Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 120-3-26-.08

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 24, 2024
Rule 120-3-26-.08 - Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspection Requirements
(1) On and after January 1, 1986, each boiler and pressure vessel used or proposed to be used within this State, except for boilers and pressure vessels exempted under O.C.G.A. Section 25-15-16, shall be thoroughly inspected as to their construction, installation, and condition as follows:
(a) Power boilers and high pressure, high temperature water boilers shall receive a permit (certificate) inspection annually. The inspection shall be an internal inspection where construction permits; otherwise, it shall be a as complete an inspection as possible. These boilers will also receive an external inspection while under pressure, if possible.
(b) Low pressure steam or vapor boilers shall receive a permit inspection biennially.
(c) Hot water heating and hot water supply boilers shall receive a permit inspection biennially.
(d) Pressure vessels shall receive a permit inspection triennial with an internal inspection at the discretion of the Inspector.
(e) All certificate inspections under this section shall be done in accordance with the NBIC, Parts 1 & 2. The boiler owners and user shall be responsible for ensuring that the installation, maintenance, operation, and testing of controls and safety devices are in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements. The maintenance and testing of controls and safety devices shall be conducted by a contractor with a valid certificate of authority with the appropriate classification. The inspector will witness or review that all controls and safety devices have been tested to manufactures requirements. Appendix C in the current adopted edition of CSD-1 is an example of a report or checklist. If the boiler is governed by a different standard, it will be used as a guide to which controls and safety devices and systems need to be tested.
(f) The Commissioner, the Chief Inspector, or any Deputy Inspector shall have free access during reasonable hours to any premises in the State where boilers or pressure vessels are being constructed, installed, operated, maintained, or repaired for the purpose of performing any required safety inspections in accordance with the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Act, Chapter 15 of Title 25 and these Rules and Regulations. Any owner, user or other person responsible for boilers or pressure vessels that denies access to Inspectors shall be in violation of the Act.
(g) An internal boiler inspection may be increased from an annual inspection frequency to eighteen (18) months for Black Liquor Boilers and a twenty-four (24) month inspection frequency for a Power Boiler by approval of the Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner. An employee delegated by the industrial facility shall apply for the extension. The following information shall be sent to the office for review:
(1) Operator training.
(2) Boiler maintenance records.
(3) Water chemistry.
(4) Letter of approval of extension from an authorized inspection agency. State inspector may be present with the in-service inspector during the internal Inspection, these expenses will be the responsibility of the industrial plant. A copy of the in-service inspector's detailed summary report of this inspection will be supplied to this office within 30 days of inspection. If a Black Liquor Boiler, a copy of the ESP test (Emergency Shutdown Procedure) will also be supplied.
(2) Cessation orders on unsafe equipment or equipment operating in violation of these Rules.
(a) The Commissioner or his authorized representative may issue a written order for the temporary cessation of operation of a boiler or pressure vessel if it has been determined after inspection to be hazardous or unsafe. Operation shall not resume until such conditions are corrected to the satisfaction of the Commissioner or his authorized representative.
(b) If a boiler or pressure vessel is found to be operating after a cessation order has been issued, and/or prior to the required inspections, a penalty may be assessed as specified in Rules 120-3-26-.05 and/or 120-3-26-.18 as applicable.
(c) Any person aggrieved by an order or an act of the Commissioner or the Chief Inspector may appeal in accordance with O.C.G.A. Section 25-15-28.
(4) All boilers or pressure vessels overdue for inspection as specified by Rule 120-3-26-.07, by more than 6 months, a State Deputy Inspector shall inspect such boilers or pressure vessels and may invoice the Owner/User for a special inspection as specified by Rule 1203-26-.05(2), in addition to the standard inspection fees.

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 120-3-26-.08

O.C.G.A. §§ 25-15-13, 25-15-19, 25-15-20.

Original Rule entitled "Notification of Inspection. Amended" adopted. F. Sep. 4, 2013; eff. Sept. 24, 2013.
Repealed: New Rule entitled "Notification of Inspection" adopted. F. Mar. 16, 2015; eff. Apr. 5, 2015.
Repealed: New Rule entitled "Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspection Requirements" adopted. F. Dec. 31, 2020; eff. Jan. 20, 2021.