Unless a different meaning is required by the context, the following terms used in these regulations have the meaning hereinafter respectively ascribed to them:
(a) "Qualified Organization"-a local emergency management organization which fulfills the requirements of Rule 155-2-.06(1) below;(b) "State Office"-the Georgia Department of Defense, Emergency Management Division;(c) "State Director"-the State Director of Emergency Management, Georgia Department of Defense;(d) "Approved"-Certified as acceptable by the State Office;(e) "Disaster Preparedness Equipment"-Equipment required for alleviation of hardship and danger during a disaster. Such equipment is over and above that required for day-to-day functions of local government, although some equipment may serve a dual function, day-to-day and disaster (e.g., communications equipment);(f) "Disaster"-an occurrence threatening the health, safety or property of a community or larger area;(g) "Local Emergency Management Director"-a person nominated by the Chief Executive Officer or governing body of a political subdivision, approved by the State Director and appointed by the Governor to carry out the overall responsibility of the local emergency management program;(h) "State Grant Funds"-Funds specifically appropriated by the General Assembly of Georgia to carry out the provisions of Georgia Laws 1980, pp.1247-1249, codified as Georgia Code Annotated, Section 86-1809(c), and further provided to grantees in accordance with these rules and regulations.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 155-2-.03
Ga. L. 1980, pp. 1247-1249 (Ga. Code Ann., Ch. 86-18).
Original Rule entitled "Definitions" was, filed October 31, 1980; effective November 20, 1980.In accordance with Ga. L. 1981, pp. 389, 390, the word,"civil defense" wherever appearing in this Rule have been changed to "emergency management." Filed June 5, 1981; effective July 1, 1981, as specified by the Agency.