The evaluation of Applications shall be based on the criteria set forth in this rule chapter and in Application Form FCT-5 (eff. 2-8-10), incorporated herein by reference. Trust staff will be responsible for evaluating Applications and recommending point scores to the Governing Board. Trust staff shall utilize the information contained in the Application (including exhibits) and all information obtained during its review of the Application for scoring recommendations to the Governing Board. Personnel from other state agencies, regional planning councils, water management districts, and other public and private groups may assist the Trust staff in project evaluation as requested by Trust staff on an application-by-application basis. Unless otherwise noted, an Application shall receive all the points assigned to a particular criterion if the criterion is met; no partial scores will be given for a criterion. If a criterion does not apply to the proposed Project Site, the Applicant should state "No" in the response to the criterion.
(1) Furtherance of specified general standards (points may be awarded based on the following criteria): (a) Pre-acquired. The entire Project Site has been acquired by the Applicant through a voluntarily-negotiated transaction within 24 months prior to the Application deadline (10 points).(b) The Project Site has not been the subject of a land use or zoning change that would allow an increase of either allowable density or intensity within the last three (3) years prior to the Application deadline (5 points).(c) Phased Project. The Project Site is adjacent (or adjacent through public ownership) to a previous project that was acquired with Trust funding such that it constitutes a Phased Project (5 points).(d) Providing a greater share of the Match. The Applicant is committed to:1. Provide a Match between 40 percent to 49 percent of the Project Costs, or, for small Local Governments as defined in subparagraph 62-818.003(8)(c) 1., F.A.C., and eligible non-profit applicants, a Match between 10 percent and 19 percent of the Project Costs (10 points), or2. Provide a Match between 50 percent to 59 percent of the Project Costs, or, for small Local Governments as defined in subparagraph 62-818.003(8)(c) 1., F.A.C., and eligible non-profit applicants a Match between 20 percent and 29 percent of the Project Costs (20 points), or3. Provide a Match for 60 percent or more of the Project Costs, or, for small Local Governments as defined in subparagraph 62-818.003(8)(c) 1., F.A.C., and eligible non-profit applicants, a Match for 30 percent or more of the Project Costs (25 points).(e) The grant award amount requested is within the following thresholds. (Points will be awarded on only one of the following criteria):
1. The Applicant is requesting a grant award amount that does not exceed $1,500,000.00 (8 points),2. The Applicant is requesting a grant award amount that does not exceed $2,500,000.00 (4 points),3. The Applicant is requesting a grant award amount that does not exceed $3,500,000.00 (2 points). The Trust will not participate in Project Costs that exceed the grant award amount.
(f) No prior funding. This is the Applicant's first Application to the Trust, or the Applicant has previously submitted an Application that was either not funded or was funded but not acquired. (In the case of a Partnership Application, if any of the partners have received funding and the Project Site was acquired, then no points will be awarded.) (5 points).(g) Innovative Acquisition. The proposed project provides for alternatives to the Acquisition of fee interests in land through the acquisition of at least 25 percent of the acreage of the Project Site with a minimum of five acres through conservation easements (5 points).(2) Furtherance of Outdoor Recreation, natural and cultural resources (points may be awarded based on the following criteria): (a) Providing Outdoor Recreation or open space.1. Provides functional land-based nature, walking, bike, equestrian or multi-use trails: a. A nature, walking, bike, equestrian or multi-use trail is provided on the Project Site (2 points),b. The trail is at least one-half mile in length (5 points),c. Benches are provided along the trail (2 points),d. A water fountain is provided at the trailhead or along the trail (1 point).2. Provides Outdoor Recreation Facilities such as picnic pavilions, fishing piers, boat ramps, wildlife observation platforms, playgrounds, basketball courts, or volleyball courts; (Points will be awarded on only one of the following criteria): a. Provides two different types of recreational facilities (7 points),b. Provides three different types of recreational facilities (8 points), orc. Provides four or more different types of recreational facilities (9 points),3. Provides access facilities to an existing open water shoreline or beach, such as a fishing pier, boat ramp, canoe/kayak launching facility, observation platform, dock or dune walkover, and managed for recreational uses (10 points),4. Furthers Outdoor Recreation, public water access or open space within an Urban Area (points may be awarded based on the following criteria):a. Within an Urban Service Area (5 points),b. Within an Urban Service Area and is also within one-half mile of a built-up commercial or industrial Urban Area (5 points),(b) Connectivity. The Project Site provides for new or enhanced connections to neighborhoods, recreational opportunities or natural areas (points may be awarded based on the following criteria): 1. Will be connected to neighborhoods by an existing sidewalk(s) or a proposed sidewalk(s) that is within an existing right-of-way (5 points),2. Provides Outdoor Recreation areas or open space adjacent to other publicly-owned upland areas, a. Adjacent to existing publicly-owned infrastructure facility, such as a fire station, police station, museum, school or library (3 points),b. Adjacent to existing publicly-owned conservation or recreation lands (5 points).3. The Project Site is adjacent to publicly-owned lands, excluding road right-of-ways, that contain a Recreational Trail that connects to an existing local, regional or statewide land-based Recreational Trail System or lands that are located within the Preferred Routing corridor of the Florida National Scenic Trail (5 points),4. The Project Site is adjacent to publicly-owned lands that expand a local, regional or statewide Ecological Corridors (5 points),5. Enhances a State Designated Paddling Trail by providing facilities, including a paddling trail sign, canoe/kayak launch, and restrooms (5 points).