Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 391-3-6-.03

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 24, 2024
Rule 391-3-6-.03 - Designated Uses and Water Quality Standards
(1)Purpose. The establishment of water quality standards.
(2)Water Quality Enhancement:
(a) The purposes and intent of the State in establishing Water Quality Standards are to provide enhancement of water quality and prevention of pollution; to protect the public health or welfare in accordance with the public interest for drinking water supplies, conservation of fish, wildlife and other beneficial aquatic life, and agricultural, industrial, recreational, and other reasonable and necessary uses and to maintain and improve the biological integrity of the waters of the State.
(b) The following paragraphs describe the three tiers of the State's waters.
(i) Tier 1 - Existing instream water uses and the level of water quality necessary to protect the existing uses shall be maintained and protected.
(ii) Tier 2 - Where the quality of the waters exceed levels necessary to support propagation of fish, shellfish, and wildlife and recreation in and on the water, that quality shall be maintained and protected unless the division finds, after full satisfaction of the intergovernmental coordination and public participation provisions of the division's continuing planning process, that allowing lower water quality is necessary to accommodate important economic or social development in the area in which the waters are located. In allowing such degradation or lower water quality, the division shall assure water quality adequate to protect existing uses fully. Further, the division shall assure that there shall be achieved the highest statutory and regulatory requirements for all new and existing point sources and all cost-effective and reasonable best management practices for nonpoint source control.
1. The division may identify waters for Tier 2 protections on a parameter-by-parameter basis or on a water body-by-water body basis in accordance with 40 CFR 131.12(a)(2)(i).
2. Before allowing any lowering of high quality water the division shall find, after an analysis of alternatives, that such a lowering is necessary to accommodate important economic or social development in the area in which the waters are located. The analysis of alternatives shall evaluate a range of practicable alternatives that would prevent or lessen the degradation associated with the proposed activity. When the analysis of alternatives identifies one or more practicable alternatives, the division shall only find that a lowering is necessary if one such alternative is selected for implementation.
(iii) Tier 3 - Outstanding National Resource Waters (ONRW). This designation will be considered for an outstanding national resource waters, such as waters of National or State parks and wildlife refuges and waters of exceptional aesthetic, historic, recreational, or ecological significance. For waters designated as ONRW, existing water quality shall be maintained and protected. The following waters below are designated as ONRWs:

Conasauga River within the Cohutta Wilderness Area of the Chattahoochee National Forest (headwaters to Forest Service Road 17).

1. No new point source discharges or increases in the discharge of pollutants above permitted level from existing point source discharges to ONRW shall be allowed.
2. Existing point source discharges to ONRW shall be allowed, provided they are treated or controlled in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
3. New point source discharges or expansions of existing point source discharges to waters upstream of, or tributary to, ONRW shall be regulated in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, including compliance with water quality criteria for the designated use applicable to the particular water. However, no new point source discharge or expansion of an existing point source discharge to waters upstream of, or tributary to, ONRW shall be allowed if such discharge would not maintain and protect water quality within the ONRW.
4. Activities that result in short-term, temporary, and limited changes to water quality may be allowed if authorized by the Division and the water quality is returned or restored to conditions equal to or better than those existing prior to the activities.
(c) In applying these policies and requirements, the Division will recognize and protect the interest of the Federal Government in interstate and intrastate (including coastal and estuarine) waters. Toward this end the Division will consult and cooperate with the Environmental Protection Agency on all matters affecting the Federal interest.
(d) In those cases where potential water quality impairment associated with a thermal discharge is involved, the division's actions shall be consistent with Section 316 of the Federal Clean Water Act.
(e) Variance. Variances are a temporary modification to the designated use and associated criteria. Variances may be written for a specific geographic area, pollutant, or source. The State may issue variances that can provide relief to a permittee while they upgrade their facility to meet the standard. Variances are based on a use attainability demonstration, which requires a scientific assessment of factors affecting the attainment of a standard. Variances target achievement of the highest attainable water quality standard, must be reviewed every three years, and do not allow for a reduction in treatment efforts. Before a variance to a water quality standard is applied to a permitted discharger or to a waterbody, it must be demonstrated that one of the following factors has been satisfied:
(i) Naturally occurring pollutant concentrations prevent the attainment of the use; or
(ii) Natural, ephemeral, intermittent or low flow conditions or water levels prevent the attainment of the use, unless these conditions may be compensated for by the discharge of sufficient volume of effluent discharges without violating Georgia's water conservation requirements to enable uses to be met; or
(iii) Human caused conditions or sources of pollution prevent the attainment of the use and cannot be remedied or would cause more environmental damage to correct than to leave in place, or
(iv) Dams, diversions or other types of hydrologic modifications preclude the attainment of the use, and it is not feasible to restore the water body to its original condition or to operate such modification in a way that would result in the attainment of the use; or
(v) Physical conditions related to the natural features of the water body such as the lack of a proper substrate, cover, flow, depth, pools, riffles, and the like, unrelated to water quality, preclude attainment of aquatic life protection uses; or
(vi) Controls more stringent than those required by sections 301(b) and 306 of the Clean Water Act would result in substantial and widespread economic and social impact.
(f) Removal of a Designated Use. The State may remove a designated use which is not an existing use, as defined in 40 CFR 131.3, or establish sub-categories of a use if the State can demonstrate that attaining the designated use is not feasible. This is done through a use attainability analysis. The use attainability analysis is a scientific assessment of factors affecting the attainment of a use and may include physical, chemical, biological and/or economic factors. A detailed analysis is required demonstrating that certain conditions are met indicating that the designated use cannot be met and should be removed. The use attainability analysis should be conducted in accordance with the US EPA Technical Support Manual: Waterbody Surveys and Assessments for Conducting Use Attainability Analyses and /or any State guidance documents. The factors that can be used are as follows:
(i) Naturally occurring pollutant concentrations prevent the attainment of the use; or
(ii) Natural, ephemeral, intermittent or low flow conditions or water levels prevent the attainment of the use, unless these conditions may be compensated for by the discharge of sufficient volume of effluent discharges without violating Georgia's water conservation requirements to enable uses to be met; or
(iii) Human caused conditions or sources of pollution prevent the attainment of the use and cannot be remedied or would cause more environmental damage to correct than to leave in place, or
(iv) Dams, diversions or other types of hydrologic modifications preclude the attainment of the use, and it is not feasible to restore the water body to its original condition or to operate such modification in a way that would result in the attainment of the use; or
(v) Physical conditions related to the natural features of the water body such as the lack of a proper substrate, cover, flow, depth, pools, riffles, and the like, unrelated to water quality, preclude attainment of aquatic life protection uses; or
(vi) Controls more stringent than those required by sections 301(b) and 306 of the Clean Water Act would result in substantial and widespread economic and social impact.
(g) Schedules of Compliance. The division may allow the use of schedules of compliance for water quality based effluent limits in NPDES permits in accordance with 40 CFR 131.15. Such schedules of compliance shall be implemented in accordance with 391-3-6-.06(10).
(3)Definitions. All terms used in this paragraph shall be interpreted in accordance with definitions as set forth in the Act and as otherwise herein defined:
(a) "Acute criteria" corresponds to EPA's definition for Criteria Maximum Concentration which is defined in 40 CFR 131.36 as the highest concentration of a pollutant to which aquatic life can be exposed for a short period of time (1-hour average) without deleterious effects.
(b) "Biological integrity" is functionally defined as the condition of the aquatic community inhabiting least impaired waterbodies of a specified habitat measured by community structure and function.
(c) "Chronic criteria" corresponds to EPA's definition for Criteria Continuous Concentration which is defined in 40 CFR 131.36 as the highest concentration of a pollutant to which aquatic life can be exposed for an extended period of time (4 days) without deleterious effects.
(d) "Coastal waters" are those littoral recreational waters on the ocean side of the Georgia coast.
(e) "Estuarine waters" are areas where salt, fresh and brackish waters mix. Those areas on the coast of Georgia have a salinity of 0.5 parts per thousand and greater. This includes all of the creeks, rivers, and sounds of the coastal area of Georgia and portions of the Savannah, Ogeechee, Altamaha, Satilla, and St. Marys Rivers where those rivers flow into coastal sounds. Mixing areas are generally maintained by seawater transported through the sounds by tide and wind which is mixed with fresh water supplied by land runoff, subsurface water and river flow. Mixing areas have moving boundaries based upon but not limited to river stage, rainfall, moon phase and water use. (For the purposes of this rule salinity shall be analyzed by in situ measurement using a properly calibrated multi-parametric probe connected by hard line to a deck display or by measuring electrical conductivity according to one of the methods specified in Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 136 and applying the guidance for conversion to salinity in the same volume. Collection of salinity samples must consider river flow, precipitation, tidal influences and other variables of the estuarine environment and must conform to the National Coastal Assessment-Quality Assurance Project Plan 2001-2004 (EPA/620/R-01/002). Measurements at each sampling location must be made in a distribution in the water column according to the Quality Assurance Project Plan, with the minimum observations at each station including surface, mid-depth and near-bottom readings. In situ salinity analysis must comply with the Quality Assurance Project Plan and the manufacturer's guidance for the specific instrument used).
(f) "Existing instream water uses" include water uses actually attained in the waterbody on or after November 28, 1975.
(g) "Intake temperature" is the natural or background temperature of a particular waterbody unaffected by any man-made discharge or thermal input.
(h) "Critical conditions" are the collection of conditions for a particular waterbody used to develop Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), determine NPDES permit limits, or assess the protection of water quality standards. The Division considers appropriate critical conditions to represent the event that would occur once in ten years on the average or less often, unless otherwise stated.
(i) "Natural conditions" are the collection of conditions for a particular waterbody used to develop numeric criteria for water quality standards which are based on natural conditions. This is commonly the case for temperature, pH, and natural dissolved oxygen standards. For this purpose the Division defines "natural conditions" as those that would remain after removal of all point sources and water intakes, would remain after removal of man made or induced nonpoint sources of pollution, but may include irretrievable effects of man's activities, unless otherwise stated. Natural conditions shall be developed by an examination of historic data, comparisons to reference watersheds, application of mathematical models, or any other procedure deemed appropriate by the Director.
(j) "Naturally variable parameters." It is recognized that certain parameters including dissolved oxygen, pH, bacteria, turbidity and water temperature, vary through a given period of time (such as daily or seasonally) due to natural conditions. Assessment of State waters may allow for a 10% excursion frequency for these parameters.
(k) "Practicable alternatives" are alternatives that are technologically possible, able to be put into practice, and economically viable.
(l) "Primary contact recreation" is full immersion contact with water where there is significant risk of ingestion that includes, but is not limited to, swimming, diving, whitewater boating (Class III and above), water skiing, and surfing.
(m) "Reasonable and necessary uses" means drinking water supplies, conservation, protection, and propagation of fish, shellfish, wildlife and other beneficial aquatic life, agricultural, industrial, recreational, and other legitimate uses.
(n) "Secondary contact recreation" is incidental contact with the water not involving a significant risk of water ingestion such as canoeing, fishing, kayaking, motor boating, rowing, tubing, splashing, wading, and occasional swimming.
(o) "Shellfish" refers to clams, oysters, scallops, mussels, and other bivalve mollusks.
(p) "Significant Figures." The number of "significant figures" represented in numeric criteria are the number of figures or digits that have meaning as estimated from the accuracy and precision with which the quantity was measured and the data were rounded off. Technical guidance on significant figures, including rules for rounding off following mathematical operations, is provided in the publication entitled Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, in "Part 1050 Expression of Results, B. Significant Figures" (American Public Health Association (APHA), American Water Works Association (AWWA), and Water Environment Federation (WEF); 18th, 19th, 20th, or subsequent Editions).
(q) "Water" or "waters of the State" means any and all rivers, streams, creeks, branches, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, drainage systems, springs, wells, wetlands, and all other bodies of surface or subsurface water, natural or artificial, lying within or forming a part of the boundaries of the State which are not entirely confined and retained completely upon the property of a single individual, partnership, or corporation.
(4)Designated Uses. Designated uses for which the criteria of this Paragraph are applicable are as follows:
(a) Drinking Water Supplies
(b) Recreation
(c) Fishing, Propagation of Fish, Shellfish, Game and Other Aquatic Life
(d) Wild River
(e) Scenic River
(f) Coastal Fishing
(5)General Criteria for All Waters. The following criteria are deemed to be necessary and applicable to all waters of the State:
(a) All waters shall be free from materials associated with municipal or domestic sewage, industrial waste or any other waste which will settle to form sludge deposits that become putrescent, unsightly or otherwise objectionable.
(b) All waters shall be free from oil, scum and floating debris associated with municipal or domestic sewage, industrial waste or other discharges in amounts sufficient to be unsightly or to interfere with the designated use of the water body.
(c) All waters shall be free from material related to municipal, industrial or other discharges which produce turbidity, color, odor or other objectionable conditions which interfere with the designated use of the water body.
(d) Turbidity. The following standard is in addition to the narrative turbidity standard in Paragraph 391-3-6-.03(5)(c) above: All waters shall be free from turbidity which results in a substantial visual contrast in a water body due to a man-made activity. The upstream appearance of a body of water shall be as observed at a point immediately upstream of a turbidity-causing man-made activity. That upstream appearance shall be compared to a point which is located sufficiently downstream from the activity so as to provide an appropriate mixing zone. For land disturbing activities, proper design, installation, and maintenance of best management practices and compliance with issued permits shall constitute compliance with Paragraph 391-3-6-.03(5)(d).
(e) All waters shall be free from toxic, corrosive, acidic and caustic substances discharged from municipalities, industries or other sources, such as nonpoint sources, in amounts, concentrations or combinations which are harmful to humans, animals or aquatic life.
(i) Instream concentrations of the following chemical constituents which are considered to be other toxic pollutants of concern in the State of Georgia shall not exceed the criteria indicated below under 7-day, 10-year minimum flow (7Q10) or higher stream flow conditions except within established mixing zones:

1. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)

70 µg/L

2. Methoxychlor

0.03 µg/L*

3. 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy propionic acid (TP Silvex)

50 µg/L

(ii) Instream concentrations of the following chemical constituents listed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as toxic priority pollutants pursuant to Section 307(a)(1) of the Federal Clean Water Act (as amended) shall not exceed the acute criteria indicated below under 1-day, 10-year minimum flow (1Q10) or higher stream flow conditions and shall not exceed the chronic criteria indicated below under 7-day, 10-year minimum flow (7Q10) or higher stream flow conditions except within established mixing zones or in accordance with site specific effluent limitations developed in accordance with procedures presented in 391-3-6-.06. Unless otherwise specified, the criteria below are listed in their total recoverable form. Because most of the numeric criteria for the metals below are listed as the dissolved form, total recoverable concentrations of metals that are measured instream will need to be translated to the dissolved form in order to compare the instream data with the numeric criteria. This translation will be performed using guidance found in "Guidance Document of Dynamic Modeling and Translators August 1993" found in Appendix J of EPA's Water Quality Standards Handbook: Second Edition, EPA-823-B-94-005a or by using other appropriate guidance from EPA.





(a) Freshwater

340 µg/L 1

150 µg/L 1

(b) Coastal and Estuarine Waters

69 µg/L 1

36 µg/L 1



(a) Freshwater

0.94 µg/L 1, 3

0.43 µg/L 1, 3

(b) Coastal and Estuarine Waters

33 µg/L 1

7.9 µg/L 1


Chromium III

(a) Freshwater

320 µg/L 1,3

42 µg/L 1,3

(b) Coastal and Estuarine Waters




Chromium VI

(a) Freshwater

16 µg/L 1

11 µg/L 1

(b) Coastal and Estuarine Waters

1,100 µg/L 1

50 µg/L 1



(a) Freshwater

7.0 µg/L 1,2*,3

5.0 µg/L 1,2*,3

(b) Coastal and Estuarine Waters

4.8 µg/L 1,2

3.1 µg/L 1,2



(a) Freshwater

30 µg/L 1,3

1.2 µg/L 1,2*,3

(b) Coastal and Estuarine Waters

210 µg/L 1

8.1 µg/L 1



(a) Freshwater

1.4 µg/L

0.012 µg/L 2

(b) Coastal and Estuarine Waters

1.8 µg/L

0.025 µg/L 2



(a) Freshwater

260 µg/L 1,3

29 µg/L 1,3

(b) Coastal and Estuarine Waters

74 µg/L 1

8.2 µg/L 1



(a) Freshwater


5.0 µg/L

(b) Coastal and Estuarine Waters

290 µg/L 1

71 µg/L 1



- 4

- 4



(a) Freshwater

65 µg/L 1,3

65 µg/L 1,3

(b) Coastal and Estuarine Waters

90 µg/L 1

81 µg/L 1


Lindane [Hexachlorocyclohexane (g-BHC-Gamma)]

(a) Freshwater

0.95 µg/L

1 The in-stream criterion is expressed in terms of the dissolved fraction in the water column. Conversion factors used to calculate dissolved criteria are found in the EPA document - National Recommended Water Quality Criteria - EPA 2006.

2 The in-stream criterion is lower than the EPD laboratory detection limits (A "*" indicates that the criterion may be higher than or lower than EPD laboratory detection limits depending upon the hardness of the water).

3 The freshwater aquatic life criteria for these metals are expressed as a function of total hardness (mg/L) in a water body and a water effect ratio (WER). Values in the table above assume a hardness of 50 mg/L CaCO3 and a WER of 1. For other hardness values, the following equations from the EPA document - National Recommended Water Quality Criteria - EPA 2006 should be used. For site-specific criteria with WER values other than 1, see 391-3-6-.03(18)(b).

4 This pollutant is addressed in 391-3-6-.06.

5 For applicable site-specific criteria, see 391-3-6-.03(18)(a).


acute criteria = WER* (e (0.9789[ln(hardness)] - 3.866))(1.136672-[(ln hardness)(0.041838)] µg/L

chronic criteria = WER* (e (0.7977[ln(hardness)] - 3.909))(1.101672-[(ln hardness)(0.041838)] µg/L

Chromium III

acute criteria = WER* (e (0.8190[ln(hardness)] + 3.7256))(0.316) µg/L

chronic criteria = WER* (e (0.8190[ln(hardness)] + 0.6848))(0.860) µg/L


acute criteria = WER* (e (0.9422[ln(hardness)] - 1.700))(0.96) µg/L

chronic criteria = WER* (e (0.8545[ln(hardness)] - 1.702))(0.96) µg/L


acute criteria = WER* (e (1.273[ln(hardness) - 1.460))(1.46203 - [(ln hardness)(0.145712)]) µg/L

chronic criteria = WER* (e (1.273[ln(hardness) - 4.705))(1.46203 - [(ln hardness)(0.145712)]) µg/L


acute criteria = WER* (e (0.8460[ln(hardness)] + 2.255))(0.998) µg/L

chronic criteria = WER* (e (0.8460[ln(hardness)] + 0.0584))(0.997) µg/L


acute criteria = WER* (e (0.8473[ln(hardness)] + 0.884))(0.978) µg/L

chronic criteria = WER* (e (0.8473[ln(hardness)] + 0.884))(0.986) µg/L

(iii) Instream concentrations of the following chemical constituents listed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as toxic priority pollutants pursuant to Section 307(a)(1) of the Federal Clean Water Act (as amended) shall not exceed criteria indicated below under 7-day, 10-year minimum flow (7Q10) or higher stream flow conditions except within established mixing zones or in accordance with site specific effluent limitations developed in accordance with procedures presented in 391-3-6-.06.


Acrolein (CAS RN1 107-02-8)

(a) Freshwater

3.0 µg/L*


Carbaryl (CAS RN1 63-25-2)

(a) Freshwater

2.1 µg/L*

(b) Coastal and Estuarine Waters

1.6 µg/L*


Chlordane (CAS RN1 57749)

(a) Freshwater

0.0043 µg/L*

(b) Coastal and Estuarine Waters

0.004 µg/L*


Cyanide (CAS RN1 57125)

(a) Freshwater

5.2 µg/L*

(b) Coastal and Estuarine Waters

1.0 µg/L*


Dieldrin (CAS RN1 60571)

(a) Freshwater

0.056 µg/L*

(b) Coastal and Estuarine Waters

0.0019 µg/L*


4,4'-DDT (CAS RN1 50293)

0.001 µg/L*


a-Endosulfan (CAS RN1 959988)

(a) Freshwater

0.056 µg/L*

(b) Coastal and Estuarine Waters

0.0087 µg/L*


b-Endosulfan (CAS RN1 33213659)

(a) Freshwater

0.056 µg/L*

(b) Coastal and Estuarine Waters

0.0087 µg/L*


Endrin (CAS RN1 72208)

(a) Freshwater

0.036 µg/L*

(b) Coastal and Estuarine Waters

0.0023 µg/L*


Heptachlor (CAS RN1 76448)

(a) Freshwater

0.0038 µg/L*

(b) Coastal and Estuarine Waters

0.0036 µg/L*


Heptachlor Epoxide (CAS RN1 1024573)

(a) Freshwater

0.0038 µg/L*

(b) Coastal and Estuarine Waters

0.0036 µg/L*


Pentachlorophenol (CAS RN1 87865)

(a) Freshwater2

15 µg/L2,*

(b) Coastal and Estuarine Waters

7.9 µg/L*



(a) Freshwater

0.014 µg/L*

(b) Coastal and Estuarine Waters

0.03 µg/L*


Phenol (CAS RN1 108952)

300 µg/L


Toxaphene (CAS RN1 8001352)

0.0002 µg/L*

1 "CAS RN" or the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Registry Number is a unique numerical identifier assigned to each chemical and some chemical mixtures.

2 The instream freshwater criterion for pentachlorophenol is a function of pH, determined by the formula (e (1.005(pH) - 5.134)). At a pH equal to 7.8 standard units the criterion is 15 µg/L.

* The in-stream criterion is lower than the EPD laboratory detection limits.

(iv) Instream concentrations of the following chemical constituents listed by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency as toxic priority pollutants pursuant to Section 307(a)(1) of the Federal Clean Water Act (as amended) shall not exceed criteria indicated below under annual average or higher stream flow conditions:


Acenaphthene (CAS RN1 83329)

990 µg/L


Acenaphthylene (CAS RN1 208968)



Acrolein (CAS RN1 107028)

9.3 µg/L


Acrylonitrile (CAS RN1 107131)

0.25 µg/L


Aldrin (CAS RN1 309002)

0.000050 µg/L


Anthracene (CAS RN1 120127)

40000 µg/L



640 µg/L


Arsenic (Total)

(a) Drinking Water Supplies

10 µg/L

(b) All Other Designated Uses

50 µg/L


Benzidine (CAS RN1 92875)

0.0002 µg/L


Benzo(a)Anthracene (CAS RN1 56553)

0.018 µg/L


Benzo(a)Pyrene (CAS RN1 50328)

0.018 µg/L


3,4-Benzofluoranthene (CAS RN1 205992)

0.018 µg/L


Benzene (CAS RN1 71432)

51 µg/L


Benzo(ghi)Perylene (CAS RN1 191242)



Benzo(k)Fluoranthene (CAS RN1 207089)

0.018 µg/L





a-BHC-Alpha (CAS RN1 319846)

0.0049 µg/L


b-BHC-Beta (CAS RN1 319857)

0.017 µg/L


Bis(2-Chloroethyl)Ether (CAS RN1 111444)

0.53 µg/L


Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)Ether (CAS RN1 108601)

65000 µg/L


Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Phthalate (CAS RN1 117817)

2.2 µg/L


Bromoform (Tribromomethane) (CAS RN1 75252)

140 µg/L


Butylbenzyl Phthalate (CAS RN1 85687)

1900 µg/L


Carbon Tetrachloride (CAS RN1 56235)

1.6 µg/L


Chlorobenzene (CAS RN1 108907)

1600 µg/L


Chlorodibromomethane (CAS RN1 124481)

13 µg/L


2-Chloroethylvinyl Ether (CAS RN1 110758)



Chlordane (CAS RN1 57749)

0.00081 µg/L


Chloroform (Trichloromethane) (CAS RN1 67663)

470 µg/L


2-Chloronaphthalene (CAS RN1 91587)

1600 µg/L


2-Chlorophenol (CAS RN1 95578)

150 µg/L


Chrysene (CAS RN1 218019)

0.018 µg/L


Dibenzo(a,h)Anthracene (CAS RN1 53703)

0.018 µg/L


Dichlorobromomethane (CAS RN1 75274)

17 µg/L


1,2-Dichloroethane (CAS RN1 107062)

