Section 64B24-6.005 - Criteria for Continuing Education Programs(1) Any institution, organization, agency or individual approved by the department to provide continuing education programs to midwives for the purpose of licensure renewal shall demonstrate such programs comply with the following criteria: (a) Programs shall have clinical relevance to the practice of midwifery;(b) Programs shall be at least 1 clock-hour in duration;(c) Programs shall have an organized structure with objectives and expected outcomes; and,(d) Presenters, instructors and facilitators of programs shall be recognized professionals such as physicians, nurses, certified nurse midwives, psychologists, or licensed midwives.(2) The following programs which meet the requirements of subsection (1) of this rule are approved for renewal of license;(a) Programs sponsored by the American College of Nurse Midwives or the Midwives Alliance of North America;(b) Programs offered by a midwifery training program approved by the agency pursuant to Rules 64B24-4.002 and 64B24-4.006, F.A.C.;(c) Programs sponsored by the Public Health Service;(d) Programs sponsored by the American Red Cross;(e) American Medical Association (AMA) or American Osteopathic Association (AOA) Category I programs;(f) Programs sponsored by the American Psychological Association (APA);(g) Programs sponsored by the American Heart Association;(h) Programs sponsored by the American Cancer Society; and,(i) Programs sponsored by the National Safety Council.(j) Courses that have been pre-approved by the Florida Board of Nursing, Florida Board of Medicine, Florida Board of Osteopathic Medicine, Florida Board of Pharmacy, Florida Board of Psychology, Florida Board of Massage Therapy; Florida Board of Acupuncture, the Dietetic and Nutrition Practice Council of Florida, and the Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling as it pertains to the practice of midwifery.(k) A Florida licensed midwife who resides in another state may obtain the continuing education units required for license renewal from programs approved by the state agencies which regulate licensure of health care professionals in that state providing such programs have clinical relevance to the practice of midwifery and meet the requirements of this section.(l) Videocassette courses up to a maximum of five (5) hours per subject which meet the criteria pursuant to this section.(m) Programs not specifically approved above shall be considered by the department on an individual basis upon written request and sufficient documentation to verify that the program meets the requirements pursuant to Rule 64B24-6.005, F.A.C.(3) To receive approval by the department, courses on domestic violence must be a minimum of 1 hour long, cover the substantive areas set forth in Section 456.031, F.S., as it pertains to the practice of midwifery, and must be approved by a state or federal government agency or professional association within the United States or offered by an approved continuing education provider. Home study courses which meet these requirements will be accepted.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 64B24-6.005
Rulemaking Authority 467.005, 467.012 FS. Law Implemented 456.013, 456.031, 467.012 FS.
New 1-26-94, Formerly 61E 8-6.005, Amended 3-20-96, Formerly 59DD-6.005, Amended 9-10-02, 4-1-09.New 1-26-94, Formerly 61E8-6.005, Amended 3-20-96, Formerly 59DD-6.005, Amended 9-10-02, 4-1-09.