford's Mint (endangered)
(oo)Draba aprica: Sun-lovingDraba (endangered)
(pp)Echinacea laevigata: Smooth Purple Coneflower (endangered)
(qq)Elliottia racemosa: Georgia Plume (threatened)
(rr)Epidendrum conopseum: Greenfly Orchid (unusual)
(ss)Eriocaulon koernickianum: Dwarf Hatpins (endangered)
(tt)Evolvulus sericeus: Silky Morning-glory (endangered)
(uu)Fimbristylis perpusilla: Harper's Fimbry (endangered)
(vv)Forestiera godfreyi: Godfrey's Wild Privet (endangered)
(ww)Forestiera segregata: Florida Wild Privet (rare)
(xx)Fothergilla gardenii: Dwarf Witch-alder (threatened)
(yy)Fothergilla major: Mountain Witch-alder (threatened)
(zz)Gentianopsis crinita: Fringed Gentian (threatened)
(aaa)Gymnoderma lineare: Rock Gnome Lichen (endangered)
(bbb)Habenaria quinqueseta: Michaux's Spider Orchid (threatened)
(ccc)Hartwrightia floridana: Hartwrightia (threatened)
(ddd)Helianthus verticillatus: Whorled Sunflower (endangered)
(eee)Helonias bullata: Swamp Pink (threatened)
(fff)Hydrastis canadensis: Goldenseal (endangered)
(ggg)Hymenocallis coronaria: Shoals Spiderlily (threatened)
(hhh)Illicium floridanum: Florida Anise (endangered)
(iii)Isoetes melanospora: Black-spored Quillwort (endangered)
(jjj)Isoetes tegetiformans: Mat-forming Quillwort (endangered)
(kkk)Isotria medeoloides: Small Whorled Pogonia (threatened)
(lll)Jamesianthus alabamensis: Alabama Warbonnet (endangered)
(mmm)Jeffersonia diphylla: Twinleaf (rare)
(nnn)Kalmia carolina: Carolina Bog Laurel (threatened)
(ooo)Leavenworthia exigua var. exigua: Least Gladecress (threatened)
(ppp)Leiophyllum buxifolium: Sand-myrtle (threatened)
(qqq)Leitneria floridana: Corkwood (threatened)
(rrr)Lilium michiganense: Michigan Lily (rare)
(sss)Lilium philadelphicum: Wood Lily (endangered)
(ttt)Lindera melissifolia: Pond Spicebush (endangered)
(uuu)Litsea aestivalis: Pond Spice (rare)
(vvv)Lotus helleri: Carolina Trefoil (endangered)
(www)Lysimachia fraseri: Fraser's Loosestrife (rare)
(xxx)Lythrum curtissii: Curtiss' Loosestrife (threatened)
(yyy)Macbridea caroliniana: Carolina Bogmint (rare)
(zzz)Macranthera flammea: Hummingbird Flower (threatened)
(aaaa)Marshallia mohrii: Coosa Barbara Buttons (threatened)
(bbbb)Marshallia ramosa: Pineland Barbara Buttons (rare)
(cccc)Matelea alabamensis: Alabama Milkvine (threatened)
(dddd)Matelea pubiflora: Trailing Milkvine (rare)
(eeee)Megaceros aenigmaticus: Bighorn Hornwort (threatened)
(ffff)Monotropsis odorata: Sweet Pinesap (threatened)
(gggg)Morella inodora: Odorless Bayberry (threatened)
(hhhh)Myriophyllum laxum: Lax Water Milfoil (rare)
(iiii)Najas filifolia: Narrowleaf Naiad (endangered)
(jjjj)Nestronia umbellula: Indian Olive (rare)
(kkkk)Neviusia alabamensis: Alabama Snow-wreath (threatened)
(llll)Oxypolis canbyi: Canby Dropwort (endangered)
(mmmm)Pachysandra procumbens: Allegheny-spurge (rare)
(nnnn)Packera millefolia: Blue Ridge Golden Ragwort (threatened)
(oooo)Paronychia virginica: Yellow Nailwort (endangered)
(pppp)Pedicularis lanceolata: Swamp Lousewort (endangered)
(qqqq)Pediomelum piedmontanum: Dixie Mountain Breadroot (endangered)
(rrrr)Penstemon dissectus: Cutleaf Beardtongue (rare)
(ssss)Pinguicula primuliflora: Clearwater Butterwort (threatened)
(tttt)Pityopsis pinifolia: Sandhill Golden-aster (rare)
(uuuu)Platanthera integrilabia: Monkeyface Orchid (threatened)
(vvvv)Prenanthes barbata: Barbed Rattlesnake Root (rare)
(wwww)Pteroglossaspis ecristata: Crestless Plume Orchid (threatened)
(xxxx)Ptilimnium nodosum: Harperella (endangered)