37 µg/L


1,1-Dichloroethylene (CAS RN1 75354)

7100 µg/L


1,2 - Dichloropropane (CAS RN1 78875)

15 µg/L


1,3-Dichloropropylene (CAS RN1 542756)

21 µg/L


2,4-Dichlorophenol (CAS RN1 120832)

290 µg/L


1,2-Dichlorobenzene (CAS RN1 95501)

1300 µg/L


1,3-Dichlorobenzene (CAS RN1 541731)

960 µg/L


1,4-Dichlorobenzene (CAS RN1 106467)

190 µg/L


3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine (CAS RN1 91941)

0.028 µg/L


4,4'-DDT (CAS RN1 50293)

0.00022 µg/L


4,4'-DDD (CAS RN1 72548)

0.00031 µg/L


4,4'-DDE (CAS RN1 72559)

0.00022 µg/L


Dieldrin (CAS RN1 60571)

0.000054 µg/L


Diethyl Phthalate (CAS RN1 84662)

44000 µg/L


Dimethyl Phthalate(CAS RN1 131113)

1100000 µg/L


2,4-Dimethylphenol (CAS RN1 105679)

850 µg/L


2,4-Dinitrophenol (CAS RN1 51285)

5300 µg/L


Di-n-Butyl Phthalate (CAS RN1 84742)

4500 µg/L


2,4-Dinitrotoluene (CAS RN1 121142)

3.4 µg/L


1,2-Diphenylhydrazine (CAS RN1 122667)

0.20 µg/L


Endrin (CAS RN1 72208)

0.060 µg/L


Endrin Aldehyde (CAS RN1 7421934)

0.30 µg/L


alpha - Endosulfan (CAS RN1 959988)

89 µg/L


beta - Endosulfan (CAS RN1 33213659)

89 µg/L


Endosulfan Sulfate (CAS RN1 1031078)

89 µg/L


Ethylbenzene (CAS RN1 100414)

2100 µg/L


Fluoranthene (CAS RN1 206440)

140 µg/L


Fluorene (CAS RN1 86737)

5300 µg/L


Heptachlor (CAS RN1 76448)

0.000079 µg/L


Heptachlor Epoxide (CAS RN1 1024573)

0.000039 µg/L


Hexachlorobenzene (CAS RN1 118741)

0.00029 µg/L


Hexachlorobutadiene (CAS RN1 87683)

18 µg/L


Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (CAS RN1 77474)

1100 µg/L


Hexachloroethane (CAS RN1 67721)

3.3 µg/L


Indeno(1,2,3-cd)Pyrene (CAS RN1 193395)

0.018 µg/L


Isophorone (CAS RN1 78591)

960 µg/L


Lindane [Hexachlorocyclohexane (g-BHC-Gamma)]

(CAS RN1 58899)

1.8 µg/L


Methyl Bromide (Bromomethane) (CAS RN1 74839)

1500 µg/L


Methyl Chloride (Chloromethane) (CAS RN1 74873)



Methylene Chloride (CAS RN1 75092)

590 µg/L


2-Methyl-4,6-Dinitrophenol (CAS RN1 534521)

280 µg/L


3-Methyl-4-Chlorophenol (CAS RN1 59507)



Nitrobenzene (CAS RN1 98953)

690 µg/L


N-Nitrosodimethylamine (CAS RN1 62759)

3.0 µg/L


N-Nitrosodi-n-Propylamine (CAS RN1 621647)

0.51 µg/L


N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (CAS RN1 86306)

6.0 µg/L



0.000064 µg/L


Pentachlorophenol (CAS RN1 87865)

3.0 µg/L


Phenanthrene (CAS RN1 85018)



Phenol (CAS RN1 108952)

857000 µg/L


Pyrene (CAS RN1 129000)

4000 µg/L


1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane (CAS RN1 79345)

4.0 µg/L


Tetrachloroethylene (CAS RN1 127184)

3.3 µg/L



0.47 µg/L


Toluene (CAS RN1 108883)

5980 µg/L


Toxaphene (CAS RN1 8001352)

0.00028 µg/L


1,2-Trans-Dichloroethylene (CAS RN1 156605)

10000 µg/L


1,1,2-Trichloroethane (CAS RN1 79005)

16 µg/L


Trichloroethylene (CAS RN1 79016)

30 µg/L


2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (CAS RN1 88062)

2.4 µg/L


1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene (CAS RN1 120821)

70 µg/L


Vinyl Chloride (CAS RN1 75014)

2.4 µg/L

1 "CAS RN" or the Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Registry Number is a unique numerical identifier assigned to each chemical and some chemical mixtures.

** These pollutants are addressed in 391-3-6-.06.

(v) Site specific criteria for the following chemical constituents will be developed on an as needed basis through toxic pollutant monitoring efforts at new or existing discharges that are suspected to be a source of the pollutant at levels sufficient to interfere with designated uses:
1. Asbestos
(vi) Instream concentrations of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) must not exceed 0.0000000051 µg/L under long-term average stream flow conditions.
(vii) Mercury: For the protection of human health, total mercury concentrations bioaccumulating in a waterbody, in a representative population of fish, shellfish and/or other seafood representing different trophic levels, shall not exceed a total mercury concentration in edible tissues of 0.3 mg/kg wet weight. This standard is in accord with the USEPA Water Quality Criterion for the Protection of Human Health: Methylmercury, (January 2001, EPA-823-R-01-001), and because nearly 100% of the mercury in fish tissue is methylmercury, adoption of the standard as total mercury is an additional conservative measure. The representative fish tissue total mercury concentration for a waterbody is determined by calculating a Trophic-Weighted Residue Value, as described by the Georgia EPD Protocol (October 19, 2001).
(f) Applicable State and Federal requirements and regulations for the discharge of radioactive substances shall be met at all times.
(g) The dissolved oxygen criteria as specified in individual designated uses shall be applicable at a depth of one meter below the water surface; in those instances where depth is less than two meters, the dissolved oxygen criterion shall be applied at a mid-depth. On a case specific basis, alternative depths may be specified.
(6)Specific Criteria for Specific Designated Uses. In addition to the general criteria, the following criteria are deemed necessary and shall be required for the specific designated uses:
(a) Drinking Water Supplies: Those waters approved as a source for public drinking water systems permitted or to be permitted by the Environmental Protection Division. Waters classified for drinking water supplies will also support the fishing use and any other use requiring water of a lower quality.
(i) Bacteria:
1. For the months of May through October, when primary water contact recreation activities are expected to occur, culturable E. coli not to exceed a geometric mean of 126 counts per 100 mL based on at least four samples collected from a given sampling site over a 30-day period at intervals not less than 24 hours. There shall be no greater than a ten percent excursion frequency of an E. coli statistical threshold value (STV) of 410 counts per 100 mL in the same 30-day interval.
2. For the months of November through April, culturable E. coli not to exceed a geometric mean of 265 counts per 100 mL based on at least four samples collected from a given sampling site over a 30-day period at intervals not less than 24 hours. There shall be no greater than a ten percent excursion frequency of an E. coli statistical threshold value (STV) of 861 counts per 100 mL in the same 30-day interval.
3. The State does not encourage swimming in these surface waters since a number of factors which are beyond the control of any State regulatory agency contribute to elevated levels of bacteria.
(ii) Dissolved oxygen: A daily average of 6.0 mg/L and no less than 5.0 mg/L at all times for waters designated as trout streams by the Wildlife Resources Division. A daily average of 5.0 mg/L and no less than 4.0 mg/L at all times for water supporting warm water species of fish.
(iii) pH: Within the range of 6.0 - 8.5.
(iv) No material or substance in such concentration that, after treatment by the public water treatment system, exceeds the maximum contaminant level established for that substance by the Environmental Protection Division pursuant to the Georgia Rules for Safe Drinking Water.
(v) Temperature: Not to exceed 90°F. At no time is the temperature of the receiving waters to be increased more than 5°F above intake temperature except that in estuarine waters the increase will not be more than 1.5°F. In streams designated as primary trout or smallmouth bass waters by the Wildlife Resources Division, there shall be no elevation of natural stream temperatures. In streams designated as secondary trout waters, there shall be no elevation exceeding 2°F of natural stream temperatures.
(b) Recreation: Primary contact recreational activities that occur year round such as swimming, diving, whitewater boating (class III and above), water skiing, and surfing, or for any other use requiring water of a lower quality, such as recreational fishing. These criteria are not to be interpreted as encouraging water contact sports in proximity to sewage or industrial waste discharges regardless of treatment requirements:
(i) Bacteria:
1. Coastal and estuarine waters: Culturable enterococci not to exceed a geometric mean of 35 counts per 100 mL based on at least four samples collected from a given sampling site over a 30-day period at intervals not less than 24 hours. There shall be no greater than a ten percent excursion frequency of an enterococci statistical threshold value (STV) of 130 counts per 100 mL in the same 30-day interval.
2. All other recreational waters: Culturable E. coli not to exceed a geometric mean of 126 counts per 100 mL based on at least four samples collected from a given sampling site over a 30-day period at intervals not less than 24 hours. There shall be no greater than a ten percent excursion frequency of an E. coli statistical threshold value (STV) of 410 counts per 100 mL in the same 30-day interval.
(ii) Dissolved Oxygen: A daily average of 6.0 mg/L and no less than 5.0 mg/L at all times for waters designated as trout streams by the Wildlife Resources Division. A daily average of 5.0 mg/L and no less than 4.0 mg/L at all times for waters supporting warm water species of fish.
(iii) pH: Within the range of 6.0 - 8.5.
(iv) Temperature: Not to exceed 90°F. At no time is the temperature of the receiving waters to be increased more than 5°F above intake temperature except that in estuarine waters the increase will not be more than 1.5°F. In streams designated as primary trout or smallmouth bass waters by the Wildlife Resources Division, there shall be no elevation of natural stream temperatures. In streams designated as secondary trout waters, there shall be no elevation exceeding 2°F natural stream temperatures.
(c) Fishing: Propagation of Fish, Shellfish, Game and Other Aquatic Life; primary contact recreation in and on the water for the months of May - October, secondary contact recreation in and on the water for the months of November - April; or for any other use requiring water of a lower quality.
(i) Bacteria:
1. Estuarine waters:

For the months of May through October, when primary water contact recreation activities are expected to occur, culturable enterococci not to exceed a geometric mean of 35 counts per 100 mL based on at least four samples collected from a given sampling site over a 30-day period at intervals not less than 24 hours. There shall be no greater than a ten percent excursion frequency of an enterococci statistical threshold value (STV) of 130 counts per 100 mL the same 30-day interval.

For the months of November through April, culturable enterococci not to exceed a geometric mean of 74 counts per 100 mL based on at least four samples collected from a given sampling site over a 30-day period at intervals not less than 24 hours. There shall be no greater than a ten percent excursion frequency of an enterococci statistical threshold value (STV) of 273 counts per 100 mL in the same 30-day interval.

2. All other fishing waters:

For the months of May through October, when primary water contact recreation activities are expected to occur, culturable E. coli not to exceed a geometric mean of 126 counts per 100 mL based on at least four samples collected from a given sampling site over a 30-day period at intervals not less than 24 hours. There shall be no greater than a ten percent excursion frequency of an E. coli statistical threshold value (STV) of 410 counts per 100 mL in the same 30-day interval.

For the months of November through April, culturable E. coli not to exceed a geometric mean of 265 counts per 100 mL based on at least four samples collected from a given sampling site over a 30-day period at intervals not less than 24 hours. There shall be no greater than a ten percent excursion frequency of an E. coli statistical threshold value (STV) of 861 counts per 100 mL in the same 30-day interval.

