Fla. Admin. Code R. 69V-560.7043

Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 69V-560.7043 - Check Cashing Database Availability
(1) The check cashing database shall be accessible 24 hours a day every day of the year except for routine scheduled system maintenance and upgrades performed by the check cashing database vendor. During times of scheduled maintenance or system upgrades, check cashers will be given no less than 24 hours notice in the form of electronic mail to the designated administrator for each check casher or a broadcast message on the check cashing database website.
(2) In the event the check cashing database is unavailable, check cashers shall adhere to the following procedures:
(a) The check casher shall be authorized to conduct transactions during the specific period of unavailability;
(b) The check casher shall confirm that the check cashing database remains unavailable by attempting to access the check cashing database with every person seeking a check cashing transaction unless they have been notified via electronic mail by the check cashing database vendor of an expected period of time necessary to correct whatever problem is causing the check cashing database to remain unavailable;
(c) Transactions conducted during a period of unavailability must be submitted to the check cashing database within 24 hours of notification by the check cashing database vendor, that the check cashing database is available; provided, however, that if the check cashing database is unavailable for more than 24 hours, then the period for submission shall be extended by 24 hours for each additional 24-hour period of unavailability.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 69V-560.7043

Rulemaking Authority 560.105, 560.310 FS. Law Implemented 560.310 FS.

Adopted by Florida Register Volume 41, Number 189, September 29, 2015 effective 10/12/2015, Amended by Florida Register Volume 45, Number 221, November 13, 2019 effective 11/28/2019.

New 10-12-15, Amended 11-28-19.