Rule 150-7-.06 - Expedited Licenses for Military Spouses, Service Members, and Transitioning Service Members(1) As used in this Rule: (a) "Expedited application review" means the review of a completed application within fourteen (14) business days of submission to the Board of Dentistry;(b) "License" means a document issued by the Board of Dentistry to an applicant granting the applicant the ability to lawfully practice dentistry or dental hygiene under Title 43, Chapter 11;(c) "Military" means the United States armed forces, including the National Guard;(d) "Military spouse" means a spouse of a service member or a transitioning service member;(e) "Service member" means an active or reserve member of the armed forces, including the National Guard;(f) "Transitioning service member" means a member of the military on active duty status or on separation leave who is within 24 months of retirement or 12 months of separation.(2) A service member, military spouse, or transitioning service member qualifies for expedited application review once the applicant has submitted a completed application.(3) No application submitted under this Rule shall be denied without review by a quorum of the Board.(4) Within the time permitted for expedited application review, all applications shall either be granted or referred to the full Board for review.(5) If an application is referred to the full Board for review, it shall be reviewed and considered by the Board not later than its next regularly scheduled Board meeting.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 150-7-.06
O.C.G.A. §§ 43-1-34, 43-11-2.1, 43-11-7.
Original Rule entitled "Expedited Licenses for Military Spouses, Service Members, and Transitioning Service Members" adopted. F. June 1, 2017; eff. June 21, 2017.