Rule 290-2-17-.07 - Personnel Policies(1) The Agency shall have written personnel policies and operating practices which should be available to all staff members. These should define: (a) qualifications, duties and responsibility for each position in the Agency;(b) salary scales and provisions for increments;(c) hours of work, holidays, vacations, sick leave;(d) conditions of employment, dismissal; and(e) employment benefits, including retirement plan, social security, hospitalization, and other insurance. Personnel policies should be developed by a joint committee of board and staff. Lines of authority should be clearly defined, but with sufficient flexibility for effective intra-agency communication among all levels at administrative responsibility.(2) Physical Examinations. All staff shall have a physical examination prior to employment and annually thereafter. A report of each examination shall be made a part of the employee's personnel file.(3) Salaries. A salary scale for each type of position shall be established. Salary should be adequate to attract and keep competent staff, should be equivalent to prevailing rates and commensurate with the duties and responsibilities of the position.(4) Living Arrangements. Resident staff shall be provided with quarters which are comfortable, insure reasonable privacy, rest during hours off duty, provision for personal belongings, and shall have bath and toilet facilities separate from those used by the unmarried mothers.(5) Leave. (a) Hours on duty shall not exceed 44 hours per week.(b) Provision should be made for annual vacations, time off for study and training, institutes, and legal holidays.(c) There shall be provision for sick leave for all permanent employees.(6) Insurance and Retirement. Plans for social security, hospital and/or health insurance, and workmen's compensation should be made available for all staff.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 290-2-17-.07
Ga. L. 1963, pp. 81-121; Ga. L. 1972, pp. 1015, 1046, 1048. Effective November 10, 1974.
Original Rule was filed on October 21, 1974; effective November 10, 1974.