(c) Providing educational opportunities. The Project Site provides for environmental or historical educational opportunities (points may be awarded based on the following criteria): 1. Provides an interpretive kiosk that educates visitors about the natural environment or unique history of the area (5 points),2. Provides at least six environmental or historical education classes or programs per year at the Project Site conducted by trained educators or resource professionals (3 points),3. Includes a staffed Neighborhood Recreation Center, nature center or museum building that provides year-round educational classes or programming: (Points will be awarded on only one of the following criteria), a. The construction of a new building of at least 1, 000 square feet to house a staffed Neighborhood Recreation Center, nature center or museum building that provides year-round educational classes or programming (2 points).b. The construction of a new building of at least 1, 000 square feet designed and constructed to meet the U.S. Green Building Council's (USGBCs) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDTM) Green Building Rating System for New Construction and Major Renovations Version 2.2, to house a staffed Neighborhood Recreation Center, nature center or museum building that provides year-round educational classes or programming (3 points).c. The use of an existing building, that contains at least 1, 000 square feet of enclosed area, for a staffed Neighborhood Recreation Center, nature center or museum building that provides year-round educational classes or programming ( 6 points).d. The use of an existing building, that contains at least 1, 000 square feet of enclosed area, for a staffed Neighborhood Recreation Center, nature center or museum building that provides year-round educational classes or programming and retrofitted to meet the U.S. Green Building Council's (USGBCs) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDTM) Green Building Rating System for New Construction and Major Renovations Version 2.2 ( 7 points).(d) Protecting natural and biological resources. The Project Site protects natural and biological resources (points may be awarded based on the following criteria): 1. Seventy percent of the Project Site contains predominantly Natural Communities that have not been impacted by human disturbance or alteration (5 points),2. Contains a Locally Significant Natural Area as identified by the Florida Natural Areas Inventory (3 points), 3. Contains Habitat recognized as typically suitable for one or more Listed Animal Species (5 points),4. Contains Habitat recognized as typically suitable for one or more Listed Animal Species and is located in a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area, as identified by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. (Points will be awarded on only one of the following criteria), a. The Project Site contains Habitat recognized as typically suitable for one or more Listed Animal Species and less than twenty-five percent of the Project Site is currently located in, or was located in at the time of acquisition, a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area, as identified by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (2 points).b. The Project Site contains Habitat recognized as typically suitable for one or more Listed Animal Species and twenty-five to forty-nine percent of the Project Site is currently located in, or was located in at the time of acquisition, a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area, as identified by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (4 points).c. The Project Site contains Habitat recognized as typically suitable for one or more Listed Animal Species and fifty percent or more of the Project Site is currently located in, or was located in at the time of acquisition, a Strategic Habitat Conservation Area, as identified by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (7 points).5. Contains land that will be managed in cooperation with Florida Division of Forestry's Forest Stewardship Program (3 points).6. Contains priority habitat as identified by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWCC) and managed in cooperation with FWCC's Landowner Assistance Program (5 points).(e) Vegetative enhancement. The Project Site provides for new or enhanced landscaping or restoration (points may be awarded based on the following criteria): 1. Planting disturbed uplands with native vegetation (Points will be awarded on only one of the following criteria): a. At least 1 acre of the disturbed upland area will be planted with native vegetation (2 points),b. At least 5 acres of the disturbed upland area will be planted with native vegetation (5 points),c. At least 10 acres of the disturbed upland area will be planted with native vegetation (7 points),2. Planting disturbed shorelines with native vegetation (Points will be awarded on only one of the following criteria): a. At least 150 linear feet of the disturbed shoreline will be planted with native vegetation (1 point),b. At least 300 linear feet of the disturbed shoreline will be planted with native vegetation (2 points),c. At least 600 linear feet of the disturbed shoreline will be planted with native vegetation (4 points), (f) Water quality. The Project Site provides for the protection or enhancement of water quality (points may be awarded based on the following criteria): 1. The project will improve the quality of surface waters or address current flooding problems occurring on, adjacent or in close proximity to the Project Site in a park like or natural setting (3 points),2. The Project Site is adjacent to and will protect Outstanding Florida Waters as designated by the Department (5 points),3. The Project Site will protect Class I Waters as identified by the Department of Environmental Protection (3 points).