Fla. Admin. Code R. 69K-7.0095

Current through Reg. 51, No. 009; January 14, 2025
Section 69K-7.0095 - Preneed Trust Fund; Financial Reports
(1) All preneed licensees shall ensure that any entity that served as trustee beginning January 1, 2017, or thereafter for the preneed licensee's preneed trust, pursuant to Sections 497.458(1) and (2), F.S., shall, by no later than April 1st of the following calendar year, file an annual report on Form DFS-N1-2183, Preneed Trust Fund, Annual Trustee Report (Effective 03/19), for all or portion of the calendar year in which it acted as trustee of the trust. This form is incorporated by reference in Rule 69K-1.001, F.A.C., and can be obtained via the Department's website at https://myfloridacfo.com/Division/funeralcemetery/.
(2) The trustee may also submit the annual report in a format that will be acceptable to the Division if it provides no less information than that required by Form DFS-N1-2183. Additionally, any entity that served as trustee for the preneed licensee's trust in a calendar year must maintain a list of receipts showing the date and amount of any disbursement made during the applicable calendar year, and retain such documentation for a period of at least five (5) years.

Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 69K-7.0095

Rulemaking Authority 497.103(2)(a), (c), (4), 497.458(1)(k) FS. Law Implemented 497.103(2)(a), (4), 497.458 FS.

Adopted by Florida Register Volume 45, Number 186, September 24, 2019 effective 10/6/2019.

New 10-6-19.