Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 290-1-6-.02
Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 24, 2024
These rules shall be known as the Rules and Regulations for Enforcement of Licensing Requirements. The purposes of these rules are to provide for actions by the department with respect to violations of licensing requirements by certain facilities subject to regulation by the department; to provide for inspections, investigations and examinations of such facilities; and to provide that certain facilities give notice of violations giving rise to the receipt of notice of the imposition of any sanction under federal or state laws or regulations.
Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 290-1-6-.02
O.C.G.A. Secs. 31-2-6, 31-7-2.1, 31-7-3.2, 49-5-8.