(g) Historical resources. The Project Site protects or enhances historic resources (points may be awarded based on the following criteria):1. Contains a site listed in the Florida Master Site File with the Division of Historical Resources (2 points),2. Contains a resource that is listed on the Florida Master Site File and has been evaluated by the Division of Historical Resources as meeting the criteria for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (5 points),3. Contains a resource that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places by the National Park Service (7 points).(3) Furtherance of Community Planning (points may be awarded based on the following criteria):(a) Local Comprehensive Plan. Acquisition of the Project Site will assist the Local Government in furthering the Local Comprehensive Plan directives. When used in this part, the term "furthered" means that proposed project(s) will assist the Local Government in realizing the objectives or policies of the Local Comprehensive Plan. For each criterion that is furthered by an objective or policy of the Local Comprehensive Plan, the objective or policy number is to be cited in the response to the criterion and a copy of the objective or policy, and any associated exhibits or documents, shall be included as an exhibit as provided in this rule chapter. If the Project Site is located entirely in one jurisdiction, the Local Comprehensive Plan of the jurisdiction shall be evaluated for scoring purposes. If the Project Site is located in two or more jurisdictions, the Local Comprehensive Plan of either jurisdiction shall be compared for compatibility and evaluated for scoring purposes and if either jurisdiction's Local Comprehensive Plan is furthered then points shall be awarded. Points may be awarded based on the following criteria: 1. Provides acreage or outdoor recreational facilities necessary to maintain or improve adopted levels of service standards for recreation or open space (5 points).2. Ensures acquisition of natural areas or open space through public acquisition (5 points).3. Provides new or enhanced public access to existing water bodies or saltwater beaches (5 points).4. Provides for new or enhanced Greenways, Ecological Corridors or Recreational Trail Systems, including but not limited to the Florida National Scenic Trail system (5 points).5. Ensures the preservation of Natural Communities or Listed Animal Species Habitat (5 points).6. Provides for restoration or enhancement of degraded natural areas, such as restoration of Natural Communities, restoration of natural hydrology, or removal of non-native vegetation (5 points).7. Ensures the protection or enhancement of surface water quality (5 points).8. Ensures the preservation of historical, cultural or archaeological features on the Project Site (5 points).9. Provides for the redevelopment of a locally designated urban infill, urban redevelopment or downtown revitalization area as defined in section 163.3164, F.S. (5 points).(b) Hazard Mitigation. The proposed project furthers hazard mitigation: 1. All or a portion of the project site is located in a Coastal High Hazard Area or a 100-year flood plain (points will be awarded on only one of the following criteria): a. Up to 25 percent of the Project Site is located in a 100-year flood plain or a Coastal High Hazard Area (2 points).b. At least 25 percent but less than 50 percent of the Project Site is located in a 100-year flood plain or a Coastal High Hazard Area (3 points).c. At least 50 percent but less than 75 percent of the Project Site is located in a 100-year flood plain or a Coastal High Hazard Area (4 points).d. Over 75 percent of the Project Site is located in a 100-year flood plain or a Coastal High Hazard Area (5 points).2. Provides recreational opportunities or open space areas within a state-designated brownfield area (5 points).3. Military Base Buffering. The proposed Project Site buffers a Major Military Installation while providing land-use compatible recreational and open space opportunity to the public. (Points will be awarded on only one of the following criteria): a. The Project Site is adjacent to a Major Military Installation (12 points).b. The Project Site is located within one mile of a Major Military Installation (7 points).c. The Project Site is located within two miles of a Major Military Installation (2 points). To receive points for this criterion, the Applicant must provide a letter from the base commander that the proposed conceptual site plan is an acceptable land use to buffer the base.
(c) Priority investment areas and special state-designated areas. The Project Site is located in one or more of the following special designated areas and will provide new or enhanced Outdoor Recreation or open space:1. Within an area designated as a "Front Porch Community" (10 points).2. Within an area designated as an active "Florida Main Street Community" (5 points).3. Within an area designated as a current or previously designated "Waterfront Florida Community" (5 points).4. Within an area defined as a "Low-Income Community" under rule 9K-7.002, F.A.C. (10 points).5. Within an area designated as a "Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern" (10 points).6. Within the boundary of a locally designated Community Redevelopment Area as defined in section 163.340, F.S., and furthers the adopted redevelopment plan. (5 points).7. Within a designated or previously designated "Area of Critical State Concern" under section 380.05, F.S. (5 points).(4) The proposed project furthers and exemplifies "project excellence." Up to 10 points, based on issues that support the goals of the Trust, but such issues are not adequately addressed by the evaluation criteria established in this rule such as whether the proposed project exhibits strong community-based support, possesses exemplary characteristics, exemplifies regional cooperation between local governments, assists an otherwise disadvantaged community, or voluntarily helps resolve land use conflicts.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 62-818.007
Rulemaking Authority 380.507(11) FS. Law Implemented 259.105, 380.510 FS.
New 5-27-01, Amended 5-20-02, 2-7-05, 2-19-07, 2-8-10, Formerly 9K-7.007, Amended 6-10-13.New 5-27-01, Amended 5-20-02, 2-7-05, 2-19-07, 2-8-10, Formerly 9K-7.007, Amended 6-10-13.