(yyyy)Quercus oglethorpensis: Oglethorpe Oak (threatened)
(zzzz)Rhododendron prunifolium: Plumleaf Azalea (threatened)
(aaaaa)Rhus michauxii: Dwarf Sumac (endangered)
(bbbbb)Rhynchospora solitaria: Solitary Beakrush (endangered)
(ccccc)Rudbeckia auriculata: Swamp Black-eyed Susan (endangered)
(ddddd)Rudbeckia heliopsidis: Little River Black-eyed Susan (threatened)
(eeeee)Sabatia capitata: Cumberland Rose Gentian (rare)
(fffff)Sageretia minutiflora: Climbing Buckthorn (threatened)
(ggggg)Sagittaria secundifolia: Kral's Water-plantain (threatened)
(hhhhh)Salix floridana: Florida Willow (endangered)
(iiiii)Sanguisorba canadensis: Canada Burnet (threatened)
(jjjjj)Sapindus marginatus: Soapberry (rare)
(kkkkk)Sarracenia flava: Yellow Flytrap (unusual)
(lllll)Sarracenia leucophylla: Whitetop Pitcherplant (endangered)
(mmmmm)Sarracenia minor: Hooded Pitcherplant (unusual)
(nnnnn)Sarracenia oreophila: Green Pitcherplant (endangered)
(ooooo)Sarracenia psittacina: Parrot Pitcherplant (threatened)
(ppppp)Sarracenia purpurea: Purple Pitcherplant (endangered)
(qqqqq)Sarracenia rubra: Sweet Pitcherplant (threatened)
(rrrrr)Schisandra glabra: Bay Star-vine (threatened)
(sssss)Schwalbea americana: Chaffseed (endangered)
(ttttt)Scutellaria montana: Large-flowered Skullcap (threatened)
(uuuuu)Scutellaria ocmulgee: Ocmulgee Skullcap (threatened)
(vvvvv)Sedum nevii: Nevius Stonecrop (threatened)
(wwwww)Sedum pusillum: Granite Stonecrop (threatened)
(xxxxx)Shortia galacifolia: Oconee Bells (endangered)
(yyyyy)Sibbaldiopsis tridentata: Mountain Cinquefoil (endangered)
(zzzzz)Sideroxylon macrocarpum: Ohoopee Bumelia (rare)
(aaaaaa)Sideroxylon thornei: Swamp Buckthorn (rare)
(bbbbbb)Silene ovata: Ovate Catchfly (rare)
(cccccc)Silene polypetala: Fringed Campion (endangered)
(dddddd)Silene regia: Royal Catchfly (endangered)
(eeeeee)Solidago simulans: Cliffside Goldenrod (endangered)
(ffffff)Spiraea virginiana: Virginia Spirea (threatened)
(gggggg)Spiranthes magnicamporum: Great Plains Ladies-tresses (endangered)
(hhhhhh)Stewartia malacodendron: Silky Camellia (rare)
(iiiiii)Streptopus lanceolatus: Rosy Twisted Stalk (threatened)
(jjjjjj)Stylisma pickeringii var. pickeringii: Pickering's Morning-glory (threatened)
(kkkkkk)Symphyotrichum georgianum: Georgia Aster (threatened)
(llllll)Thalictrum cooleyi: Cooley Meadowrue (endangered)
(mmmmmm)Thalictrum debile: Trailing Meadowrue (threatened)
(nnnnnn)Thaspium pinnatifidum: Glade Meadowparsnip (endangered)
(oooooo)Torreya taxifolia: Florida Torreya (endangered)
(pppppp)Trientalis borealis: Starflower (endangered)
(qqqqqq)Trillium persistens: Persistent Trillium (endangered)
(rrrrrr)Trillium pusillum: Dwarf Trillium (endangered)
(ssssss)Trillium reliquum: Relict Trillium (endangered)
(tttttt)Tsuga caroliniana: Carolina Hemlock (endangered)
(uuuuuu)Veratrum woodii: Ozark Bunchflower (rare)
(vvvvvv)Viburnum bracteatum: Limerock Arrowwood (endangered)
(wwwwww)Waldsteinia lobata: Barren Strawberry (rare)
(xxxxxx)Xerophyllum asphodeloides: Eastern Turkeybeard (rare)
(yyyyyy)Xyris tennesseensis: Tennessee Yellow-eyed Grass (endangered)

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 391-4-10-.09

O.C.G.A. Secs. 12-6-172, 27-3-132.

: Original Rule entitled "Protected Species of Plants and Animals" adopted. F. Dec. 22, 1980; eff. Jan. 11, 1981.
Amended: F. Apr. 20, 1984; eff. May 10, 1984.
Amended: F. Nov. 4, 1992; eff. Nov. 24, 1992.
Repealed: New Rule of same title adopted. F. Oct. 26, 2006; eff. Nov. 15, 2006.