Eligible applications received during a competition period will be reviewed by a grant review committee. The grant review committee will determine the merit of each application and make a recommendation as to whether such affiliate shall receive a State Challenge Grant. In determining whether an affiliate shall receive a grant award, the grant review committee will consider the following factors:
(a) The needs to be addressed by the project and the project's potential to effectively meet these needs;(b) Project costs in relation to benefits derived; the number of people affected;(c) Feasibility of the proposed strategy for carrying out the programming, including: likelihood that the programs can be successfully implemented as described; provision for adequate technical assistance to ensure quality work; the reasonableness of the budget; and indication that key actors who will carry out the programs are ready to proceed and demonstrate ability to make the programs succeed;(d) Evidence that volunteers will be involved in the programming, as appropriate;(e) Degree to which the proposed programs are consistent with the goals, policies and implementation strategy of the affiliate's comprehensive plan;(f) The affiliate's demonstrated commitment to ongoing implementation of its comprehensive plan;(g) Evidence that the programs are supported by community partners;(h) Reliability of other funding commitments (i.e., city, county, schools, civic groups, other grants or loans, etc.);(i) Other information submitted by the applicant and deemed relevant by the Grant Review Committee.Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. R. 110-26-1-.07
O.C.G.A. Secs. 50-8-8, 50-8-9.
Original grant description entitled "Review of Grant Applications" submitted February 8, 2006.