Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 69V-560.907 - Deferred Presentment Database Access(1) The deferred presentment database vendor shall operate and maintain a website with the URL and domain name on behalf of the Office of Financial Regulation, which shall be the means by which real-time access to the deferred presentment database is made available through an internet connection for providers to comply with Part IV, Chapter 560, F.S. The deferred presentment database vendor shall operate and maintain the deferred presentment database and shall give providers access to the deferred presentment database on the following terms and conditions: (a) A provider shall designate to the deferred presentment database vendor a security administrator to assign employee user identification numbers and passwords to employees authorized by the provider to register transactions on the deferred presentment database, to maintain provider information on the website and deferred presentment database, and to ensure the accuracy of deferred presentment database transaction information, including that the user identification and password for the employee are associated with the appropriate location from which the transaction is conducted. Only the security administrator identification and password will be administered by the deferred presentment database vendor. The provider's security administrator will be responsible for all other employee user identification numbers and passwords within the provider's organization; 1. If the security administrator needs to be changed or a new security administrator needs to be designated, the provider shall request those changes from the deferred presentment database vendor;2. If the security administrator forgets the password, the provider shall request the deferred presentment database vendor to reset the password;(b) A provider's security administrator will not have access to the deferred presentment database until he or she has been certified by the deferred presentment database vendor. The deferred presentment database vendor shall initially provide certification to the provider for one security administrator at no cost. A provider may have one replacement security administrator certified by the deferred presentment database vendor per year at no cost;(c) A provider shall be and remain registered pursuant to part II or part III of chapter 560, F.S., and provide a "Declaration of Intent to Engage in Deferred Presentment Transactions" together with the required fee to the Office of Financial Regulation as provided by rule 69V-560.108, F.A.C.;(2)(a) Every primary business location of a deferred presentment provider and every branch office location of which the Office of Financial Regulation has been notified, shall be permitted to register transactions on the deferred presentment database. The Office of Financial Regulation will provide the deferred presentment database vendor with nightly updates Monday through Friday of each week regarding primary business and branch office locations.(b) It will be the responsibility of each provider's designated security administrator to assign user identification numbers and passwords to those employees at new branch office locations who may register deferred presentment transactions on the deferred presentment database after Form OFR-560-02 (Location Notification Form) as to such branch office location has been provided to the Office of Financial Regulation.(3) The deferred presentment database vendor will make available limited predefined reporting capabilities to providers, but under no circumstances will these reporting capabilities extend beyond transactions entered by that provider. A provider may request additional predefined reports from the deferred presentment database vendor, but the deferred presentment database vendor shall have discretion to deny these requests. Any reports made available on the deferred presentment database by the deferred presentment database vendor for one provider shall be made available to all providers.(4) A provider's access to the Office of Financial Regulation's deferred presentment database, including all branch office locations of such provider, will be restricted by the deferred presentment database vendor at such time as the Office of Financial Regulation provides notice to the deferred presentment database vendor via the nightly licensing information update or electronic mail that the provider's: (a) License pursuant to Part II or Part III of the code is surrendered, revoked, expired, rendered inactive or the licensee is denied renewal of such licensure; or(b) "Declaration of Intent to Engage in Deferred Presentment Transactions" is not renewed with the Office of Financial Regulation.(5) Any provider who has had its access to the Office of Financial Regulation's deferred presentment database restricted shall not have access reinstated until the next business day following resolution of the issue which caused the restriction.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 69V-560.907
Rulemaking Authority 560.105, 560.404 FS. Law Implemented 560.404, 560.4041 FS.
New 4-17-02, Formerly 3C-560.907, Amended by Florida Register Volume 45, Number 221, November 13, 2019 effective 11/28/2019.New 4-17-02, Formerly 3C-560.907, Amended 11-28-19.