3. The State does not encourage swimming in these surface waters since a number of factors which are beyond the control of any State regulatory agency contribute to elevated levels of bacteria.
4. For waters designated as shellfish growing areas by the Georgia DNR Coastal Resources Division, the requirements will be consistent with those established by the State and Federal agencies responsible for the National Shellfish Sanitation Program. The requirements are found in National Shellfish Sanitation Program Guide for the Control of Molluscan Shellfish, 2007 Revision (or most recent version), Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference, U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
(ii) Dissolved Oxygen: A daily average of 6.0 mg/L and no less than 5.0 mg/L at all times for water designated as trout streams by the Wildlife Resources Division. A daily average of 5.0 mg/L and no less than 4.0 mg/L at all times for waters supporting warm water species of fish.
(iii) pH: Within the range of 6.0 - 8.5.
(iv) Temperature: Not to exceed 90°F. At no time is the temperature of the receiving waters to be increased more than 5°F above intake temperature except that in estuarine waters the increase will not be more than 1.5°F. In streams designated as primary trout or smallmouth bass waters by the Wildlife Resources Division, there shall be no elevation of natural stream temperatures. In streams designated as secondary trout waters, there shall be no elevation exceeding 2°F natural stream temperatures.
(d) Wild River: For all waters designated in 391-3-6-.03(14) as "Wild River," there shall be no alteration of natural water quality from any source.
(e) Scenic River: For all waters designated in 391-3-6-.03(14) as "Scenic River," there shall be no alteration of natural water quality from any source.
(f) Coastal Fishing: For waters designated in 391-3-6-.03(14) as "Coastal Fishing," site specific criteria for dissolved oxygen will be assigned. All other criteria and uses for the fishing designated use will apply for coastal fishing.
(i) Dissolved Oxygen: A daily average of 5.0 mg/L and no less than 4.0 mg/L at all times. If it is determined that the "natural condition" in the waterbody is less than the values stated above, then the criteria will revert to the "natural condition" and the water quality standard will allow for a 0.1 mg/L deficit from the "natural" dissolved oxygen value. Up to a 10% deficit will be allowed if it is demonstrated that resident aquatic species shall not be adversely affected.
(7)Natural Water Quality. It is recognized that certain natural waters of the State may have a quality that will not be within the general or specific requirements contained herein. These circumstances do not constitute violations of water quality standards. This is especially the case for the criteria for dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH and bacteria. NPDES permits and best management practices will be the primary mechanisms for ensuring that discharges will not create a harmful situation.
(8)Treatment Requirements. Notwithstanding the above criteria, the requirements of the State relating to secondary or equivalent treatment of all waste shall prevail. The adoption of these criteria shall in no way preempt the treatment require­ments.
(9)Streamflows. Specific criteria or standards set for the various parameters apply to all flows on regulated streams. On unregulated streams, they shall apply to all streamflows equal to or exceeding the 7-day, 10-year minimum flow (7Q10) and/or the 1-day, 10-year minimum flow (1Q10). All references to 7-day, 10-year minimum flow (7Q10) and 1-day, 10-year minimum flow (1Q10) also apply to all flows on regulated streams. All references to annual average stream flow also apply to long-term average stream flow conditions. Numeric criteria exceedences that occur under streamflows lower than 7Q10 or 1Q10, whichever applies, do not constitute violations of water quality standards as long as all current permit conditions are met.
(10)Mixing Zone. Effluents released to streams or impounded waters shall be fully and homogeneously dispersed and mixed insofar as practical with the main flow or water body by appro­priate methods at the discharge point. Use of a reasonable and limited mixing zone may be permitted on receipt of satisfac­tory evidence that such a zone is necessary and that it will not create an objectionable or damaging pollution condition. Protection from acute toxicity shall be provided within any EPD designated mixing zone to ensure a zone of safe passage for aquatic organisms. The procedure is as described in para­graph 391-3-6-.06(4)(d)(5)(vi), except that the numerical pass/­fail criteria applies to the end-of-pipe without the benefit of dilution provided by the receiving stream.
(11)Toxic Pollutant Monitoring. The Division will monitor waters of the State for the presence or impact of Section 307 (a)(l) Federal Clean Water Act toxic pollutants, and other priority pollutants. The monitoring shall consist of the col­lection and assessment of chemical and/or biological data as appropriate from the water column, from stream bed sediments, and/or from fish tissue. Specific stream segments and chemical constituents for monitoring shall be determined by the Director on the basis of the potential for water quality impacts from toxic pollutants from point or nonpoint waste sources. Singu­larly or in combination, these constituents may cause an adverse effect on fish propagation at levels lower than the criteria. Instream concentrations will be as described in 391-3-6-.03(5)(e). Additional toxic substances and priority pollutants will be monitored on a case specific basis using Section 304(a) Federal Clean Water Act guidelines or other scientifically appropriate documents.
(12)Bacteria Criteria. The criteria for bacteria provide the regulatory framework to support the USEPA requirement that States protect all waters for recreational use. The bacterial indicators for primary and secondary contact recreational waters are E. coli and enterococci.
(a) Fecal coliform, E. coli and enterococci bacteria live in the intestinal tract of warm blooded animals including man. These organisms are excreted in extremely high numbers. Pathogenic bacteria also originate in the fecal material of diseased persons. Therefore, waters with high levels of bacteria represent potential problem areas for swimming. Scientific studies indicate there is a positive correlation between E. coli and enterococci counts and gastrointestinal illness. However, there is no positive scientific evidence correlating elevated fecal coliform counts with transmission of enteric diseases. In addition, these bacteria can originate from any warm blooded animal or from the soil.
(b) Monitoring programs have documented bacterial levels in excess of the criteria in many streams and rivers in urban areas, agricultural areas, and even in areas not extensively impacted by man such as national forest areas. This is not a unique situation to Georgia as similar levels of bacteria have been documented in streams across the nation.
(13) Acceptance of Data. Sampling methods for water quality samples collected and reported by any person(s), (including volunteer groups), to the Division for its use in listing or delisting impaired waters pursuant to the State's responsibilities under Sections 303(d) and 305(b) of the Federal Act shall conform to the guidance in the Water Protection Branch Quality Assurance Manual (June, 1999), or most current version, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division, Watershed Protection Branch, Atlanta, GA 30354. Analytical standards for these samples must comply with the requirements of Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 136. Sample analyses shall be performed by an analyst certified in compliance with the Georgia State Board of Examiners for Certification of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators and Laboratory Analysts Act, as amended, or by a laboratory facility accredited in compliance with the Georgia Rules for Commercial Environmental Laboratory Accreditation (O.C.G.A. 12-2-9). A site-specific sampling and quality assurance plan is required if the data is to be considered and Division concurrence must be obtained prior to monitoring. Laboratories operated by Federal and State government agencies and laboratories at academic institutions with active or current contracts with the Division are exempt from these provisions. The Division may use water quality data for screening purposes if it was collected by any person(s), (including volunteer groups), without an approved sampling and quality assurance plan.
(14)Specific Designated Uses. Beneficial water uses assigned by the State to all surface waters. These designations are scientifically determined to be the best utiliza­tion of the surface water from an environmental and economic standpoint. Streams and stream reaches not specifically listed are classified as Fishing. The specific designated uses are as follows:



Altamaha River

Doctors Creek to Butler River


Altamaha and Doboy Sounds

All littoral waters including the waters on the ocean side of Sapelo and Little St. Simons Islands


Buttermilk Sound

Reimolds Pasture




Alexander Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Cedar Creek

Drinking Water

Bear Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Chattahoochee River

Drinking Water

Big Creek

Foe Killer Creek to Chattahoochee River

Drinking Water

Blue Creek

Headwaters to Yellowjacket Creek

Drinking Water

Camp Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Hazel Creek

Drinking Water

Cedar Creek

Headwaters to Alexander Creek

Drinking Water

Centralhatchee Creek

Little Taylor Creek to Chattahoochee River

Drinking Water

Chattahoochee River

Headwaters to confluence with Soque River


Chattahoochee River

Soque River to White Creek

Recreation and Drinking Water

Chattahoochee River

White Creek to Mud Creek


Chattahoochee River/Lake Lanier

Mud Creek to Buford Dam

Recreation and Drinking Water

Chattahoochee River

Buford Dam to Atlanta (Peachtree Creek)

Recreation and Drinking Water

Chattahoochee River

Snake Creek to Yellowdirt Creek


Chattahoochee River

Pink Creek to Harris Creek

Drinking Water

Chattahoochee River/West Point Lake

New River to West Point Dam

Recreation and Drinking Water

Chattahoochee River

West Point Dam to Long Cane Creek

Drinking Water

Chattahoochee River

House Creek to North Highland Dam (including Lakes Harding, Goat Rock, Oliver, and North Highlands)

Recreation and Drinking Water

Chattahoochee River

Cowikee Creek to Lake Walter F. George Dam


Chattahoochee River/Lake Seminole

Georgia Hwy. 91 to Jim Woodruff Dam


Dog River

Mobley Creek to Chattahoochee River

Drinking Water

Flat Creek

Turkey Creek to confluence with Yellowjacket Creek

Drinking Water

Hazel Creek

Law Creek to Camp Creek

Drinking Water

Headwaters of Unnamed Tributary to Bethlehem Creek

Lake Franklin, F.D. Roosevelt State Park Beaches


Hillabahatchee Creek

Tolieson Branch to Chattahoochee River

Drinking Water

Little Kolomoki Creek

Lake Kolomoki, Kolomoki Mounds State Park Beach


Sandy Creek

Headwaters to Golden Creek

Drinking Water

Smith Creek

Unicoi Lake, Unicoi State Park Beach


Snake Creek

Crews Creek to Chattahoochee River

Drinking Water

Soque River

Deep Creek to Sutton Mill Creek

Drinking Water

Sweetwater Creek

Olley Creek to Chattahoochee River

Drinking Water

Turner Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Tesnatee Creek

Drinking Water

Upatoi Creek

Heriot Creek to Armory Creek

Drinking Water

Yahoola Creek

Bryant Creek to confluence with Chestatee River

Drinking Water



Beech Creek

Headwaters to Dry Creek (including Possum Trot Reservoir)

Drinking Water

Blackwell Creek

Headwaters to Cox Lake Dam

Drinking Water

Cartecay River

Clear Creek to confluence with Ellijay River

Drinking Water

Chestnut Cove Creek

Headwaters to and including Lake Tamarack

Drinking Water

Coahulla Creek

Bates Branch to Mill Creek

Drinking Water

Conasauga River

Waters Within the Cohutta Wilderness Area

Wild and Scenic

Conasauga River

Sugar Creek to Spring Creek

Drinking Water

Coosa River

At the Alabama State Line


Coosawattee River/Carters Lake

Confluence with Mountaintown Creek to Carters Dam

Recreation and Drinking Water

Coosawattee River

Mineral Springs Branch to confluence with Conasauga River

Drinking Water

Dry Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Duck Creek

Drinking Water

Duck Creek

Confluence with Dry Creek to Dickson Creek

Drinking Water

Ellijay River

Briar Creek to confluence with Cartecay River

Drinking Water

Etowah River

Headwaters to Montgomery Creek

Drinking Water

Etowah River

Lily Creek to Mill Creek

Drinking Water

Etowah River

Long Swamp Creek to Canton Creek

Drinking Water

Etowah River/Lake Allatoona

Georgia Hwy. 20 to Allatoona Dam

Recreation and Drinking Water

Etowah River

Allatoona Dam to Ward Creek

Drinking Water

Etowah River

Dykes Creek to Silver Creek

Drinking Water

Euharlee Creek

Parham Springs Creek to Fish Creek

Drinking Water

Headwaters of Gold Mine Branch

Fort Mountain Lake, Fort Mountain State Park Beach


Holly Creek

Dill Creek to Chicken Creek

Drinking Water

Jacks Creek

Waters Within the Cohutta Wilderness Area

Wild and Scenic

Long Swamp Creek

Lake Tamarack Dam to Cox Creek

Drinking Water

Mill Creek

Hurricane Creek to confluence with Conasauga River

Drinking Water

Oostanaula River

Confluence of Conasauga and Coosawattee Rivers to Oothkalooga Creek

Drinking Water

Oostanaula River

Confluence with Woodward Creek to Coosa River

Drinking Water

Pettit Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Disharoon Creek (including Lake Pettit)

Drinking Water

Raccoon Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Chattooga River

Drinking Water

Tributaries to Heath Creek

Rocky Mountain Public Fishing Lakes, Rocky Mountain Public Fishing Area


Tributary of Dakwa Lake

Headwaters to confluence with Turniptown Creek (including Dakwa Lake)

Drinking Water

Woodward Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Oostanaula River

Drinking Water



Elkins Creek

Headwaters to Powder Creek

Drinking Water

Flat Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Line Creek (including Lake Kedron and Lake Peachtree)

Drinking Water

Flint River

Swamp Creek to Horton Creek

Drinking Water

Flint River

Birch Creek to Red Oak Creek

Drinking Water

Flint River

Georgia Hwy. 27 to Georgia Power Dam at Lake Worth, Albanyincluding Lakes Blackshear, Chehaw, and Worth


