Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 111-8-100-.03

Current through Rules and Regulations filed through December 24, 2024
Rule 111-8-100-.03 - Definitions

In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, the terms set forth herein shall mean the following:

(a) "Administrative action" means the initiation of a contested case as defined in the Georgia Administrative Procedure Act (APA), O.C.G.A. § 50-13-2(2)against a licensed facility for violation of licensing requirements.
(b) "Client(s)" means a person or persons receiving services through the licensed facility. Clients include such terms as residents, consumers, patients and program participants.
(c) "Competency-based training" means training which is tied to an identified set of skills and knowledge and requires demonstration and documentation of an acceptable level of performance of a task or achievement of an outcome.
(d) "Complex wound care" means the specialized nursing care that is required for certain wounds. Typically, the following kinds of wounds require complex care: wounds in the lower extremity of diabetic patients, pressure ulcers, chronic venous ulcers, wounds following extensive necrotic processes caused by infections (Fournier's and other), and chronic wounds related to vasculitis and immunosuppressive therapy that have not healed using simple care.
(e) "Department" means the Department of Community Health, its agents and employees.
(f) "Health maintenance activities" are limited to those activities that, but for a disability, a person could reasonably be expected to do for himself or herself. Such activities are typically taught by a registered professional nurse, but may be taught by an attending physician, advanced practice registered nurse, physician assistant, or directly to a patient and are part of ongoing care. Health maintenance activities are those activities that do not include complex care such as administration or intravenous medications, central line maintenance, and complex wound care; do not require complex observations or critical decisions; can be safely performed and have reasonable precise, unchanging directions; and have outcomes or results that are reasonably predictable. Health maintenance activities conducted pursuant to these rules shall not be considered the practice of nursing.
(g) "Individual with a disability" or "disabled individual" means an individual who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities and who meets the criteria for a disability under state or federal law.
(h) "Inspection" means any examination by the department or its representatives of a licensed healthcare facility, including but not necessarily limited to the premises, and staff, persons in care, and documents pertinent to initial and continued licensing so that the department may determine whether a facility is operating in compliance with licensing requirements. The term "inspection" includes any survey, complaint investigation, monitoring visit, or other inquiry conducted for the purpose of making a compliance determination with respect to licensing requirements.
(i) "Legally authorized representative" means the person legally authorized to act on behalf of the individual with a disability with respect to providing consent to medical treatment or procedures not prohibited by law which may be suggested, recommended, prescribed or directed by a duly licensed physician or as otherwise authorized by law. The representative is not authorized to act on behalf of the individual with a disability to provide consent until a medical determination has been made that the individual with a disability lacks decision-making capacity regarding medical treatment or the ability to communicate such decision by any means.
(j) "Licensed healthcare professional" means an individual who is licensed and authorized under Georgia law to perform certain healthcare practices. The term includes physicians, advance practice registered nurses, physician's assistants, registered nurses, pharmacists, physical, speech and occupational therapists who are functioning within their scopes of licensed practice. The term does not include licensed practical nurses, certified nursing assistants or medication aides.
(k) "Licensed healthcare facility" or "licensed facility" means any agency, institution, entity or person subject to regulation by the department under Chapters 7, 13, 22, 23, 44 and Title 31; paragraph (8) of subsection (d) of Code Section 31-2-4; Chapter 5 of Title 26; and Article 7 of Chapter 6 of Title 49 of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, except hospitals, residential mental health facilities, nursing homes, intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded, Medicare-certified home health agencies and hospices.
(l) "Licensed residential facility" means a licensed facility which serves as the home, either temporarily or permanently, of an individual with a disability. Such facilities are licensed as assisted living communities, personal care homes, community living arrangements, residential drug abuse treatment programs and traumatic brain injury facilities.
(m) "Proxy caregiver" means an unlicensed person or a licensed health care facility that has been selected by a disabled individual or a person legally authorized to act on behalf of such individual to serve as such individual's proxy caregiver, provided that such person shall receive training and shall demonstrate the necessary knowledge and skills to perform documented health maintenance activities, including identified specialized procedures, for such individual.
(n) "Training" means teaching proxy caregivers the necessary knowledge and skills to perform health maintenance activities for disabled individuals.
(o) "Written plan of care" means the specific set of written instructions which have been determined necessary, usually by a registered professional nurse, to implement the written orders of the attending physician or an advanced practice registered nurse or physician assistant working under a nurse protocol agreement or job description respectively. The written plan of care must specify the frequency of training and evaluation requirements for the proxy caregiver, including additional training when changes in the written plan of care necessitate added duties for which such proxy caregiver has not previously been trained.

Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 111-8-100-.03

O.C.G.A. §§ 31-7-2.2, 31-9-2, 43-26-12(a)(9).

Original Rule entitled "Definitions" adopted. F. Jul. 18, 2011; eff. Aug. 7, 2011.
Amended: F. Apr. 16, 2018; eff. May 6, 2018.