Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 391-2-4-.06

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through September 23, 2024
Rule 391-2-4-.06 - Recreational Fishing for Shrimp
(1)Purpose. The purpose of these Rules is to implement the authority of the Board of Natural Resources to promulgate rules and regulations based on sound principles of wildlife research and management, establishing the recreational seasons, days, and places; methods of fishing and disposition; and size, creel, and possession limits for shrimp.
(2)Food Shrimp. For the purpose of recreationally fishing for shrimp to be used for human consumption, any person who has a recreational fishing license may recreationally fish for food shrimp at such times and places as the commissioner has established.
(a) Gear. Except as otherwise provided by law or regulation, it shall be unlawful to recreationally fish for food shrimp in the salt waters of the State of Georgia by any means except the following:
1. Food shrimp cast net as defined in O.C.G.A. 27-1-2 (29.1); or a
2. Beach seine of a length and mesh size authorized for use in salt waters by 391-2-4-.12.
(b) Quantity for Cast Nets. No person or group of persons occupying the same boat recreationally fishing for shrimp by means of a food shrimp cast net may take more than 48 quarts of shrimp with heads or 30 quarts of shrimp tails in any day. No such person or group of persons occupying the same vessel may possess at any time more than 48 quarts of shrimp with heads or 30 quarts of shrimp tails.
(c) Quantity for Seines. No one person recreationally fishing for shrimp solely by means of a seine, whether such person is acting alone or in a group of persons, may take more than 24 quarts of shrimp with heads or 15 quarts of shrimp tails in any day. No such person may possess at any time more than 24 quarts of shrimp with heads or 15 quarts of shrimp tails. If any person or group of persons are in possession of a food shrimp cast net and a seine, such person or group of persons shall be subject to the limits imposed upon taking shrimp by food shrimp cast net.
(3)Bait Shrimp. For the purpose of recreationally fishing for shrimp to be used for live bait in this state, any person who has a recreational fishing license may recreationally fish for bait shrimp at such times and places as the commissioner has established.
(a) Gear. Except as otherwise provided by law or regulation, it shall be unlawful to recreationally fish for bait shrimp in the salt waters of the State of Georgia by any means except the following:
1. Bait shrimp cast net as defined in O.C.G.A. 27-1-2 (5.1).
2. Food shrimp cast net as defined in O.C.G.A. 27-1-2 (29.1);
3. Beach seine of a length and mesh size authorized for use in salt waters by 391-2-4-.12; or a
4. "Ten-foot net" as described in O.C.G.A. 27-1-2-(71.1) and herein. A "ten-foot net" means a trawl net with the following characteristics:
i. A cork line not to exceed ten feet from tie-to-tie between the first and last mesh across the mouth of the net, a lead line not to exceed 13 feet from tie-to-tie between the first and last mesh across the mouth of the net, and leg lines of equal length. No webbing shall extend toward the door beyond the original brail lines which run vertically between the first tie at each end of the cork line and the first tie at each end of the lead line.
ii. The leg lines of a ten foot net shall not exceed 4 feet from the fastener on the otter board (door) to the first mesh tie on the cork (head) line, and shall not exceed 4 feet 7 inches from the fastener on the otter board to the first mesh tie on the lead (foot) line. Total net width including leg lines and webbing shall not exceed 18 feet on the cork line and 22 feet 2 inches on the lead line.
iii. The vertical lines (brails) connecting the head line and the lead line shall not exceed 36 inches in length.
iv. The tow lines (bridles) connecting the tow vessel to the otter boards shall not exceed 75 feet from the fasteners on the otter board to the transom of the boat, including all connectors at the otter boards and the tow vessel; on tongue nets the third tow line and all connectors also shall not exceed 81 feet.
v. Otter boards shall not exceed 15 inches x 30 inches (height x length) in dimension.
vi. Head line floats on standard (tongueless) designs shall not exceed five in number, only one of which may exceed 31/2 inches, but shall not exceed 6 inches in longest measurement. Nets of a tongue or bib design may have a maximum of two floats neither of which may exceed 6 inches in longest measurement.
vii. Webbing mesh size shall not be smaller than one inch when stretched nor exceed 13/8 inches when stretched measurement. Total mesh count in the circumference of the bag where it attaches to the body of the net, and also rearward throughout the construction of the bag shall not exceed 50.
viii. Total net length including the body of the net, the bag, and the cod-end shall not exceed 19 feet 6 inches.
(b) Time. It shall be unlawful to fish for bait shrimp with a "ten-foot net" at night.
(c) Quantity for "Ten-foot net". No person fishing for shrimp with a "ten-foot net" shall possess more than two quarts of bait shrimp at any time, no more than one-half pint of which may be dead; but any such person may take a maximum of four quarts of bait shrimp during any 24 hour period. When two or more persons fishing for shrimp under this subsection occupy the same boat; there may be no more than four quarts of bait shrimp on board the boat at any time, no more than one pint of which may be dead; but the persons occupying the boat may take a maximum of eight quarts of bait shrimp during any 24 hour period. Possessing or taking more than the limits prescribed in this subparagraph shall be unlawful. Possessing more than these limits shall be prima-facie evidence that the shrimp were taken for some purpose other than to be used as live bait.
(d) Quantity for bait shrimp cast net or seine. When food shrimp season is closed, any person fishing for shrimp with a cast net or seine shall possess no more than two quarts of bait shrimp at any time, all of which may be dead; and provided, further, that any such person may take a maximum of four quarts of bait shrimp during any day. When two or more persons taking shrimp under this subparagraph occupy the same boat, there may be no more than four quarts of bait shrimp on board the boat at any time, all of which may be dead; and the persons occupying the boat may together take a maximum of eight quarts of bait shrimp during any day.
(e) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or otherwise dispose of, for human consumption, any shrimp caught pursuant to this paragraph or to possess such shrimp for the purpose of sale or other distribution for human consumption or personally to consume such shrimp. Possession of shrimp with heads off shall be prima-facie evidence that the shrimp are to be sold for human consumption or are personally to be consumed.

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 391-2-4-.06

O.C.G.A. Title 12, O.C.G.A. Sec. 27-1-4.

Original Rule entitled "Bait Shrimping" adopted F. Oct. 1, 1902; eff. Oct. 21, 1992.
Amended: New title "Recreational Fishing for Shrimp". F. Dec. 18, 2012; eff. Jan. 7, 2013.