Flint River

Bainbridge, U.S. Hwy. 84 Bridge to Jim Woodruff Dam, Lake Seminole


Heads Creek

Headwaters to Shoal Creek (including Heads Creek Reservoir)

Drinking Water

Horton Creek

Headwaters to Flint River (including Horton Creek Reservoir)

Drinking Water

Keg Creek

Headwaters to Line Creek (including Hutchins Lake)

Drinking Water

Lazer Creek

Rocky Branch to Gin Creek

Drinking Water

Line Creek

Persimmon Creek to Flat Creek (including Lake McIntosh)

Drinking Water

Potato Creek

Fivemile Creek to Hoyle Branch

Drinking Water

Pound Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Cane Creek (including Lake Meriwether)

Drinking Water

Rush Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Lazer Creek (including Rush Creek Reservoir)

Drinking Water

Shoal Creek

Headwaters to Flint River (including Shoal Creek Reservoir)

Drinking Water

Still Branch

Headwaters to confluence with Flint River (including Still Branch Reservoir)

Drinking Water

White Oak Creek

Headwaters to Chandlers Creek

Drinking Water

Whitewater Creek

Tar Creek to Haddock Creek

Drinking Water



Alcovy River

Maple Creek to Cornish Creek (including John T. Briscoe Reservoir)

Drinking Water

Beaverdam Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Alcovy River

Drinking Water

Big Cotton Indian Creek

Coker Branch to Rocky Branch

Drinking Water

Big Haynes Creek

Georgia Highway 78 to confluence with Yellow River

Drinking Water

Big Sandy Creek

Chief McIntosh Lake, Indian Springs State Park Beaches


Big Towaliga Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Edie Creek

Drinking Water

Brown Branch

Headwaters to Wolf Creek

Drinking Water

Cornish Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Alcovy River (including Lake Varner)

Drinking Water

Edie Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Big Towaliga Creek

Drinking Water

Indian Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Towaliga River

Drinking Water

Jackson Lake

From South River at Georgia Hwy. 36; from Yellow River at Georgia Hwy. 36; from Alcovy River at Newton Factory Road Bridge to Lloyd Shoals Dam


Little Cotton Indian Creek

Confluence of Reeves and Rum Creeks to confluence with Big Cotton Indian Creek

Drinking Water

Headwaters of Little Ocmulgee River

Little Ocmulgee Lake, Little Ocmulgee State Park Beach


Little Towaliga River

Confluence of Edie and Big Towaliga Creeks to confluence with Towaliga River

Drinking Water

Long Branch

Headwaters to confluence with Towaliga River

Drinking Water

Ocmulgee River

Jackson Lake Dam to Wise Creek

Drinking Water

Ocmulgee River

Pratts Creek to Walnut Creek

Drinking Water

Pates Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Little Cotton Indian Creek (including Blalock Reservoir)

Drinking Water

Rocky Creek

Headwaters to Towaliga River

Drinking Water

South River

Honey Creek (Henry County) to Lake Jackson at Georgia Hwy. 36


Towaliga River

Thompson Creek to Georgia Hwy. 36

Drinking Water

Towaliga River

Georgia Hwy. 36 to High Falls Lake Dam


Towaliga River

High Falls Lake, High Falls State Park Beaches


Tobesofkee Creek

Reeves Creek to Rock Branch

Drinking Water

Tobesofkee Creek

Georgia Hwy. 74 to Lake Tobesofkee Dam


Town Creek

Headwaters to Ocmulgee River

Drinking Water

Tributary to Dried Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Dried Indian Creek (including Covington Reservoir)

Drinking Water

Tussahaw Creek

Headwaters to Baker Branch

Drinking Water

Walnut Creek

Headwaters to Camp Creek (including Walnut Creek Reservoir)

Drinking Water

Yellow River

Georgia Hwy. 124 to Porterdale Water Intake

Drinking Water



Apalachee River

Shoal Creek to Freeman Creek

Drinking Water

Barber Creek

Headwaters to Parker Branch

Drinking Water

Bear Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Middle Oconee River (including Bear Creek Reservoir)

Drinking Water

Cedar Creek (Hall Co.)

Headwaters to confluence with North Oconee River

Drinking Water

Curry Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Little Curry Creek

Drinking Water

Fort Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Sikes Creek upstream of Lake Sinclair

Drinking Water

Hard Labor Creek

Headwaters to Lake Brantley Dam

Drinking Water

Hard Labor Creek

Lake Rutledge, Hard Labor Creek State Park Beaches


Hard Labor Creek

Lake Rutledge Dam to Mile Branch

Drinking Water

Jacks Creek

Headwaters to Grubby Creek

Drinking Water

Lake Oconee

Lake Oconee to Lake Oconee Dam (Wallace Dam)

Recreation and Drinking Water

Lake Sinclair

Lake Oconee Dam downstream to Sinclair Dam

Recreation and Drinking Water

Little River

Big Indian Creek to Glady Creek

Drinking Water

Lowry Branch

Headwaters to confluence with Pearson Creek

Drinking Water

Marbury Creek

Fort Yargo Lake, Fort Yargo State Park Beaches


Middle Oconee River

Beech Creek to McNutt Creek

Drinking Water

Mulberry River

Little Mulberry Creek to Barbers Creek

Drinking Water

North Oconee River

Cedar Creek to Gravelly Creek

Drinking Water

North Oconee River

Shankles Creek to Trail Creek

Drinking Water

Oconee River

Sinclair Dam to Fishing Creek

Drinking Water

Oconee River

Oochee Creek to Flat Creek

Recreation and Drinking Water

Oconee River

Flat Creek to Long Branch

Drinking Water

Parks Creek

Headwaters to confluence with North Oconee River

Drinking Water

Popes Branch

Headwaters to confluence with Pearson Creek

Drinking Water



Julienton River

Contentment Bluff Sandbar and Dallas Bluff Sandbar


Little Ogeechee River

South end of White Bluff Road near Carmelite Monastery to open sea and littoral waters of Skidaway Island


Ogeechee River

U.S. Hwy. 17 Bridge to open sea


Ossabaw Sound

All littoral waters including the waters on the ocean side of Wassaw and Ossabaw Islands


Rocky Comfort Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Whetstone Creek

Drinking Water

Sapelo Sound

All littoral waters including the waters on the ocean side of St. Catherines and Sapelo Islands


Skidaway River

Skidaway Narrows in Chatham County


St. Catherines Sound

All littoral waters including the waters on the ocean side of Ossabaw and St. Catherines Islands


Wassaw Sound

All littoral waters including the waters on the ocean side of Little Tybee and Wassaw Islands




Big Creek

Lake Laura S. Walker, Laura Walker State Park Beach


Satilla River

Alabaha River to Woodbine Boat Ramp at Hwy. 17


South Brunswick River

Blythe Island Sandbar


St. Andrews Sound

All littoral waters including the waters on the ocean side of Jekyll and Cumberland Islands


St. Simons Sound

The littoral waters on the ocean side of Sea Island, and all littoral waters including the waters on the ocean side of St. Simons and Jekyll Islands




Abercorn Creek

Confluence with Little Abercorn Creek to Savannah River

Drinking Water

Beaverdam Creek

Confluence with Little Beaverdam Creek to Carters Creek

Drinking Water

Beaverdam Creek (Lake Boline)

Headwaters to confluence with Little Beaverdam Creek (including Lake Boline)

Drinking Water

Brier Creek

Walnut Branch to Fitz Creek

Drinking Water

Broad River

Comer Carlton Rd. (Athens Hwy) to Mill Branch


Broad River

Wildcat Bridge Rd. to Scull Shoal Creek


Chattooga River

Georgia-North Carolina State Line to confluence with West Fork Chattooga River

Wild and Scenic

Chattooga River

Confluence with West Fork Chattooga River to Tugaloo Reservoir

Recreation and

Wild and Scenic

Chattooga River/Tugaloo Reservoir

Tugaloo Reservoir to confluence with Tallulah River


Cedar Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Little Toccoa Creek (including Toccoa Reservoir)

Drinking Water

Grove Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Hickory Level Creek

Drinking Water

Unnamed Tributary to Lick Creek

Lake Liberty, A.H. Stephens State Park Beach


Little Beaverdam Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Beaverdam Creek

Drinking Water

Mountain Creek

Headwaters to Little Nails Creek

Drinking Water

North Fork Broad River

Confluence with Double Branch to confluence with Middle Fork Broad River

Drinking Water

Savannah River/Lake Russell and Clarks Hill Lake

GA Highway 368/SC Highway 184 to Clarks Hill Dam (Mile 238)

Recreation and Drinking Water

Savannah River

Clarks Hill Dam (Mile 238) to Horse Creek including Stevens Creek Reservoir and Augusta Canal

Drinking Water

Savannah River

US Hwy. 301 Bridge (Mile 129) to Seaboard Coastline RR Bridge (Mile 27.4)

Drinking Water

Savannah River

Seaboard Coastline RR Bridge (Mile 27.4) to Fort Pulaski (Mile 0)

Coastal Fishing

Savannah River

Fort Pulaski (Mile 0) to open sea and all littoral waters including those on the ocean side of Tybee Island


Sherrills Creek

Headwaters to confluence with South Fork Little River (including Sherrills Reservoir)

Drinking Water

Sweetwater Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Brier Creek (including Usry Lake)

Drinking Water

Tallulah River

Headwaters, including Lakes Burton and Seed, to confluence with Flat Creek


Tallulah River/ Lake Rabun

Confluence of Flat Creek, including Lake Rabun, to Rabun Dam

Recreation and Drinking Water

Tallulah River

Lake Rabun Dam to confluence with Chattooga River


Town Creek (Tributary to Long Creek)

Headwaters to confluence with Brooks Creek

Drinking Water

Tributary to Crawford Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Crawford Creek (including Water Works Reservoir)

Drinking Water

Tugaloo River

Confluence of Tallulah and Chattooga Rivers to Yonah Lake Dam

Recreation and Drinking Water

Tugaloo River/Lake Hartwell

Confluence with Prather Creek (near GA SR 184) to Lake Hartwell Dam

Recreation and Drinking Water

West Fork Chattooga

Confluence of Overflow Creek and Clear Creek to confluence with Chattooga River (7.3 mi.)

Wild and Scenic



St. Marys River

All littoral waters including the waters on the ocean side of Cumberland Island


St. Marys River

Deep Creek to Boone Creek


St. Marys River

Prospect Landing Rd. to Little St. Marys River




Alapaha River

Willacoochee River to Dampier Branch


Alapaha River

Cherry Creek to State Line


Little River

Reed Bingham State Park Lake, Reed Bingham State Park Lake Beach


Withlacoochee River

Tiger Creek to State Line




Astin Creek

Headwaters to Little Tallapoosa River including unnamed tributary to Cowans Lake

Drinking Water

Beach Creek

Headwaters to Bush Creek

Drinking Water

Bush Creek

Headwaters to Beach Creek

Drinking Water

Indian Creek

Confluence with Turkey Creek to Indian Branch

Drinking Water

Little Tallapoosa River

Headwaters of Lake Paradise to confluence with Astin Creek

Drinking Water

Little Tallapoosa River

Sharpe Creek to Buck Creek

Drinking Water

Tallapoosa River

Beach Creek to Mann Creek

Drinking Water

Turkey Creek

Jump In Creek to Indian Creek

Drinking Water



Black's Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Little Tennessee River

Drinking Water

Hiawassee River

Headwaters to Lake Chatuge


Hiawassee River/ Lake Chatuge

Lake Chatuge to Georgia - North Carolina State Line

Recreation and Drinking Water

Lookout Creek

Confluence with Turner Branch to confluence with Sitton Gulch Creek

Drinking Water

Mud Creek

Headwaters to confluence with Little Tennessee River

Drinking Water

Nottely River

Headwaters to confluence with Fortenberry Creek


Nottely River/Lake Nottely

Confluence with Fortenberry Creek to Lake Nottely Dam

Recreation and Drinking Water

Nottely River

Lake Nottely Dam to Georgia - North Carolina State Line


South Chickamauga Creek

Confluence of Tiger Creek with East Chickamauga Creek to confluence with Little Chickamauga Creek

Drinking Water

Toccoa River/Lake Blue Ridge

Headwaters to Lake Blue Ridge Dam


Toccoa River

Lake Blue Ridge Dam to Georgia - Tennessee State Line

Recreation and Drinking Water

Tributary to Crawfish Spring Lake

Headwaters to confluence with Coke Oven Branch (including Crawfish Spring Lake) to West Chickamauga Creek

Drinking Water

Wolf Creek

Lake Trahlyta, Vogel State Park Beach


(15)Trout Streams. Streams designated as Primary Trout Waters are waters supporting a self-sustaining population of Rainbow, Brown or Brook Trout. Streams designated as Secondary Trout Streams are those with no evidence of natural trout reproduction, but are capable of supporting trout throughout the year. Trout streams are classified in accordance with the designations and criteria as follows:
(i) There shall be no elevation of natural stream temperatures for Primary Trout Waters; 2,,°F or less elevation for Secondary Trout Waters.
(ii) No person shall construct an impoundment on Primary Trout Waters, except on streams with drainage basins less than 50 acres upstream of the impoundment. Impoundments on streams with drainage basins less than 50 acres must be approved by the Division.
(iii) No person shall construct an impoundment on Secondary Trout Waters without the approval of the Division.
(b)Designations by County.





