(iii) During any period that the reprimand is required to be posted, the facility shall advise persons seeking services and representatives of persons seeking services of the reprimand. In response to a notice by the department of the imposition of a public reprimand, a facility may request that the department not require the facility to advise persons seeking services and representatives of persons seeking services of the reprimand if such requirement would compromise its ability to provide services, and is not feasible given the facility's range of services and the ways its services are provided. Such request must be made within ten calendar days from receipt of the notice from the department. The department upon such a convincing showing, as well as a showing that the correction of the violation has been achieved and will be sustained by the facility, may elect not to enforce this requirement. If the department elects to enforce the requirement and the facility appeals the imposition of the sanction, the issue of this requirement may become an issue for consideration by the hearing examiner at any hearing held on the sanction, unless waived by the facility.