Section 64B15-13.0045 - Standards for Board Approved ProvidersApproved continuing professional education providers and providers authorized pursuant to Rule 64B15-13.004, F.A.C., shall comply with the following requirements:
(1) All courses shall reflect appropriate didactic and clinical training for the subject matter and shall be designed to meet specifically stated educational objectives.(2) Instructors shall be adequately qualified by training, experience or licensure to teach specified courses.(3) Facilities and equipment for each course in which patients are treated during instruction shall be adequate for the subject matter and method of instruction.(4) Course length shall be sufficient to provide meaningful education in the subject matter presented. Continuing education credit shall be rounded to the nearest quarter hour increment.(5) Providers shall provide written certification to each participant who completes a continuing education course or portion of that course which consists of at least 25 minutes of instruction. Certification shall include the participant's name and license number, the provider's name and number, the course title, instructor, location, date offered and hours of continuing education credit awarded, and validation through the signature of the provider, official representative or instructor.(6) Providers shall maintain records of each course offering for 4 years following each licensure biennium during which the course was offered. Course records shall include a course outline which reflects its educational objectives, the instructor's name, the date and location of the course, participants' evaluations of the course, the hours of continuing education credit awarded for each participant and a roster of participants by name and license number.(7) Providers' records and courses shall be subject to Board review. Failure to maintain the standards set forth in this rule shall subject the provider to the suspension or rescission of the providership.(8) Providers shall comply with rules promulgated by the Department of Health concerning the electronic transmission of course attendance information necessary to implement the electronic tracking system.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 64B15-13.0045
Rulemaking Authority 456.025, 456.013(9) FS. Law Implemented 456.025, 456.013(9) FS.
New 8-12-02, Amended by Florida Register Volume 47, Number 101, May 25, 2021 effective 6/9/2021.New 8-12-02, Amended 6-9-21.