1. Boston Creek watershed upstream from Georgia Hwy. 20.
2. Connesena Creek watershed.
3. Dykes Creek watershed.
4. Pine Log Creek watershed.
5. Pyle Creek watershed.
6. Salacoa Creek watershed.
7. Spring Creek watershed.
8. Stamp Creek watershed upstream from Bartow County Road 269.
9. Toms Creek watershed upstream from Bartow County Road 82.
10. Two Run Creek watershed.
11. Ward Creek watershed.





1. Brooks Creek watershed.
2. Mud Creek watershed.
3. Tallapoosa River.





1. Dry Creek watershed upstream from Catoosa County Road 257 (East Chickamauga Creek Watershed).
2. Hurricane Creek watershed upstream from Peters Branch.
3. Little Chickamauga Creek watershed upstream from Catoosa County Road 387.
4. Tiger Creek watershed upstream from Georgia Hwy. 2.





1. Allgood Branch watershed upstream from Southern Railroad.
2. Chappel Creek watershed.
3. Chelsea Creek watershed.
4. East Fork Little River watershed.
5. Hinton Creek watershed.
6. Kings Creek watershed.
7. Little Armuchee Creek watershed upstream from Chattooga County Road 326.
8. Middle Fork Little River watershed.
9. Mt. Hope Creek watershed.
10. Perennial Spring watershed.
11. Raccoon Creek watershed upstream from Georgia Hwy. 48.
12. Ruff Creek watershed.
13. Storey Mill Creek watershed.
14. Taliaferro Creek watershed.





1. Bluff Creek watershed upstream from Cherokee County Road 114.
2. Boston Creek watershed.
3. Murphy Creek watershed.
4. Pine Log Creek watershed.
5. Salacoa Creek watershed.
6. Soap Creek watershed upstream from Cherokee County Road 116.
7. Stamp Creek watershed.
8. Wiley Creek watershed.





1. Chattahoochee River upstream from I-285 West Bridge.





1. Allison Creek watershed.
2. East Fork Little River watershed.
3. Lookout Creek watershed upstream from Dade County Road 197.
4. Rock Creek watershed.
5. West Fork Little River watershed.



1. Amicalola Creek watershed upstream from Dawson County Road 192 (Devil's Elbow Road).
2. Anderson Creek watershed.
3. Long Swamp Creek watershed.
4. Nimblewill Creek watershed.
5. Sweetwater Creek watershed.


1. Amicalola Creek watershed from Georgia Hwy. 53 upstream to Dawson County Road 192 (Devil's Elbow Road).
2. Shoal Creek watershed upstream from the mouth of Burt Creek.





1. Savannah River for the ten-mile reach downstream from Hartwell Dam.



1. Conasauga River - Jacks River watershed.
2. Ellijay River watershed.
3. Etowah River watershed.
4. Fightingtown Creek watershed.
5. Owenby Creek watershed.
6. Persimmon Creek watershed.
7. South Fork Rapier Mill Creek watershed.
8. Toccoa River watershed upstream to Blue Ridge Reservoir dam.
9. Toccoa River watershed upstream from the backwater of Blue Ridge Reservoir.
10. Tumbling Creek watershed.
11. Wilscot Creek watershed.


All streams or stream sections not classified as primary in the above list.





1. Dykes Creek watershed.
2. Johns Creek watershed upstream from Floyd County Road 212.
3. Kings Creek watershed.
4. Lavender Creek watershed upstream from Floyd County Road 893.
5. Little Cedar Creek watershed.
6. Mt. Hope Creek watershed.
7. Silver Creek watershed upstream from Georgia Highway 1E.
8. Spring Creek watershed (flows into State of Alabama).
9. Spring Creek water shed (flows into Etowah River).
10. Toms Creek watershed.





1. Chattahoochee River.





1. Chattahoochee River upstream from I-285 West Bridge.



1. Cartecay River watershed upstream from the mouth of Clear Creek.
2. Clear Creek watershed upstream from Gilmer County Road 92.
3. Conasauga River watershed - including Jacks River watershed.
4. Ellijay River watershed upstream from the mouth of Kells Creek.
5. Harris Creek watershed.
6. Johnson Creek watershed.
7. Mountaintown Creek watershed upstream from U.S. Highway 76.
8. Tails Creek watershed upstream from Georgia Hwy. 282.
9. Toccoa River watershed - including Fightingtown Creek watershed.


1. All streams or sections thereof except the Coosawattee River downstream from Ga. Hwy. 5 Bridge, and Talking Rock Creek (not including tributaries) and those classified as primary.
2. Ball Creek watershed.
3. Sevenmile Creek watershed.
4. Town Creek watershed.
5. Wildcat Creek watershed.





1. Johns Creek watershed.
2. Long Branch watershed.
3. Pine Log Creek watershed upstream from Georgia Hwy. 53.
4. Pin Hook Creek watershed upstream from Gordon County Road 275.
5. Rocky Creek watershed upstream from Gordon County Road 210.
6. Salacoa Creek watershed upstream from U.S. Hwy. 411.
7. Snake Creek watershed.





1. Chattahoochee River.



1. Chattahoochee River watershed upstream from Georgia Hwy. 255 Bridge.
2. Middle Fork Broad River watershed upstream from USFS Route 92-B.
3. Panther Creek watershed.
4. Soque River watershed upstream from King's Bridge (bridge on Georgia Hwy. 197 just below the mouth of Shoal Creek).


1. Chattahoochee River watershed upstream from Georgia Hwy. 115 to the Georgia Hwy. 255 Bridge.
2. Davidson Creek watershed.
3. Middle Fork Broad River tributaries entering below USFS Route 92-B.
4. Nancytown Creek watershed upstream from Nancytown Lake.
5. North Fork Broad River watershed.
6. Soque River watershed upstream from the mouth of Deep Creek to King's Bridge (Georgia Hwy. 197).
7. Toccoa Creek watershed.





1. Beach Creek watershed upstream from Haralson County Road 34.
2. Flatwood Creek watershed.
3. Lassetter Creek watershed.
4. Mann Creek watershed upstream from Haralson County Road 162.
5. Mountain Creek watershed.
6. Tallapoosa River watershed upstream from Haralson County Road 222.
7. Tallapoosa Creek watershed.





1. Savannah River.



1. Amicalola Creek watershed.
2. Camp Creek watershed.
3. Cane Creek watershed upstream from Cane Creek Falls.
4. Cavender Creek watershed.
5. Chestatee River watershed upstream from Lumpkin County Road 52-S976 (Lumpkin County Road 190).
6. Clay Creek watershed.
7. Etowah River watershed upstream from the Georgia Hwy. 52 Bridge.
8. Hurricane Creek watershed upstream from Lumpkin County Road 202.
9. Mooney Branch watershed.
10. Tobacco Pouch Branch watershed.


1. Cane Creek watershed upstream from Georgia Hwy. 52 Bridge to Cane Creek Falls.
2. Chestatee River watershed upstream from the mouth of Tesnatee Creek to Lumpkin County Road 52-S976 (Lumpkin County Road 190).
3. Etowah River watershed upstream from Castleberry Bridge to Georgia Hwy. 52 except those classified as primary above.
4. Shoal Creek watershed.
5. Yahoola Creek watershed upstream from Georgia Hwy. 52.



1. Conasauga River watershed, including - Jacks River watershed, upstream from Georgia-Tennessee state line.
2. Holly Creek watershed upstream from Murray County Rd. SR826 (U.S. Forest Service line).
3. Rock Creek watershed upstream from Murray County Rd. 4 (Dennis).


1. All tributaries to Carters Reservoir.
2. Holly Creek watershed (including Emory Creek watershed) upstream from Emory Creek to Murray County Road SR826 (U.S. Forest Service line).
3. Mill Creek watershed upstream from Murray County Road 27.
4. Mill Creek (Hassler Mill Creek) watershed within the Holly Creek watershed.
5. North Prong Sumac Creek watershed.
6. Sugar Creek watershed upstream from Murray County Road 4.
7. Sumac Creek watershed upstream from Coffey Lake.
8. Rock Creek watershed upstream of Murray County Road 301.





1. Possum Creek watershed upstream from Paulding County Road 64.
2. Powder Creek (Powder Springs Creek) watershed.
3. Pumpkinvine Creek watershed upstream from Paulding County Road 231.
4. Pyle Creek watershed.
5. Raccoon Creek watershed upstream from Road SR2299 (Paulding County Road 471).
6. Tallapoosa River watershed.
7. Simpson Creek watershed.
8. Thompson Creek watershed.
9. Ward Creek watershed.



1. Cartecay River watershed.
2. Talking Rock Creek watershed upstream from Route S1011 (GA Highway 136).


1. Amicalola Creek watershed.
2. Ball Creek watershed.
3. Bluff Creek watershed.
4. East Branch watershed (including Darnell Creek watershed).
5. Fisher Creek watershed (upstream from the confluence of Talona Creek and Fisher Creek).
6. Fourmile Creek watershed.
7. Hobson Creek watershed.
8. Little Scarecorn Creek watershed.
9. Long Branch watershed.
10. Long Swamp Creek watershed upstream from Pickens County Road 294.
11. Mud Creek watershed.
12. Pin Hook Creek watershed.
13. Polecat Creek watershed.
14. Rock Creek watershed.
15. Salacoa Creek watershed.
16. Scarecorn Creek watershed upstream from Georgia Hwy. 53.
17. Sevenmile Creek watershed.
18. Soap Creek watershed.
19. Town Creek watershed.
20. Wildcat Creek watershed.





1. Cedar Creek watershed upstream from Polk County Road 121.
2. Fish Creek watershed upstream of Plantation Pipeline.
3. Lassetter Creek watershed.
4. Little Cedar Creek watershed.
5. Pumpkinpile Creek watershed upstream from Road SR1032.
6. Silver Creek watershed.
7. Simpson Creek watershed upstream of Lake Dorene.
8. Spring Creek watershed.
9. Swinney Branch watershed.
10. Thomasson Creek watershed.
11. Thompson Creek watershed upstream of Polk County Road 441.



1. Chattooga River - all tributaries classified as primary.
2. Little Tennessee River - entire stream and tributaries classified as primary except all streams or sections thereof classified as secondary.
3. Tallulah River - entire stream and tributaries classified as primary except the Tallulah River downstream from Lake Rabun Dam to headwaters of Tugaloo Lake.


1. Little Tennessee River downstream from U.S. Hwy. 441 Bridge.
2. Mud Creek downstream from Sky Valley Ski Resort Lake to the Little Tennessee River.



1. Middle Fork Broad River watershed upstream from USFS Route 92-B.
2. Panther Creek watershed upstream from the mouth of Davidson Creek.


1. Davidson Creek watershed.
2. Leatherwood Creek watershed upstream from Georgia Hwy. 184 Bridge.
3. Little Toccoa Creek watershed.
4. Middle Fork Broad River watershed upstream from SCS flood control structure #44 to USFS Route 92-B.
5. North Fork Broad River watershed upstream from SCS flood control structure #1.
6. Panther Creek watershed downstream from the mouth of Davidson Creek.
7. Toccoa Creek upstream from Toccoa Falls.



1. Brasstown Creek watershed.
2. Chattahoochee River watershed.
3. Gumlog Creek watershed.
4. Hiawassee River watershed - entire stream and all tributaries classified as primary except all streams or sections thereof classified as secondary.
5. Tallulah River watershed.
6. Winchester Creek watershed.


1. Hightower Creek downstream from the mouth of Little Hightower Creek.



1. Arkaqua Creek watershed.
2. Brasstown Creek watershed.
3. Chattahoochee River watershed.
4. Conley Creek watershed upstream from Road S2325 (Union County Rd 237).
5. Coosa Creek watershed upstream from mouth of Anderson Creek.
6. Dooley Creek watershed.
7. East Fork Wolf Creek watershed upstream from Lake Trahlyta.
8. Gumlog Creek watershed.
9. Ivylog Creek watershed upstream from USDA Forest Service property line.
10. Nottely River watershed upstream from the mouth of Town Creek.
11. Toccoa River watershed.
12. Town Creek watershed.
13. West Fork Wolf Creek watershed.
14. Youngcane Creek watershed upstream from the mouth of Jones Creek.


1. All streams or sections thereof except the Butternut Creek watershed and the Nottely River downstream of Nottely Dam and those classified as primary.



1. Furnace Creek watershed.
2. Harrisburg Creek watershed (including Dougherty Creek and Allen Creek) upstream from Dougherty Creek.


1. Chappel Creek watershed.
2. Chattanooga Creek watershed upstream of Walker County Road 235.
3. Concord Creek watershed.
4. Dry Creek watershed (tributary to East Armuchee Creek).
5. Duck Creek watershed.
6. East Armuchee Creek watershed upstream from Georgia Hwy. 136.
7. East Fork Little River watershed (flows into Dade County).
8. East Fork Little River watershed (flows into Chattooga County; includes Gilreath Creek).
9. Gulf Creek watershed.
10. Johns Creek watershed.
11. Left Fork Coulter Branch watershed.
12. Little Chickamauga Creek watershed.
13. Middle Fork Little River watershed (includes Cannon Branch and Hale Branch).
14. Rock Creek watershed (including Sawmill Branch) upstream from Sawmill Branch.
15. Ruff Creek watershed.
16. Snake Creek watershed.
17. West Armuchee Creek watershed.
18. West Chickamauga Creek watershed upstream from Walker County Road 107.
19. West Fork Little River watershed.



1. Cathey Creek watershed upstream from the Arrowhead Campground Lake at the mouth of Tom White Branch.
2. Chattahoochee River watershed upstream from Georgia Hwy. 255 Bridge.
3. Town Creek watershed upstream from the mouth of Jenny Creek.


1. Chattahoochee River watershed upstream from Georgia Hwy. 115 to the Georgia Hwy. 255 Bridge.
2. Little Tesnatee Creek watershed upstream from the mouth of Turner Creek.
3. Turner Creek watershed except as listed under primary above (Turner Creek nearest to Cleveland city limits).





1. Coahulla Creek watershed upstream from Whitfield County Road 183.
2. Dry Creek watershed.
3. Snake Creek watershed.
4. Spring Creek watershed.
5. Swamp Creek watershed upstream from Whitfield County Road 9.
6. Tiger Creek watershed
(16) Waters Generally Supporting Shellfish. The waters listed below are either productive shellfish waters or have the potential to support shellfish. However, it may not be lawful to harvest shellfish from all of the waters listed below. Shellfish may only be harvested from waters approved for harvest by the Georgia DNR Coastal Resources Division. For a current list of approved waters for harvesting, contact the Coastal Resources Division.


1. Savannah River South Channel at Fort Pulaski to confluence with Lazaretto Creek.
2. Tybee River at confluence with Bates Creek and eastward, including Bates Creek.
3. Wilmington River at confluence with Herb River and eastward.
4. Herb River at confluence with Wilmington River to County Road 890.
5. All waters surrounding Skidaway Island including Moon River North to Skidaway Island Road.
6. Vernon River at Vernonburg and eastward.
7. Little Ogeechee River from Rose Dhu Island and eastward excluding Harvey Creek on Harvey's Island.
8. Ogeechee River below Shad Island and eastward (north of center line).
9. All waters surrounding Ossabaw Island and Wassaw Island to the center line of the intracoastal waterway.


1. Ogeechee River below Shad Island and eastward (south of center line).
2. Redbird Creek at Cottonham and eastward.
3. All waters west of main channel center line of intracoastal waterway to confluence of Medway River.
4. Medway River at south confluence of Sunbury Channel and East Channel and eastward (north of center line).


1. Medway River at south confluence of Sunbury Channel and East Channel and eastward (south of center line).
2. Dickinson Creek at Latitude 31,,° 44.2' to confluence with Medway River.
3. Johns Creek at end of County Road 3 and eastward to conflu­ence with Medway River.
4. All other waters east and north of Colonels Island.
5. North Newport River System at confluence with Carrs Neck Creek and eastward, including Cross Tide Creek.
6. South Newport River System north of center line and east­ward from confluence with South Hampton Creek.


1. South Newport River System south of centerline and eastward from confluence with South Hampton Creek.
2. Julienton River at Latitude 31,,° 36.8' and eastward to confluence with Sapelo River, including Broad River near Shellman Bluff.
3. Sapelo River from end of County Road 127 eastward excluding White Chimney River and Savannah Cut.
4. All waters surrounding Creighton Island.
5. Atwood Creek at Latitude 31,,° 28.3' and eastward.
6. Hudson Creek at Latitude 31,,° 27.2' and eastward.
7. Carnigan River at Latitude 31,,° 26.2' and eastward.
8. All waters surrounding Sapelo Island to the center line of Sapelo Sound, including New Teakettle Creek, Old Tea­kettle Creek and Dark Creek.
9. Dead River at Longitude 81,,° 21.5' to confluence with Folly River.
10. Folly River at Longitude 81,,° 21.2' to confluence with intracoastal waterways including Fox Creek tributary.
11. North River from confluence with Old Darien River to confluence with intracoastal waterway, including Old Darien River.
12. Darien River from confluence with Three Mile Cut to intra­coastal waterway.
13. Rockdedundy River from confluence with Darien River to intracoastal waterway.
14. All waters surrounding Doboy Island, Commodore Island, Wolf Island, and Rockdedundy Island.
15. South River at confluence of intracoastal waterway to Doboy Sound.
16. Altamaha River from confluence with Three Mile Cut and Mackay River and eastward, including Buttermilk Sound, but excluding South Altamaha River.
17. Dog Hammock to confluence with Sapelo River.
18. Eagle Creek to confluence with Mud River.


1. Mackay River water system from confluence with South Altamaha River to confluence with Brunswick River, excluding Wally's Leg.
2. All waters surrounding St. Simons Island and Little St. Simons Island.
3. All waters surrounding Andrews Island excluding Academy Creek.
4. Turtle River from confluence with Buffalo River to conflu­ence with South Brunswick River, excluding Cowpen Creek, Yellow Bluff Creek, and Gibson Creek.
5. South Brunswick River and drainage system to confluence of Brunswick River.
6. Fancy Bluff Creek from confluence with South Brunswick River to the Little Satilla River.
7. Brunswick River from confluence of Turtle River and South Brunswick River to St. Simons Sound.
8. Little Satilla River from confluence with Fancy Bluff Creek to St. Andrews Sound (north of center line).
9. All waters surrounding Jekyll Island, Jointer Island, and Colonels Island.


1. Little Satilla River from confluence with Fancy Bluff Creek to St. Andrews Sound (south of center line), excluding Maiden Creek.
2. Umbrella Creek from confluence with Dover Creek below Dover Bluff.
3. Dover Creek from confluence with Umbrella Creek to conflu­ence with Satilla River.
4. Satilla River near Floyd Basin and unnamed cut over to Dover Creek to St. Andrews Sound.
5. Floyd Basin at confluence with Todd Creek to confluence with Satilla River.
6. Floyd Basin at confluence with Todd Creek to confluence with Cumberland River.
7. Black Point Creek south of Latitude 30,,° 52.0' south to Crooked River.
8. Crooked River from Crooked River State Park to Cumberland River.
9. Cumberland River from confluence of St. Andrews Sound to confluence with St. Marys River (north of center line).
10. North River from County Road 75 to confluence with St. Marys River.
11. All waters surrounding Cumberland Island.
12. St. Marys River (north of center line) from end of State Road 40 to Cumberland Sound.
(17)Specific Criteria for Lakes and Major Lake Tributaries. In addition to the general criteria, the following lake specific criteria are required:
(a)West Point Lake: Those waters impounded by West Point Dam and downstream of U.S. 27 at Franklin.
(i) Chlorophyll a: For the months of April through October, the average of monthly photic zone composite samples shall not exceed the chlorophyll a concentrations at the locations listed below more than once in a five-year period.


Upstream from the Dam in the Forebay:

22 µg/L


LaGrange Water Intake:

24 µg/L

(ii) pH: Within the range of 6.0 - 9.5.
(iii) Total Nitrogen: Not to exceed 4.0 mg/L as Nitrogen in the photic zone.
(iv) Total Phosphorous: Total lake loading shall not exceed 2.4 pounds per acre foot of lake volume per year.
(v) Bacteria:
1. U.S. 27 at Franklin to New River: Bacteria shall not exceed the Fishing criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(c)(iii).
2. New River to West Point Dam: E. coli shall not exceed the Recreation criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(b)(i).
(vi) Dissolved Oxygen: A daily average of 5.0 mg/L and no less than 4.0 mg/L at all times at the depth specified in 391-3-6-.03(5)(g).
(vii) Temperature:
1. U.S. 27 at Franklin to New River: Water temperature shall not exceed the Fishing criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(c)(iv).
2. New River to West Point Dam: Water temperature shall not exceed the Recreation criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(b)(iv).
(viii) Major Lake Tributaries: For the following tributaries, the annual total phosphorus loading to West Point Lake shall not exceed the following:


Yellow Jacket Creek at Hammet Road:

11,000 pounds


New River at Hwy 100:

14,000 pounds


Chattahoochee River at U.S. 27:

1,400,000 pounds

(b)Lake Walter F. George: Those waters impounded by Walter F. George Dam and upstream to Georgia Highway 39 near Omaha.
(i) Chlorophyll a: For the months of April through October, the average of monthly photic zone composite samples shall not exceed 18 µg/L at mid-river at U.S. Highway 82 or 15 µg/L at mid-river in the dam forebay more than once in a five-year period.
(ii) pH: Within the range of 6.0-9.5 standard units.
(iii) Total Nitrogen: Not to exceed 3.0 mg/L as nitrogen in the photic zone.
(iv) Total Phosphorous: Total lake loading shall not exceed 2.4 pounds per acre-foot of lake volume per year.
(v) Bacteria:
1. Georgia Highway 39 to Cowikee Creek: Bacteria shall not exceed the Fishing criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(c)(iii).
2. Cowikee Creek to Walter F. George Dam: E. coli shall not exceed the Recreation criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(b)(i).
(vi) Dissolved Oxygen: A daily average of no less than 5.0 mg/L and no less than 4.0 mg/L at all times at the depth specified in 391-3-6-.03(5)(g).
(vii) Temperature:
1. Georgia Highway 39 to Cowikee Creek: Water temperature shall not exceed the Fishing criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(c)(iv).
2. Cowikee Creek to Walter F. George Dam: Water temperature shall not exceed the Recreation criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(b)(iv).
(viii) Major Lake Tributary: The annual total phosphorous loading to Lake Walter F. George, monitored at the Chattahoochee River at Georgia Highway 39, shall not exceed 2,000,000 pounds.
(c)Lake Jackson: Those waters impounded by Lloyd Shoals Dam and upstream to Georgia Highway 36 on the South and Yellow Rivers, upstream to Newton Factory Bridge Road on the Alcovy River and upstream to Georgia Highway 36 on Tussahaw Creek.
(i) Chlorophyll a: For the months of April through October, the average of monthly mid-channel photic zone composite samples shall not exceed 20 µg/L at a location approximately 2 miles downstream of the confluence of the South and Yellow Rivers at the junction of Butts, Newton and Jasper Counties more than once in a five-year period.
(ii) pH: Within the range of 6.0-9.5 standard units.
(iii) Total Nitrogen: Not to exceed 4.0 mg/L as nitrogen in the photic zone.
(iv) Total Phosphorous: Total lake loading shall not exceed 5.5 pounds per acre-foot of lake volume per year.
(v) Bacteria: E. coli shall not exceed the Recreation criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(b)(i).
(vi) Dissolved Oxygen: A daily average of 5.0 mg/L and no less than 4.0 mg/L at all times at the depth specified in 391-3-6-.03(5)(g).
(vii) Temperature: Water temperature shall not exceed the Recreation criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(b)(iv).
(viii) Major Lake Tributaries: For the following major tributaries, the annual total phosphorous loading to Lake Jackson shall not exceed the following:


South River at Island Shoals:

179,000 pounds


Yellow River at Georgia Highway 212:

116,000 pounds


Alcovy River at Newton Factory Bridge Road:

55,000 pounds


Tussahaw Creek at Fincherville Road:

7,000 pounds

(d)Lake Allatoona: Those waters impounded by Allatoona Dam and upstream to State Highway 5 on the Etowah River, State Highway 5 on Little River, the Lake Acworth Dam, and the confluence of Little Allatoona Creek and Allatoona Creek. Other impounded tributaries to an elevation of 840 feet mean sea level corresponding to the normal pool elevation of Lake Allatoona.
(i) Chlorophyll a: For the months of April through October, the average of monthly mid-channel photic zone composite samples shall not exceed the chlorophyll a concentrations at the locations listed below more than once in a five-year period:


Upstream from the Dam:

10 µg/L


Allatoona Creek upstream from I-75:

12 µg/L


Mid-Lake downstream from Kellogg Creek:

10 µg/L


Little River upstream from Highway 205:

15 µg/L


Etowah River upstream from Sweetwater Creek:

14 µg/L

(ii) pH: Within the range of 6.0-9.5 standard units
(iii) Total Nitrogen: Not to exceed a growing season average of 4 mg/L as nitrogen in the photic zone.
(vi) Total Phosphorous: Total lake loading shall not exceed 1.3 pounds per acre-foot of lake volume per year.
(v) Bacteria:
1. Etowah River, State Highway 5 to State Highway 20: Bacteria shall not exceed the Fishing Criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(c)(iii).
2. Etowah River, State Highway 20 to Allatoona Dam: E. coli shall not exceed the Recreation criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(b)(i).
(vi) Dissolved Oxygen: A daily average of 5.0 mg/L and no less than 4.0 mg/L at all times at the depth specified in 391-3-6-.03(5)(g).
(vii) Temperature:
1. Etowah River, State Highway 5 to State Highway 20: Water temperature shall not exceed the Fishing criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(c)(iv).
2. Etowah River, State Highway 20 to Allatoona Dam: Water temperature shall not exceed the Recreation criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(b)(iv).
(viii) Major Lake Tributaries: For the following major tributaries, the annual total phosphorous loading to Lake Allatoona shall not exceed the following:


Etowah River at State Highway 5 spur and 140, at the USGS gage:

340,000 lbs/yr


Little River at State Highway 5 (Highway 754):

42,000 lbs/yr


Noonday Creek at North Rope Mill Road:

38,000 lbs/yr


Shoal Creek at State Highway 108 (Fincher Road):

12,500 lbs/yr

(e)Lake Sidney Lanier: Those waters impounded by Buford Dam and upstream to Belton Bridge Road on the Chattahoochee River, 0.6 miles downstream from State Road 400 on the Chestatee River, as well as other impounded tributaries to an elevation of 1070 feet mean sea level corresponding to the normal pool elevation of Lake Sidney Lanier.
(i) Chlorophyll a: For the months of April through October, the average of monthly mid-channel photic zone composite samples shall not exceed the chlorophyll a concentrations at the locations listed below more than once in a five-year period:


Upstream from the Buford Dam forebay:

5 µg/L


Upstream from the Flowery Branch confluence:

6 µg/L


At Browns Bridge Road (State Road 369):

7 µg/L


At Bolling Bridge (State Road 53) on Chestatee River:

10 µg/L


At Lanier Bridge (State Road 53) on Chattahoochee River:

10 µg/L

(ii) pH: Within the range of 6.0-9.5 standard units.
(iii) Total Nitrogen: Not to exceed 4 mg/L as nitrogen in the photic zone.
(iv) Total Phosphorous: Total lake loading shall not exceed 0.25 pounds per acre-foot of lake volume per year.
(v) Bacteria: E. coli shall not exceed the Recreation criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(b)(i).
(vi) Dissolved Oxygen: A daily average of 5.0 mg/L and no less than 4.0 mg/L at all times at the depth specified in 391-3-6-.03(5)(g).
(vii) Temperature: Water temperature shall not exceed the Recreation criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(b)(iv).
(viii) Major Lake Tributaries: For the following major tributaries, the annual total phosphorous loading to Lake Sidney Lanier shall not exceed the following:


Chattahoochee River at Belton Bridge Road:

178,000 pounds


Chestatee River at Georgia Highway 400:

118,000 pounds


Flat Creek at McEver Road:

14,400 pounds

(f)Carters Lake: Those waters impounded by Carters Dam and upstream on the Coosawattee River as well as other impounded tributaries to an elevation of 1072 feet mean sea level corresponding to the normal pool elevation of Carters Lake.
(i) Chlorophyll a: For the months of April through October, the average of monthly mid-channel photic zone composite samples shall not exceed the chlorophyll a concentrations at the locations listed below more than once in a five-year period:


Carters Lake upstream from Woodring Branch:

10 µg/L


Carters Lake at Coosawattee River embayment mouth:

10 µg/L

(ii) pH: within the range of 6.0 - 9.5 standard units.
(iii) Total Nitrogen: Not to exceed 4.0 mg/L as nitrogen in the photic zone.
(iv) Total Phosphorous: Total lake loading shall not exceed 172,500 pounds or 0.46 pounds per acre-foot of lake volume per year.
(v) Bacteria: E. coli shall not exceed the Recreation criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(b)(i).
(vi) Dissolved Oxygen: A daily average of 5.0 mg/L and no less than 4.0 mg/L at all times at the depth specified in 391-3-6-.03(5)(g).
(vii) Temperature: Water temperature shall not exceed the Recreation criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(b)(iv).
(viii) Major Lake Tributaries: For the following major tributaries, the annual total phosphorous loading at the compliance monitoring location shall not exceed the following:


Coosawattee River at Old Highway:

151,500 pounds


Mountaintown Creek at U.S. Highway 76:

16,000 pounds

(g)Lake Oconee: Those waters impounded by Wallace Dam and upstream on the Oconee River as well as other impounded tributaries to an elevation of 436 feet mean sea level corresponding to the normal pool elevation of Lake Oconee.
(i) Chlorophyll a: For the months of April through October, the average of monthly mid-channel photic zone composite samples shall not exceed the chlorophyll a concentrations at the locations listed below more than once in a five-year period:


Oconee Arm at Highway 44:

26 µg/L


Richland Creek Arm:

15 µg/L


Upstream from the Wallace Dam Forebay:

18 µg/L

(ii) pH: within the range of 6.0 - 9.0 standard units.
(iii) Bacteria: E. coli shall not exceed the Recreation criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(b)(i).
(iv) Dissolved Oxygen: A daily average of 5.0 mg/L and no less than 4.0 mg/L at all times at the depth specified in 391-3-6-.03(5)(g).
(v) Temperature: Water temperature shall not exceed the Recreation criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(b)(iv).
(h)Lake Sinclair: Those waters impounded by Sinclair Dam and upstream on the Oconee River as well as other impounded tributaries to an elevation of 340 feet mean sea level corresponding to the normal pool elevation of Lake Sinclair.
(i) Chlorophyll a: For the months of April through October, the average of monthly mid-channel photic zone composite samples shall not exceed the chlorophyll a concentrations at the locations listed below more than once in a five-year period:


Oconee River Arm Midlake:

14 µg/L


Little River and Murder Creek Arm Upstream from Highway 441:

14 µg/L


Upstream from the Sinclair Dam Forebay:

10 µg/L

(ii) pH: within the range of 6.0 - 9.0 standard units.
(iii) Bacteria: E. coli shall not exceed the Recreation criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(b)(i).
(iv) Dissolved Oxygen: A daily average of 5.0 mg/L and no less than 4.0 mg/L at all times at the depth specified in 391-3-6-.03(5)(g).
(v) Temperature: Water temperature shall not exceed the Recreation criterion as presented in 391-3-6-.03(6)(b)(iv).
(18)Site Specific Metal Criteria based on Biotic Ligand Models and Water Effect Ratio
(a) The Biotic Ligand Model (BLM) is a metal bioavailability model that uses receiving water body characteristics and monitoring data to develop site-specific water quality criteria. A study plan and findings shall be submitted and approved that conforms to the requirements outlined in the 2007 Aquatic Life Ambient Freshwater Quality Criteria-Copper 2007 Revision EPA-822-R-07-001.
(i) Site-specific Copper criteria developed using the BLM:

Buffalo Creek (Richards Lake Dam to confluence with Little Tallapoosa River):

Acute Copper criteria Click here to view

Chronic Copper criteria Click here to view

(b) A Water Effect Ratio (WER) is site specific and is the ratio of the toxicity of a metal in site water to the toxicity of the same metal in standard laboratory. A study plan and findings shall be submitted and approved that conforms to the requirements outlined in the 1994 Interim Guidance on Determination and Use of Water Effect Ratios for Metals EPA-823-B-94-001. If the WER is for Copper, the Interim Guidance may be complemented with the 2001 Streamline Water Effect Ratio Procedure for Discharges of Copper EPA-822-R-01-005.

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 391-3-6-.03

O.C.G.A. § 12-5-20 et seq.

Original Rule entitled "Water Use Classifications and Water Quality Standards" adopted. F. June 10, 1974; eff. June 30, 1974.
Amended: F. May 30, 1985; eff. June 19, 1985.
Amended: F. Dec. 9, 1988; eff. Dec. 29, 1988.
Amended: F. May 31, 1989; eff. June 20, 1989.
Amended: ER. 391-3-6-0.16-.03 adopted. F. July 6, 1989; eff. June 30, 1989, the date of adoption.
Amended: ER. 391-3-6-0.17-.03 adopted. F. Aug. 25, 1989, eff. Aug. 23, 1989, the date of adoption.
Amended: ER. 391-3-6-0.19-.03 adopted. F. Dec. 8, 1989, eff. Dec. 6, 1989, the date of adoption.
Amended: F. Dec. 8, 1989; eff. Dec. 28, 1989.
Amended: F. Apr. 3, 1990; eff. Apr. 23, 1990.
Amended: F. Feb. 15, 1991; eff. Mar. 7, 1991.
Amended: F. Apr. 8, 1993; eff. Apr. 28, 1993.
Amended: F. Aug. 9, 1993; eff. Aug. 29, 1993.
Amended: F. Aug. 30, 1995; eff. Sept. 19, 1995.
Amended: ER. 391-3-6-0.32-.03 adopted. F. May 1, 1996; eff. April 25, 1996, the date of adoption.
Amended: Permanent Rule adopted. F. July 10, 1996; eff. July 30, 1996.
Amended: F. Oct. 17, 1996; eff. Nov. 6, 1996.
Amended: F. May 2, 1997; eff. May 22, 1997.
Amended: F. Nov. 3, 1998; eff. Nov. 23, 1998.
Amended: F. Feb. 7, 2000; eff. Feb. 27, 2000.
Amended: F. Apr. 12, 2000; eff. May 2, 2000.
Amended: F. Oct. 26, 2001; eff. Nov. 15, 2001.
Amended: F. May 10, 2002; eff. May 30, 2002.
Amended: F. July 2, 2002; eff. July 22, 2002.
Amended: F. Dec. 9, 2002; eff. Dec. 29, 2002.
Amended: F. Nov. 7, 2005; eff. Nov. 27, 2005.
Amended: F. Dec. 14, 2007; eff. Jan. 3, 2008.
Amended: F. Jan. 29, 2009; eff. Feb. 18, 2009.
Amended: F. May 16, 2011; eff. June 5, 2011.
Amended: F. Oct. 2, 2013; eff. Oct. 22, 2013.
Amended: New title "Water Use Classifications and Water Quality Standards." F. Oct. 2, 2015; eff. Oct. 22, 2015.
Amended: F. Apr. 3, 2018; eff. Apr. 23, 2018.
Amended: F. July 3, 2018; eff. July 23, 2018.
Amended: New title, "Designated Uses and Water Quality Standards." F. Feb. 7, 2022; eff. Feb. 27, 2022.